All Mental health articles – Page 181

  • News

    Michael White on politics


    'Alan Johnson's been put there to talk to staff and take people with him, explains one ally'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Labour MPs like Johnson, indeed they would have made him deputy leader'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Alan Johnson is keen on neglected causes like stroke so his startling brevity in the debate implies no disrespect'

  • News

    Michael white on politics


    'The GMC last month took the historic step of abandoning the principle of self-regulation. It has yet to do so officially'

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair made an interesting speech in Nottingham the other day, entitled 'Healthy Living: whose responsibility?'. It didn't get a lot of attention in the newspapers that I read, though Number 10 tells me that such discussions generate huge local attention as they affect real people's real lives.

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    Michael White on politics


    'Voters are losing patience with Labour's performance - and its excuses'

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    Media watch


    The paper suggested that any 'sentient being' would be so aghast at the details of the Cornwall report that they would immediately want to turn to the sports pages

  • News

    Media watch


    The Suncalled it the 'Doctors' check-up' and the Daily Expressan 'MOT to weed out dodgy doctors'.

  • News

    Media watch


    Another week and another revelation about the Department of Health's troubled IT programme, this time from a very unlikely source.

  • News

    Media Watch


    The Department of Health is the second worst-performing government department, The Times told its readers at the weekend. It reported that the review by business leaders and public sector chiefs commissioned by cabinet secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell was damning about the DoH's 'lack of direction'.

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    Media Watch


    Given the arrival of a new prime minister and health secretary, most papers offered their advice to Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson.

  • News

    Media Watch


    'The Daily Express claimed nurses were 'close to working to rule', saying: 'The move comes after nurses in England were denied the full 2.5 per cent pay rise given to colleagues in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for doing exactly the same work''

  • News

    Media watch


    So we're at last going to see an end to junk food advertising aimed at children. And with the announcement came the expected outcry from companies that make their money selling bad food to kids, as well as health professionals who say the new rules will not go far enough.

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    Media Watch


    Your caring, sharing News of the Worldthis week chose to reveal that David Beckham's son Romeo suffers from epilepsy by splashing with a front-page picture of the four-year-old cowering from the paparazzi's flash guns.

  • News

    Media Watch


    Thousands of junior doctors are to be shipped abroad, The Daily Telegraph said this week as it claimed 'up to 10,000 young doctors unable to find NHS jobs could be offered voluntary work overseas'.

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    Media Watch


    What Gordon Brown's premiership will mean for the health service has yet to be seen, but one thing is certain: the NHS is bound for more tumultuous times.

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    Media watch


    The Timesreported that the proposed deal has 'astonished critics of Novation in the US'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Outcomes measures tools


    A range of good quality outcomes measures tools exist to help us collect information in a structured and evidence-based way. These tools contain a set of questions - the same questions are answered at agreed points in a person's care over time in order to track changes. People coming into ...

  • News

    Target-chasing managers suffer 'pathological' levels of stress


    Too many new policies, a lack of coherent strategy and invasive performance management are creating 'pathological' levels of stress among NHS middle managers, an NHS Confederation report has warned.

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    Your Humble Servant: the new SHA


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Strategic hip authority