All Monitor articles – Page 6

  • Regulation jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    Get to the bottom of the CQC strategy consultation


    Improving its use of data, a single shared view of quality and assessment of the use of resources are among the key focus areas in the Care Quality Commission’s final consultaion on its 2016-21 strategy. Samantha Cox writes

  • Southend Pier

    No plan to shut hospitals in Essex success regime


    No plans to close a hospital but downgrading of specialised and A&E units not ruled out System leaders set out six areas the Essex Success Regime will focus on Trusts to look at closer working and developing a more flexible workforce No hospitals will be closed across mid ...

  • Agency nurses

    New data suggests agency price cap is working


    Monitor data suggests 40 per cent drop in number of agency shifts breaching new price caps Largest fall was in nursing, where breaches dropped by 47 per cent Lower levels of pay and new rules to roll out over next few months The number of NHS shifts by ...

  • Redbridge lbc3x2

    Monitor finds 'potential issues' with CCG procurement following complaint


    Care UK complained to regulator about award of £55m contract in north east London Full judgment due next month Monitor has found against NHS commissioners in the first stage of a competition case, HSJ can reveal.

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trusts ask Monitor for tariff hike


    Monitor has received 16 requests for tariff hikes since April 2014 Morecambe Bay has secured modified prices which should result in extra £25m per year Worcestershire Acute Trust withdrew application for “further engagement” with commissioners At least eight NHS trusts have sought to boost their income by asking ...

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • Peterborough City Hospital

    Revealed: Five trusts seeking millions for reconfiguration


    Documents released by the Department of Health show five foundation trusts where reconfiguration of services could be necessary.

  • Crispin Dowler

    Moves to rescue the DH's bottom line look increasingly desperate


    As the NHS approaches the end of one of the toughest years in its history, the Deparment of Health is going to desperate measures not to bust its budget, writes Crispin Dowler

  • merger

    Exclusive: Troubled FT starts search for acquisition or merger partner


    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust looking to be acquired or merged-with Derby and Nottingham hospital trusts are in the running, and Sheffield Hospitals FT has dropped out Decision on partner expected next month A troubled foundation trust is looking for a merger or acquisition partner after concluding it ...

  • Doctor

    'Off-framework' ban extended to agency doctors


    Ban on “off-framework” staff providers extended to all agency procurement, including doctors Some agencies have refused to support the rules, regulators say Trusts in the South West currently unable to operate within the capped rates The ban on NHS trusts using “off-framework” staffing agencies will be extended to ...

  • coins toppling

    NHS ordered to use fines to boost DH bottom line


    All fines for breaches of performance targets must now be used to improve provider or commissioner bottom lines, national bodies have decreed Commissioners will not be able to use money from fines to address causes of poor performance Move is intended to help Department of Health avoid blowing its ...

  • Workforce

    Taking the workforce challenge early on


    Can we set the tone early in 2016 for the health service to tackle its workforce challenges

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive team structure revealed


    NHS Improvement agrees executive team structure for after Monitor-TDA meger Eleven executives will report directly to Jim Mackey Posts are open to applicants from the regulators’ senior teams and affected NHS England staff NHS Improvement expected announce appointments by mid-February NHS Improvement has agreed the structure of the ...

  • Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Monitor to probe A&E with patients 'queuing in corridors'


    PERFORMANCE: Monitor has launched an investigation into Great Western Hospitals Foundation Trust’s accident and emergency performance.

  • Agency nurse

    Agency bill predicted to hit £4bn this year


    NHS provider trusts will spend £4bn on bank and agency staff in 2015-16, national NHS leaders told MPs yesterday.

  • Agency nurse3

    NICE releases safe staffing evidence reviews to HSJ


    NICE non-executive directors conclude publishing evidence reviews is in the public interest Sir Andrew Dillon had argued publishing the reviews could disrupt the management of the NHS Guidelines for A&E nurse staffing have not been published The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has today released to ...

  • Bob Alexander

    Regulators push for headcount cuts in last ditch drive to curb deficits


    Regulators call for ”collective urgent action” to keep 2015-16 provider sector deficit down to £1.8bn Monitor and NHS Trust Development Authority to meet challenged trusts this month to agree additional measures “including headcount reduction” All trusts asked to consider range of additional measures to improve their financial positions before ...

  • Calendar

    Providers given ultimatum over access to £1.8bn bailout fund


    NHS providers have till 8 February to sign up to “control total” financial targets for 2016-17 Only then can they secure a share of £1.8bn “sustainability and transformation fund” Regulators say “collective urgent action” needed to contain 2015-16 deficit NHS providers have been given until 8 February to ...

  • Suzie_Bailey

    A strategy's for life, not just Christmas


    Turn over a new leaf in 2016 and embrace strategies as the means to achieving changes

  • Pooland

    End Game: A saucer of milk for the minister


    End Game brings to you the serious nature of herbal products and a dash of pop