All Mental health articles – Page 190

  • News

    New pay-off packages to reflect length of service


    New redundancy and retirement packages based on length of service rather than age have been agreed by the Department of Health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Major research initiative launched for policy makers and managers


    The Health Foundation's five-year, £2.5m QQUIP research initiative to help healthcare policy makers, managers, clinicians, researchers and patient groups to better understand and make informed decisions about how to improve healthcare quality will go online next month.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Research shows how patient involvement can improve healthcare quality


    Involve the patient for better health outcomes and efficiency. That's the strategy suggested by new research from the Health Foundation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Out of harm's way: developing the PICU


    Psychiatric intensive care units are meant to serve patients who are too ill for general inpatient treatment. Emma Dent investigates how they are developing their role in the absence of mandatory standards

  • News

    PbR 'fundamentally flawed' says coding chief


    The current system of payment by results is 'fundamentally flawed and unacceptable' the head of the Professional Association of Clinical Coders warned last week.

  • News

    New regulations on mental capacity research


    The government has responded to the consultation on the Mental Capacity Act draft regulations, governing people with impaired mental capacity and their involvement in research work.The response covers proposals for appointing a body to oversee research arrangements for people who previously gave consent, then subsequently lost the mental capacity to ...

  • News

    Call to scrap funding formula


    The NHS funding formula is based on an untested scientific premise and should be scrapped, the chief economic advisor to the Department of Health was told last week.

  • Comment

    Efficiency indicators do not tell the story behind the numbers


    The comprehensive spending review is no longer the distant event it once seemed - the coming financial squeeze makes a numbers game out of the next 18 months or so.

  • News

    Efficiency savings costed at £2.2bn


    The Department of Health is to expand the number of productivity indicators on which trusts are compared as the first set of figures revealed the NHS could save £2.2bn a year if it improved its efficiency.

  • News

    Inappropriate admissions: guidance to urge 12.5pc cut


    The prime minister's delivery unit is taking a key role in shaping 'crisp' new guidance for primary care trusts to reduce inappropriate hospital admissions and save over £1.4bn a year.

  • News

    Unions demand 'decent' pay increase


    The 14 unions that make up the NHS Staff Council staff side have blasted a 1.5 per cent pay rise the Department of Health is predicted to propose. In a joint press conference the unions outlined their case for a 'decent' pay rise based on ...

  • News

    Homeless people lack health support


    Eight out of 10 homeless people do not know where to get health support to help with drug, alcohol or mental health problems, according to a homeless charity. Research carried out by Broadway on the impact its healthy living centre has on homeless and vulnerably ...

  • News

    Private finance guidance for trusts published


    New draft guidance which will help NHS trusts select, evaluate and appoint private sector bidders in private finance schemes has been published by the Department of Health.The guidance has been developed in conjunction with the Treasury, private sector contractors and managers of NHS organisations that have been through private finance ...

  • News

    NHS could save £2.2bn by tackling inefficiency


    The NHS could save up to £2.2bn if trusts take steps to address wide variations in productivity and efficiency.The Department of Health has published its Better care, better valueindicators, which show trust-by-trust performance against a range of measures.Reducing unnecessary admissions could unlock £348m, and ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    News analysis: Five years and billions of pounds later, what has changed since Wanless?


    Sir Derek Wanless's 2002 report prompted the chancellor to pump billions into the health service - but called for reform too. Now he is back to pack another punch by examining how wisely the money was spent and set out lessons for the future. Daniel Martin reports

  • News

    Raj persaud on gender


    'The female is often enduring several sacrifices to make the relationship work and the male isn't'

  • News

    Only two top scorers in first year of healthcheck ratings


    Just two organisations, both of them foundation trusts, have scored top marks in the first healthcheck ratings by the Healthcare Commission.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Positive risk-taking to end long-term stays


    Mental health: Look Ahead Housing and Care

  • News

    Flint urges shops to weigh in on public health effort


    Businesses, shops and employers must be drawn into efforts to improve public health, the government said this week.

  • News

    Website promises easier comparisons to promote public understanding


    The Healthcare Commission today launched a new web service designed to allow the public to make easy national and local comparisons about the state of NHS services.