Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust – Page 9

  • Rebecca Kenny
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: Cutting the rate of surgical site wound infections


    A roundtable by HSJ and Nursing Times during the Patient Safety Congress focused on how to reduce the high toll on health and finances caused by complications in post-operative care

  • Value in Healthcare Awards trophy 2014

    HSJ Awards 2016 shortlist unveiled


    We have today revealed the shortlist for the 2016 HSJ Awards.

  • Surgery

    Wide variation found in emergency specialist surgery mortality rates


    Thirty day mortality rates for emergency bowel surgery vary between 20.7pc and 3.2pc at best and worst performing hospitals Quarter of hospitals do not admit high risk patients to critical care post-surgery in recommended timeframe Six per cent annual drop in most urgent patients reaching theatre within two hours ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Revealed: Funding for each success regime area


    Funding for success regimes largely spent on consultants, legal advice and establishing small core programme teams Sources tell HSJ funding is welcome but “modest” compared to challenges the areas face NHS England has allocated just over £20m to the three areas in the national success regime programme to ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Health and Care Trust

    Analysis: The 10 trusts with most improved patient experience


    HSJ analysis shows the trusts where patient experience improved in the most areas of the national inpatient experience survey year on year Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust came top of in list of most improved trusts Top two most improved trusts both in special measures HSJ analysis has identified ...

  • Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

    High performing trust bosses asked to 'peer review' others


    NHS Improvement has asked 30 providers to take part in governance reviews at other trusts A number of specific reviews to be commissioned in coming months Reviews will be supported by external consultants Regulators have asked chief executives and chairs at “high performing” trusts to take part in ...

  • Prof David Fish

    Regulators warned over 'mixed messages' to success regime


    UCLPartners boss sets out concerns to Jim Mackey after experience with Essex success regime Sir David Fish cites unrealistic targets and insufficient central support for areas driving major reconfiguration Warns regulators that “old style” approaches would hamper collaboration However, he says he is “very impressed” with recent changes made ...

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

    Trusts named for consultancy turnaround programme


    NHS Improvement has revealed the 16 trusts in the first wave of its £25m turnaround programme.

  • Colchester Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Troubled trust to appoint new chief executive and chair


    HSJ understands CEO and chair from neighbouring Ipswich Hospital are to replace incumbents at Colchester The duo will retain their Ipswich roles, it is understood Move follows regulators announcing trusts were to form a new “long term partnership” If confirmed, Ipswich CEO would become fifth chief at Colchester in ...

  • News

    Revealed: The capital projects deferred in 'undignified scramble'


    £270m of deferred spending identified, much of which relates to projects such as building maintenance, IT infrastructure and the purchase of new equipment. Twenty biggest transfers listed. Download full details of the capital-to-revenue transfers identified Sources told HSJ they are seriously concerned that key capital projects could be jeopardised ...

  • Clare Panniker
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital chief takes on leadership of second trust


    Panniker becomes latest NHS chief to take over second trust She will become chief of both Basildon and Mid Essex Move follows other senior chief executives taking over leadership of other trusts STRUCTURE: Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals Foundation Trust’s well-regarded chief executive Clare Panniker is to ...

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham FT

    Revealed: First digital maturity index scores in full


    This is a full list of trusts’ scores on the new digital maturity index, based on HSJ analysis of NHS England data.

  • Dave West
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Let's hold hands


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • King's College Hospital, Golden Jubile Wing

    Revealed: Trusts told to improve bottom line by tens of millions


    HSJ has obtained financial “control totals” for nearly a third of acute trusts NHS Improvement has already released “sustainability and transformation funding” allocations for every provider for 2016-17 King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust must deliver the biggest improvement compared to 2015-16 Regulators are banking on a major turnaround ...

  • southend hospital

    Hospital shuts beds after CQC raises staffing ratio concerns


    Hospital forced into temporary bed closures after CQC raises concerns about staff shortages Trust also pledged “immediate action” on stroke services to ensure they are safe The trust is offering “golden handshake incentives” for newly qualified nurses in bid to secure more staff PERFORMANCE: Southend University Hospital Foundation ...

  • Clare Panniker
    HSJ Local

    'Lead chief executive' of unprecedented trusts network revealed


    Clare Panniker will head new leadership team running three Essex trusts The financially challenged trusts have combined revenues of £840m Providers need to implement substantial reconfiguration of acute services The work is part of the mid and south Essex success regime Clare Panniker, the chief executive of Basildon ...

  • Hospital at night

    Exclusive: Hospitals forced to cut night cover due to staff shortages


    Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals cuts medical nightshift cover on wards due to vacancies Oxford University Hospitals forced to stop training for one doctor and has ultrasound backlog Monitor insists agency cap is helping trusts and says patient safety remains priority Hospitals have been forced to reduce medical ...

  • Child in A&E

    Thirty worst A&E trusts called to London summit


    NHS Improvement chief raised concerns over “organisations who consistently deliver very low levels of performance” January was “a very difficult month” for A&E departments, Jim Mackey said Trusts “left in no doubt whatsoever that there needs to be a sustained improvement” The 30 worst performers on the accident ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Mid and south Essex faces £216m deficit by 2019


    Projected deficit more than double the £94m forecast for 2015-16 System leaders insist health economy can be balanced by March 2019 Crucial details on service cuts yet to be finalised Mid and south Essex faces a £216m deficit by 2018-19, but system leaders insist the health economy can ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Sir David Dalton named top chief executive for third year


    Third HSJ Top Chief Executives list revealed Sir David Dalton’s achievements at Salford Royal and nationally highlighted by judges Twenty-two women in the list of 50 Sir David Dalton has been named as the leading provider chief executive in the NHS for the third year in a row, ...