All articles by Nadeem Moghal – Page 2
Competence or expertise – you choose, if you have a choice
Workforce planning is an ambiguous art made yet more ambiguous when set on a national scale with its unconnected, conflicting and changing priorities – still, we try.
Going forwards with healthcare
There are many 'management speak' constructs that baffle, amuse and provide opportunities to be cynical about the art of management and leadership.
Scripting healthcare compassion
There is a pretence at resisting some of the cultutal imports between British and American cultures but there is one that we need to embrace and imbed.
Doctor, tailor, soldier, spy... a Paki by any other name...
A Canadian study recently published in Science explored reactions to overt racism.
Preparing for a DH visit
Every now and then, there will be a news report of a city in a developing nation having a quick lick of paint applied to all exteriors, potholes filled and beggars removed in readiness for a president's or foreign dignitary's visit.
Healthcare = customer care
It is Saturday morning, I am on call and working at my desk on lingering clinical work after the ward round, awaiting blood results, blood pressure data, etc.
NHS subcultures
When I am engaged in yet more discussions on what we do, why we do it, how we do it, to formulate yet another options document, assessment of service document, taking stock document, predicting the future document... there is one observation that I believe illustrates the starting positions of two ...
Hidden racism and the health service
Does it matter to the NHS that an employee holds membership to the BNP? The BNP is not a banned organisation.
Defensive emailing
Anyone notice the growth in the postscript statements protecting the sender and warning the recipient against all manner of email misuse and abuse - the ones stating that the contents are confidential, if sent by accident, etc?
Clinicians: asset first or cost first?
I am obviously biased, so you tell me - should consultants be viewed as an asset?
NHS marketing - who needs it?
I am currently working through the marketing strategy module. It is early days and the textbook is certainly the largest and heaviest handed out.
PbR: bugs, buts and bull riding
Ever wondered which has the greatest number of bugs - Microsoft Windows or NHS HRG3.5?
The great north euthanasia experiment
I cannot lay claim to the title of this blog - I first heard it on one of those Radio 4 comedy shows some months ago - so please take this as acknowledgement to the BBC and an admission of advanced middle age.
Pay no attention to the NHS leader in the dark glasses
My secretary has just survived a major anniversary - five years of working with me. Trust and respect are the bedrock of any relationship, so I trust her judgement when she says my cartoon picture for the blog is rather too reminiscent of that former dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein.
Delivering cat food vs delivering healthcare
Type PbR into Google and as of end September 2008 you will get 6.9 million hits. The first two are what you and I understand PbR to mean.
Moral hazard 102 for health managers
Through reforms in the 1990s and now in the 2000s, the NHS has been developing and apparently maturing, by accident and design, a type of competitive, mostly internal market structure.
Moral hazard just too complicated, apparently
I have received feedback from two managers and my personal chief exec on my moral hazard blog.
Moral hazard 101 for health managers
We should all know what is meant by the term 'moral hazard' thanks to Northern Rock, but let me start with a definition in case you have recently emerged from the Tora Bora Mountains.
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