All Mid Staffs Inquiry articles – Page 6
Mid Staffs trust to face criminal charges over patient deaths
The former Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust is to face criminal charges in relation to the deaths of four patients.
Growth of nurse workforce slows as 'NHS finances bite'
The growth rate in NHS nurse numbers in England has halved this year compared to last year, with experts claiming the slowdown could mark a return to trusts prioritising budgets over safe staffing.
Four reasons why the TDA's alliance with Virginia Mason is a bad idea
What must be considered
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Paramedic struck off over 'offensive' Stafford Hospital Facebook posts
A West Midlands paramedic has been struck off after posting on Facebook that he hoped Julie Bailey, who helped expose poor care at Stafford Hospital, would suffer ‘a life threatening illness’.
Exclusive: NICE to publish A&E staffing guidance not wanted by NHS England
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence will publish recommended nurse staffing levels for accident and emergency departments despite being asked by NHS England to drop the work, HSJ can reveal.
Exclusive: Leaked NHS England study links nursing numbers and care quality
A leaked NHS England study has revealed a significant relationship between the number of nurses on duty in hospitals and 40 indicators of patient care and outcomes.
Revealed: NICE safe staffing work cost £1m
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence spent nearly £1m on its work to develop nurse safe staffing guidelines for the NHS, HSJ has learned.
'Safe staffing' move took national nurses by surprise
Senior national and regional nursing leaders were taken by surprise by Simon Stevens’ announcement that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s work on safe staffing guidance was to be stopped, it has emerged.
Exclusive: NICE suspends work on nurse staffing levels
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has suspended with immediate effect its work to determine safe staffing levels across the NHS, HSJ can reveal.
HSE criticised for ‘arbitrary’ decision not to intervene at Morecambe Bay
The Health and Safety Executive has been criticised for not intervening over the deaths of mothers and babies at the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust.
Full HCA registration 'inevitable', says care review author
New training standards for healthcare assistants should be made mandatory as part of a journey towards ‘inevitable’ full registration of the care workforce, the author of the Cavendish review has said.
Avoidable harm bill becomes law today
A new law on avoidable harm in health and social care is set to receive royal assent today.
Training special report: The art of course learning
Training must focus on outcomes to be effective
Exclusive: NHS reorganisations ‘contribute’ to poor care, says Kirkup
NHS reorganisations are a ‘contributory factor’ in poor patient care, the chair of the independent inquiry into failings at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust has said.
Leaked report exposes Staffordshire's 'oppressive culture'
A leaked report has delivered a damning verdict on the NHS leadership in Staffordshire, describing the health economy as beset with an ‘oppressive culture’ and in ‘perpetual crisis mode’.
HSJ Knowledge
Unleash workforce creativity with staff engagement building blocks
The King’s Fund proposes ways to build confidence among the workforce to lead on safety
Exclusive: Medical examiners help expose patient safety risks
Medical examiners working in pilot areas in England have exposed clinical incidents, poor staffing and fatal infections that have led to deaths on hospital wards, according to research shared with HSJ.
Exclusive interview: Francis insists whistleblowing measures have 'teeth'
New legal powers and regulations brought in over the last 18 months will provide ‘the stick’ to force the NHS to change the way it treats whistleblowers, Sir Robert Francis QC has told HSJ.
Francis unveils plan to fix 'serious problem' of NHS's whistleblower treatment
A new national independent officer’s role should be created with responsibility for overseeing the investigation and treatment of NHS whistleblowers, Sir Robert Francis has recommended.