All Mental health articles – Page 179

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    Independent sector falls down on data


    A level playing field is the holy grail of trust managers who see themselves as competing with the private sector for clinical work. Key to that is confidence that patients and their GPs will be able to make informed choices about where they should go for treatment.

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    Cross the divide and rule


    Chief executives have switched between primary care and acute trusts. Jenifer Taylor examines how the roles and the demands differ, looks at the reasons behind the moves and discusses with three top managers their plans

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Solid data bears comparison


    Hospital discharge planning decisions need hard facts to back them up, as Mathew Mackenzie and Marion Scholes explain

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    Report calls for 50pc funding boost


    Spending on mental health services needs to rise by an extra 50 per cent if the government's targets in the national service framework are to be achieved, according to a leading charity.

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    New bursary scheme announced


    The Department for Health has announced changes to the September 2007 NHS bursary scheme.Rent will become a deductible expense for all student nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and medical and dental students, when calculating their childcare allowances.The changes have been agreed with unions, and they include an increase in the ...

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    Not enough mental health facilities for young people


    Young people with mental health problems are still being treated inappropriately on adult wards because of a lack of inpatient facilities for under-18s.A report by the Children's Commissioner for England says that despite significant investment in child and adolescent mental health services, services are often unable to respond to emergencies.Children ...

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    Nursing code gets overhaul


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council is reviewing its rulebook for UK nurses and midwives. The Code of Conduct is to be made clearer and updated to reflect today's healthcare needs.The draft code was agreed in December and the NMC will be holding a series of focus groups and seminars around ...

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    Report calls for more support for employing disabled people


    Employers should be trained in the support available in employing a disabled person, according to the Public Accounts Committee.A report on the Department for Work and Pension's support for disabled people says more flexible employment advice should be given to disabled people, that current service provision is patchy and that ...

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    Commission appoints new head of independent healthcare


    The Healthcare Commission has appointed Jon Billings as head of independent healthcare.Mr Billing has been acting in the post since March 2006 and was previously in charge of the Commission's London and South East Region operations team.He takes the role as the commission moves to inspecting fewer independent healthcare sites ...

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    Guidelines aim to tackle medicine supply problems


    The government and the pharmaceutical industry have joined forces to beat medicine supply problems in England.The Department of Health, the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry and the British Generic Manufacturers Association have produced guidelines to ensure unavoidable shortages are handled more collaboratively in the future.Read the guidelines here

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    Rotherham chief executive Brian James on why Gerry Robinson can't fix the NHS


    'Disappointingly, Sir Gerry never seized the opportunity to explore and challenge consultants as to how they could be more efficient and productive, which is ultimately the key to eradicating waiting times. The opportunity was sacrificed for a much simpler story of consultants versus managers, with both sides presented as stereotypes.'

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    A prescription for professionalism


    What ideas like NHS independence lack is not the eye-catching headline or even the fine detail but the implementation and local connection

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    Legal briefing: why mental health reforms will create a dual regulatory system


    Service providers need to prepare for with changing mental health legislation

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    Winners of the Health Foundation Leadership Fellows award scheme


    Sixteen healthcare professionals have been selected to join the Health Foundation's prestigious Leadership Fellows award scheme.

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    Trust chiefs warned on race compliance


    The Commission for Racial Equality is going to get tougher on NHS organisations that fail to meet race relations legislation, according to NHS chief executive David Nicholson.He has written to trust chief executives to alert them that the CRE 'will be taking a more proactive stance in exercising their enforcement ...

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    Leicester chief to go private


    Leicestershire Partnership trust chief executive Professor Maggie Cork is to leave the NHS after 20 years to join Four Seasons Health Care as managing director of its Huntercombe Group subsidiary specialised services division for conditions such as mental health and addictions, physical and neurodisabilities, brain injury rehabilitation and children's services.

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    Mental health spending must rise, warns Sainsbury Centre


    Spending on mental health services should increase by 50 per cent and 38 per cent more staff are needed if the government is to meet 2000's 10-year national service framework plan, according to a report from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health.The report, Delivering ...

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    Mental health and ministerial promises


    Why should the Government be believed when it hints at non-statutory answers to some of the issues around reform of mental health law (Michael White column, 4 January, page 10). The evidence tells us that we should be very wary of trusting them.

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    Proper workforce planning needed, says BMA chair


    British Medical Association chair James Johnson has called on the government to reinstate proper workforce planning - or risk wasting millions of pounds of public money.Speaking at the BMA's 'State of the NHS' briefing, Mr Johnson said: 'In 2008 the year-on-year significant rise in additional NHS resources will fall back ...

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    Mental Health Bill enters Lords


    The controversial Mental Health Bill starts its committee stage in the House of Lords today. Liberal Democrat Peer Lord Carlile has warned that it faces defeat unless some major amendments are made.A list of amendments to the bill can be found here