All News articles – Page 432

  • News

    Daily Insight: Propping up the providers


    Your essential summary of the day’s biggest health stories

  • community nurse

    Community providers face new staffing requirements


    Community service providers need better tools to meet safe staffing levels District nursing providers should review staffing annually and benchmark their services, NHSI says Report is the latest safe staffing guidance to be published by the regulator Providers of district nursing services lack the tools to plan staffing ...

  • Laptop computer

    Trusts spend £3.2bn a year on corporate services


    NHS Improvement figures show trusts spend £3.2bn a year on corporate services Regulator estimates a possible £400m in savings and significant variation Thirteen trusts have corporate costs of more than 7 per cent of income NHS trusts spend £3.2bn a year on corporate services such as HR, finance, ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Exclusive: Full £800m NHS 'priorities' fund to offset trust deficits


    Contingency fund held back from CCGs will be used to offset financial deficits among NHS trusts. Simon Stevens said the money would otherwise have been available for mental health, community and primary care services The fund was created after Department of Health breached spending limit in 2015-16 About ...

  • Workforce

    Latest safe staffing guidance unveiled


    Mental health providers told to carry out evidence based strategic staffing reviews New guidance follows suspension of NICE safe staffing work in 2015 Document says professional judgement alone cannot be relied on to set staffing levels Mental health trusts must carry out evidence based reviews of staffing levels ...

  • Janet Davies

    RCN to separate union and professional roles


    RCN to set up two committees to separately lead on professional nursing and trade union issues Reforms follow recommendations in the Francis report that RCN separate its dual roles All members will be able to stand for election to the committees and be eligible to vote. The Royal ...

  • drugs

    NICE goes ahead with controversial drug affordability test


    NICE approves plans to defer treatment implementation if the cost per year is higher than £20m in any of the first three years of implemention Consultation responses warn that this could lead to treatment access “inequity” especially for those with rare diseases New “light touch” fast-track appraisal method also ...

  • Sir_Robert_Naylor

    Naylor review: Minister reveals plan for new NHS property body


    Department of Health has accepted Sir Robert Naylor’s recommendation New body will provide strategic estate planning for the NHS Plans were revealed in a Parliamentary answer from Lord O’Shaugnessy The government is planning to establish a new national body to provide “strategic estate planning” for the health service.

  • Philip hammond

    Daily Insight: Commissioning pioneers and budget blunders


    HSJ’s round up of Wednesday’s must read stories

  • Royal Bournemouth Hospital

    Revealed: Only three trusts hit 'reset' A&E targets


    Just three hospital trusts have hit their lowered targets for accident and emergency performance, the latest data reveals.

  • hospital

    Pay crackdown: Trust chiefs to sign off all agency shifts above £120


    NHS Improvement says annual pay costs to increase by 3.3 per cent in 2016-17 But real terms reduction in costs against activity suggests productivity gains Trust chief executives must sign off agency shifts of £120 per hour or more Hospital chief executives are now expected to personally sign ...

  • News

    Daily Insight: Pay talk


    The must read stories and biggest talking points in health

  • map of london

    New London devolution deal postponed


    A planned announcement on devolution in London, which was due tomorrow and expected to involve devolving health powers, has been halted less than a week after the “deal” was revealed in the budget.

  • EU flag

    New immigration charges could cost NHS millions


    Immigration and skills charge could cost NHS millions of pounds from April NHS England chief nurse Jane Cummings says EU staff must be supported Government has overturned protections for EU staff ahead of Brexit talks NHS England’s chief nurse has called on the NHS to support European nursing ...

  • Wallet

    Interim managers demand higher rates to offset tax losses


    NHS Improvement says trusts have been asked to pay higher rates to agency workers to “offset their tax losses” Under new rules, agency workers must pay the same level of tax as substantive employees Changes will affect interim senior managers, locum doctors and other agency staff who set up ...

  • warning sign

    CQC risk monitoring 'wrong more than right', study warns


    Research finds the CQC’s risk monitoring could leave poor care undetected The CQC’s tool failed to identify more than half of inadequate trusts Analysis found the tool had an accuracy rate of 48 per cent The Care Quality Commission’s new system for identifying high risk NHS trusts could ...

  • dr wendy burn

    Exclusive: Warning over 'neglected' elderly mental health services


    New royal college president elect vows to address neglected mental health services for older people Wendy Burn takes over as president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in June The president elect of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned mental health services for older people are being ...

  • Microscope
  • Angela_Hillery

    Pioneering trust and GP tie-up to bid for new care model contract


    Northampton Healthcare FT creates new organisation with 3Sixty Care GP federation New partnership will bid and deliver contracts together and is “keen” to secure a local MCP contract once released The organisations have an “equal” share in the new company with three board directors each A Midlands trust ...

  • 13 liverpool city

    Daily Insight: Liverpool rolls back Lansley Act


    The must read stories and debate in the NHS