All News articles – Page 415

  • HSJ logo

    New contact details for HSJ customer services


    The ways for getting in touch with HSJ’s customer service team have changed.

  • jim mackey 3

    Daily Insight: NHS achieves 'the impossible'


    Today’s essential stories from the NHS

  • Ambulance

    NHS England director 'confident' in plan to modernise ambulance service


    Department of Health considering review of ambulance response programme Ten million 999 calls analysed as part of “world’s largest study” NHS England director says evidence for change is “compelling” NHS England’s director of acute care says a new call handling system could be introduced nationally as part of ...

  • jim mackey 2

    Mackey: NHS trust sector expects £500m deficit this year


    Regulators previously said the trust sector would need to breakeven in 2017-18 Jim Mackey says plans set by local providers aggregated to a deficit of £496m NHS Improvement chief executive says small number of trusts account for most of the projected deficit NHS trusts are predicting a deficit ...

  • royal masonic hospital

    Exclusive: Trust owed £15m by insolvent private company


    Imperial College Healthcare Trust is owed £15m by firm that formerly leased Ravenscourt Park Hospital The site had been mooted for private proton beam therapy centre An NHS trust is owed more than £15m after the private firm that used to lease one of its hospitals went into ...

  • Richmond House

    New ministers at Department of Health confirmed


    The appointment of two new junior health ministers has been confirmed, replacing MPs that lost their seats in last week’s general election.

  • stephen dorrell

    Stephen Dorrell calls for 'fair reward' for NHS staff


    NHS Confederation chair calls for staff to be given fair pay Stephen Dorrell says pay policy must reflect daily dedication shown by staff “Pandora’s box” of social care funding issues is “open and cannot be closed’’ NHS Confederation chair Stephen Dorrell has called for health service staff to ...

  • Sir_Mike_Richards2

    Richards: Good leaders and staff engagement improve care despite pay restraint


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says staff must be “properly rewarded” Sir Mike says CQC report proves “cultural change” can happen quickly if trusts listen to staff Some trusts “undoubtedly” need capital investment but finances and quality can improve under good leadership, he says Sir Mike Richards has said ...

  • EU flag

    Former DH chief to lead alliance to stand up for NHS in Brexit talks


    Former DH permanent secretary Sir Hugh Taylor to co-chair Brexit Health Alliance with NHS Confederation chief executive Niall Dickson Alliance will aim to safeguard NHS interests as the UK government negotiates Brexit Calls for the government to make commitments on research and funding An alliance of healthcare industry, ...

  • niall dickson

    Exclusive: Weak government will hold up service change, Dickson warns


    Niall Dickson says politicians could struggle to take “difficult decision” because of “political uncertainty” Ministers do not “sufficiently understand” scale of challenge facing NHS, says NHS Confederation chief Five Year Forward View is not deliverable in the current spending envelope, he warns Crucial NHS service change could be ...

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: Project Phoenix is a big deal


    The must read stories in health today

  • News

    Providers warn of 'scarce' resources as CQC launches new inspection regime


    New CQC assessment frameworks to be rolled out immediately with first new style inspections beginning in September Consultation responses reveal concerns that financial and commissioning pressures are limiting providers’ “ability to improve” CQC said it “cannot compromise” care quality standards but will use place based reviews to see how ...

  • Richmond House

    Exclusive: Private deals being planned to release Naylor billions


    “Project Phoenix” being developed to generate billions in property sales Public private partnerships could be created in six areas of the country Business case currently with the Department of Health The government is poised to agree several major deals with private firms to unlock capital funds ...

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • Julie Wood

    CCGs warn of longer waiting times


    NHS Clinical Commissioners warns of potential “slowing down” of access to routine care Real value of current funding envelope set to reduce by £330m by 2019-20 Call for new government to frontload additional money promised before the election NHS commissioners have warned that patient waiting times may need ...

  • ambulance

    Revealed: First investigation by new body launched after patient death


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch starts its first investigation after patient death Investigation will focus on the transfer of deteriorating patients between different hospitals Concerns raised about the transfer of patients between services earlier this year The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has launched its first investigation into the ...

  • exit sign

    Daily Insight: Hunt back in, but nurses crash out


    HSJ’s round-up of the biggest stories and talking points in health policy

  • Regulation jpg

    GP super partnerships could be assessed in same way as trusts


    CQC to develop new “provider level” assessment for large scale GP providers and new care models GP practices required to submit data on care quality annually Regulator to remove limit on amendments to providers’ ratings Large scale GP organisations and those providing new care models could be subject ...

  • nurse discussion

    Exclusive: 'Crash' in EU nurses working in UK since Brexit referendum


    New data shows “crash” in the number of EU nurses registering to work in UK Professor Jim Buchan warns the situation is the worst for 20 years Fall in recruitment of nursing staff after Brexit could exacerbate existing workforce shortage There has been a “crash” in the number ...

  • Jeremy Hunt will remain as health secretary.

    Jeremy Hunt remains health secretary in post-election reshuffle


    Jeremy Hunt will remain the health secretary as part of Theresa May’s new cabinet, it has been confirmed.