All Mid Staffs Inquiry articles – Page 4
Approach to safe staffing 'has not changed enough' since Mid Staffs
Sir Robert Francis QC has criticised NHS Improvement for not producing standardised guidance on safe staffing levels.
Francis: NHS must 'do whatever it takes' to improve staff morale
Sir Robert Francis says lifting pay cap should be part of several measures to improve morale Pay rise would not be worth more if “economy collapses” Sir Robert warns NHS leaders face constant pressure to “balance the books” Lifting the public sector pay cap may be a “mirage” ...
Approach to safe staffing 'has not changed enough' since Mid Staffs
Sir Robert Francis QC has criticised NHS Improvement for not producing standardised guidance on safe staffing levels.
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Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution
UHNM and Royal Wolverhampton trusts both seeking millions in additional funding linked to dissolution of Mid Staffordshire FT UHNM forecasting a year-end deficit of £119m in 2017-18 Mid Staffs trust special administration process ended in March after £300m extra funding Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions ...
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Former chief to chair major teaching hospital trust
A former chief executive has been appointed as chairman of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust.
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Children's lives put at risk at Stafford hospital, royal college warns
Royal college review backs closure of children’s emergency centre Earlier review highlighted “potentially life threatening” management of cases Concerns follow a review in 2006 highlighting similar fears for safety Children’s lives were put at risk because of unsafe emergency services at Stafford Hospital, a review by the Royal ...
HSJ Local
Staffordshire still unsustainable after 'failed' Mid Staffs dissolution
Staffordshire CCGs receiving £15m a year additional support from NHS England University Hospitals of North Midlands is forecasting a deficit of £100m in 2017-18 Trust special administration process described as a “failed experiment” and “zombie policy” NHS organisations in Staffordshire are facing huge deficits after the Mid Staffordshire ...
RCN to separate union and professional roles
RCN to set up two committees to separately lead on professional nursing and trade union issues Reforms follow recommendations in the Francis report that RCN separate its dual roles All members will be able to stand for election to the committees and be eligible to vote. The Royal ...
Expert Briefing
Lintern's Risk Register: Is the NHS losing sight of the patient?
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
STP and forward view plans 'unrealistic', Francis warns
The NHS is facing an “existential crisis” and measures in the Five Year Forward View and sustainability and transformation plans are “unrealistic”, Sir Robert Francis QC has said.
Francis: Top-down pressure on NHS chiefs 'depressingly familiar'
Mid Staffordshire inquiry chair warns of “increasing disconnect between staff and leaders” Sir Robert Francis describes “depressingly familiar” pressure on NHS chief executives Service “manifestly failing” to keep up with demand, he says Sir Robert warns of “existential crisis” facing the NHS amid financial challenges Sir Robert Francis ...
Peter Homa: I would have stayed to lead merged trust
Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief says heroic leaders are “redundant” Peter Homa said the share of GDP funding for the NHS needed to rise He urged new leaders to be transparent and to ask for help when needed Peter Homa would have stayed on as chief executive of ...
Expert Briefing
Lintern's Risk Register: The signal and the noise
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
Expert Briefing
Lintern's Risk Register: Industrialising safety in healthcare
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
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Emergency department to close as part of £245m savings plan
Staffordshire STP outlines plans to close emergency department Savings of £245m will be made by 2021, including service closures STP aims to reduce A&E admissions by 20 per cent An accident and emergency department will close in Staffordshire along with 100 community hospital beds, according to the Staffordshire ...
Expert Briefing
Lintern's Risk Register: Nice one Jim, now let's see results
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
Expert Briefing
Lintern's Risk Register: Does the NHS have its eyes wide shut?
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
Exclusive: Chief nurse 'will intervene to back nursing directors on staffing levels'
NHS Improvement says safe staffing guidance will be evidence based Ruth May says she will intervene to support directors of nursing in decisions Work follows the suspension of safe nurse staffing work by NICE in 2015 NHS Improvement’s chief nurse will intervene to back nursing directors where they ...
Exclusive: Robert Francis calls for regulation of senior managers
Sir Robert Francis says senior managers should be regulated as part of a reformed system The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry chair also questions the fit and proper person test Calls for professional regulators to change their focus to do more for patient safety Senior NHS managers should be ...
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Stafford hospital children's emergency services to be reviewed
Royal college to review children’s emergency service at Stafford hospital after safety fears led to suspension Trust has opened new minor injuries unit to treat children but those with severe illnesses will be transferred Report to be published next year after trust visit and analysis of data A ...