All Mid Staffs Inquiry articles – Page 5
HSJ Local
Stafford hospital A&E stops seeing children amid safety fears
University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust says Stafford A&E department is unsafe due to shortage of specialist paediatric staff Concerns echo those raised in August 2006 when a peer review warned of “immediate risks” to children due to a lack of staff Staff shortages include doctors and nurses trained ...
Criminalisation of healthcare professionals: do patients benefit?
Internal assurance processes are vital to ensure criminal liability is not unfairly biased against healthcare professionals in the event of an accident
CQC failing to record duty of candour breaches
Patient safety charity found CQC only offers improvement recommendations to 41 per cent of trusts criticised under duty of candour Seven per cent of CQC reports made no mention of duty of candour CQC looking to improve oversight of duty of candour concerns The Care Quality Commission has ...
Trusts may face financial penalties for over-recruiting staff
Sixty-three provider trusts identified for excess pay bill growth since 2014 and face potential cuts of £356m This has been calculated by halving the excess growth above the level of inflation since 2015-16 One chief executive says NHS Improvement’s figures ignored the historical baseline of poor staffing More ...
Expert Briefing
Lintern’s Risk Register: Through the looking glass, nothing is what it seems
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
NHS Improvement directors seek to clarify position on staffing levels
NHS Improvement directors issue statement following Jim Mackey’s comments in HSJ interview Individual trusts responsible for judgements on staffing levels “within the funds available” Statement shows intention to use non-registered workforce to support nurses on wards NHS Improvement directors have sought to clarify the regulator’s position on staffing ...
Royal colleges 'shocked' by Mackey staffing levels comments
Royal colleges criticise NHS Improvement chief executive for saying some standards are only “aspirational” Safe staffing experts say Jim Mackey contradicted clinical evidence based guidelines One college president says NHS trusts should reject “shabby suggestion” and speak out on funding crisis Royal colleges and workforce experts have severely ...
Regulator calls for 'step change' in incident investigations
CQC urges co-operation across NHS bodies and passes its review to the new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch CQC report finds families and staff routinely omitted from investigations Recommends investigations focus on identifying the underlying causes of failures The Care Quality Commission has called for a “step change” improvement ...
Expert Briefing
Lintern’s Risk Register: Reducing workforce while demand is rising is unsafe
Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern
Medical examiners 'would have spotted Mid Staffs earlier'
Pilots in Sheffield and Gloucestershire reveal benefits of medical examiner service Four fifths of medical causes of death recorded by doctors were changed after being reviewed Medical examiners have helped identify patient safety issues requiring action by providers Poor care at the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust would have ...
Complainants’ voices are as muted as ever
Little has changed for people with grievances against the NHS
NHS Improvement to allow local power over nurse staffing levels
The NHS should allow local discretion on nurse staffing levels but trusts will be expected to report against outcome measures to support patient care, according to an NHS Improvement director.
Medical examiners could lead to thousands more inquests
Medical examiners service could increase number of inquests by 20,000 a year Royal College of Pathologists president warns of a lack of capacity in the system 385 medical examiners will be recruited to work part-time alongside support staff Department of Health says work ongoing to fund increased coroner workload ...
Hunt: Trusts to start publishing avoidable mortality rates this month
Jeremy Hunt tells international summit that avoidable rates for each trusts will be published this month Mr Hunt says push for openness and “no blame” culture part of NHS learning from incidents Experts have previously warned avoidable mortality rates for trusts would be “meaningless” NHS hospitals in England ...
'Francis effect' continues to push up nurse recruitment
Workforce data shows year on year increase in qualified nursing staff in September 2015 Total number of employed nursing staff was larger than any previous September since 2009 Data also shows significant falls in district nursing, mental health and numbers of nurse consultants The NHS is continuing to ...
The NHS must stop victimising bereaved families
Bereaved families of systemic failure-related deaths have far too often become second victims, due to the NHS’s misguided secrecy and focus on reputation management, writes Shaun Lintern
CQC criticised for errors leading to trust's £200k 'fit and proper person' bill
Derby Teaching Hospitals chair calls for CQC to rethink its handling of fit and proper person complaints CQC failed to pass on vital information and is blamed for doubling cost of investigation Derby chief executive Sue James exonerated and called “exemplary” by report Serious concerns have been raised ...
Mid Staffs trust pleads guilty over patient deaths
The former Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust has today pleaded guilty to charges brought under health and safety legislation relating to four patient deaths.
Exclusive: Stafford child death investigation to consider case for new inquest
An independent review into the death of a three-year-old boy at Stafford Hospital will examine whether there should be a second inquest after its terms of reference were expanded, HSJ has learned.
Expert view: Is the pendulum of care inspection swinging back?
HSJ care quality correspondent Will Hazell says the Care Quality Commission’s proposal to move to a less hands-on inspection system will be a tough test for its ability to use information.