All Monitor articles – Page 4
Junior doctors dispute 'alienated staff at all levels' at teaching hospital
Doctors strongly disengaged with management at St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust Perceived management backing of government in junior doctors contract dispute cited as a factor Cost cutting, poor communication and car parking also aggravating factors for medics Medical staff at a scandal hit teaching hospital where the ...
Why every NHS director should be very interested in reference costs
Reference costs can be a catalyst to greater NHS efficiency but we must invest in them now, writes James Wilson
HSJ Knowledge
Bringing variation into sharp focus
Discussions on eliminating variation in elective care practices to widen, writes Claire Read
Chief of scandal hit teaching hospital steps down
Miles Scott steps down from role of chief executive at St George’s University Hospitals Move follows high profile financial collapse at the trust and arrival of new interim chair He will be replaced by acting chief executive Paula Vasco-Knight Chair tells staff the trust’s problems will not be solved ...
Expert Briefing
What's new in care models: Life after most capable provider
Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by our senior correspondent on integration David Williams.
This needless battle over NHS finances endangers its future
The bruising contracting round shows the NHS needs a more credible financial trajectory
New EU rules could threaten vanguards
New EU procurement rules take effect on 18 April Commissioners that do not advertise all contract opportunities will be open to legal challenge Doubts raised over the future of “most capable provider” Vanguards appeal for clarity over obligation to tender Vanguards have appealed to national leaders for clarity ...
HSJ Knowledge
Why the system is not working for locums
The NHS will not control the problem of agency costs until it controls its own workforce, James Foxlee tells Daloni Carlisle
Monitor authorises FTs in last wave before 'revised approach'
Monitor has authorised two community trusts as part of what could be the last wave of new foundation trusts.
HSJ Local
Interim chair for challenged teaching hospital
WORKFORCE: An interim chair has been appointed to a London teaching hospital with significant finance problems.
Government urged to create ‘level playing field’ for mutuals
Government must “level the playing field” for mutuals that wish to provide acute services, says DH sponsored review Seven hospital trusts that piloted increased staff ownership found barriers to mutualisation including VAT and corporation tax liabilities Estimated productivity savings dwarfed by £20m VAT payments The government should “level ...
Francis adviser to lead inquiry into 'heart breaking' baby death
Professor Peter Hutton will lead inquiry into care and treatment of Elizabeth Dixon National patient safety director says her parents deserve answers Health secretary Jeremy Hunt intervened after PHSO and NHS England declined to investigate An adviser to the Mid Staffs public inquiry will lead an investigation into ...
How to handle the ticking pension time bomb
Paul Healy on what can be done to manage the additional costs of reforming public sector pensions
NHS Improvement promises new way of authorising FTs
NHS Improvement will take a “revised approach” to assessing aspirant foundation trusts News comes as report into failures at community health trust partly blames poor care on the FT accreditation process Regulator confirms new system will be unveiled in the summer NHS Improvement will take a “revised approach” ...
Monitor 'pushing hard for Hinchingbrooke merger by April 2017'
Regulator “pushing hard” for Peterborough and Stamford to acquire Hinchingbrooke Concerns raised about speed at which Monitor wants a deal done for the two financially challenged trusts Monitor’s timetable could lead to “rushed and acrimonious” merger, says senior source Local MP has opposed idea of merger Monitor is ...
National bodies avoid revolt over 2016-17 tariff
The national tariff proposals for 2016-17 have effectively been accepted by NHS providers.
CCGs could face tighter scrutiny when tendering big contracts
NHS England probe into UnitingCare collapse likely to recommend “proactive assurance” around large contracts Regional director suggested the £725m deal structure was too complicated NHS England probe will give a “definitive answer” on Strategic Projects Team’s role in the deal Monitor director says regulator wanted more time to sign ...
Trusts must apply and pay for new turnaround process
Trusts which receive turnaround support from consultancies will have to apply to Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority for it and pay for it themselves.
Exclusive: Hospitals forced to cut night cover due to staff shortages
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals cuts medical nightshift cover on wards due to vacancies Oxford University Hospitals forced to stop training for one doctor and has ultrasound backlog Monitor insists agency cap is helping trusts and says patient safety remains priority Hospitals have been forced to reduce medical ...
HSJ Local
Isle of Wight Trust drops FT bid
STRUCTURE: Isle of Wight Trust has dropped its bid for foundation trust status.