All Monitor articles – Page 5
Exclusive: Regulators to put 20 trusts into turnaround
Monitor and the TDA push ahead with turnaround project at 20 trusts Work thought to cost more than £10m and will focus on grip and governance Process due to start in April Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority are moving ahead with an ambitious turnaround programme at ...
Jim Mackey must sweep away public and staff engagement inertia
Nick Goodman on how NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey must make people engagement a top priority
Lord Darzi calls for trusts to invest in social care
Professor Lord Ara Darzi has said NHS providers should get into the social care business to take the pressure off acute trusts.
Trust's directors face 'fit and proper' test after harassment case
CQC and Monitor take action at Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to improve governance Trust ordered to carry out fit and proper person checks on all board directors It failed to carry out checks following employment tribunal ruling in 2015 PHSO deputy ombudsman Mick Martin implicated in sexual harassment case ...
Exclusive: One in four trusts plunge deeper into the red
Majority of trusts already had large deficit plans at the start of the year, but are now even deeper in the red than expected HSJ has examined the finance reports for 136 acute trusts to reveal their latest recorded positions Of trusts reporting against original plans, Heart of England ...
NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16
Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...
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Essex success regime chair appointed
Anita Donley named as independent chair of the mid and south Essex success regime Dr Donley is an acute care consultant at Plymouth Hospitals Trust Anita Donley has been appointed as the independent chair of the mid and south Essex success regime, HSJ can reveal.
Mackey: Junior doctors’ contract should be 'consistently' implemented
Jim Mackey says NHS Improvement will “do all we can” to ensure consistent implementation He says Sir David Dalton deserves the full support of trust chief executives and chairs Mr Mackey calls social media attacks on chief executives “unacceptable and unprofessional” The chief executive of NHS Improvement has ...
One in three trusts reject financial targets for next year
Regulators issued a financial “control totals” to every trust in England for 2016-17, which they must agree to, to secure their share of the £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund NHS Providers says two-thirds of trusts have accepted their offer, but many have done so with conditions and caveats Finance ...
Whistleblowing finance director warns trusts may be pushed to ‘cook the books’
Finance director tells MPs regulators are pressurising providers to “potentially mislead the public and government departments” over their finances Trusts urged to meet their targets in 2015-16 to help DH balance revenue budget, and achieve financial balance next year Other finance director tells HSJ “they know where he or ...
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Exclusive: £50m deficit trust 'does not know how much it spent with private sector'
Foundation trust unable to how much it spent sending patients to private sector St George’s slid into deficit soon after acquiring FT status and forecasts £50m overspend in 2015-16 Auditors’ report criticises “lack of oversight on a trust-wide basis” FINANCE: A teaching hospital forecasting a £50m deficit this ...
Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive director team revealed
NHS Improvement executive team names revealed The new organisation, replacing Monitor and the TDA, will today set out how it plans to work Announces new ‘improvement faculty’ and networks for clinical leaders No competition and cooperation director in top team NHS Improvement has appointed its executive director team, ...
Staff agencies struggle to meet NHS demand following pay cap
Survey suggests agencies are struggling to fill NHS shifts following introduction of pay caps Monitor says the majority of trusts are not struggling to find temporary staff but a third of providers have said it is more difficult Jim Mackey says NHS’s financial challenge “should not be at the ...
Revealed: The costs of closing NHS Direct
Dissolution of NHS Direct cost £89m, documents reveal Regulators say “lessons learned” for transactions planning The dissolution of NHS Direct over two years cost £89m, documents reveal.
NAO: NHS workforce plans driven by saving cash
National Audit Office says existing system of workforce planning is not value for money NHS training 19 per cent fewer nurses in 2014-15 than it was in 2004-05 NAO says trust workforce predictions influenced by financial efficiency savings NHS trusts’ workforce predictions are driven by the imperative to ...
New staffing metric 'may lead to unsafe nursing levels'
‘Care hours’ metric to be ‘principal’ measure for nursing deployment Experts say using metric could lead to unsafe staffing Concerns include the mixing of nurse and healthcare assistant numbers Lord Carter says trusts should also use separate data on nurses and HCAs A new headline staffing metric proposed ...
Monitor: ‘No breakdown’ in FT approval process
Report criticises Monitor, FT and audit firm Monitor claims “no evidence of a breakdown in its provider appraisal process” Monitor accepts recommendations to approve key assurance processes for new FTs A report into how a large hospital provider was authorised as a foundation trust shortly before declaring a ...
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FT’s deficit slide remains a mystery after damning leadership report
Extracts of report make serious criticisms of trust’s financial management Report said “it was difficult to understand” why governance issues were not picked up earlier Trust refuses to release full 350 page review into how it ended up with £17m deficit FINANCE: St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust ...
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Loser of £126m tender challenges commissioners
COMMERCIAL: One of the losers in a £126m community services tender has written to commissioners to query their methodology.
Exclusive: Spike in NHS block contracts raises private sector concerns
Data shows 37 per cent increase in value of block contracts for planned care over past three years Growth in block contracts mainly in public sector providers, London and the South King’s College Hospital, Guys’ and St Thomas’, and Cambridge University Hospitals among those seeing steepest growth in block ...