All News articles – Page 439

  • 02 i85693

    How we judged the HSJ top trust chief executives


    The 17 judges who helped shape the rankings – and the criteria they used to come to their decisions

  • Andrew Morris

    Revealed: The NHS’s top trust chief executives in 2017


    Standout trends in this year’s rankings include the prevalence of the multi-trust leader, the influence of outstanding CQC ratings and the rise of women chief executives

  • Top chief executives map

    Top Chief Executives 2017: Explore the map


    Click on a map pin to see more about the organisations led by our Top Chief Executives.

  • Robert Francis

    Daily Insight: Francis four years on


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s essential health stories

  • Lord Carter2

    Stop using expensive management consultants, NHS told


    Lord Carter questions the NHS’s £640m spending on management consultancies Likened policymakers to a “dog watching television” Warns the Treasury will not provide extra funding without evidence of performance Lord Carter has questioned why the NHS spent £640m on external management consultancies, describing the use of the firms ...

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    CCGs plan merger as Stevens moratorium lifts


    Two clinical commissioning groups are aiming to merge within weeks, marking the end of a three year moratorium and potentially the beginning of a wave of consolidation.

  • Busy hospital

    STP and forward view plans 'unrealistic', Francis warns


    The NHS is facing an “existential crisis” and measures in the Five Year Forward View and sustainability and transformation plans are “unrealistic”, Sir Robert Francis QC has said.

  • Robert Francis QC

    Francis: Top-down pressure on NHS chiefs 'depressingly familiar'


    Mid Staffordshire inquiry chair warns of “increasing disconnect between staff and leaders” Sir Robert Francis describes “depressingly familiar” pressure on NHS chief executives Service “manifestly failing” to keep up with demand, he says Sir Robert warns of “existential crisis” facing the NHS amid financial challenges Sir Robert Francis ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis outlines unfinished business four years after inquiry


    More still needs to be done to identify systemic causes of poor care and move away from blaming individual NHS leaders, Sir Robert Francis QC has told HSJ.

  • Technology optimal

    Daily Insight: Virtual reality


    The must read stories and talking points in health

  • Stevens at pac

    Stevens: STPs will get 'decision rights' to reorganise trusts and CCGs


    Sustainability and transformation plan leaders will be given the right to “recommend” member trusts and commissioners reorganise, where the “veto power or inertia” of individual organisations is holding up change, Simon Stevens has said.

  • London Bridge Hospital

    Private hospital rated outstanding by CQC


    A private hospital in the capital has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.

  • London North West Healthcare NHS Trust

    Analysis: A&E performance sinks to record low


    Performance on main A&E measure lowest since targets introduced Fall in performance outstrips 3.7 per cent increase in admissions and attendances North west London and Cambridgeshire see worst performances and steepest declines Accident and emergency performance for December in England has sunk to its lowest level since the ...

  • deficit_finance_2

    CCGs' deficit forecast rockets by £180m


    CCGs now forecast a year-end deficit of £370m, compared to £190m forecast at the mid-year point NHS England said the challenge of delivering higher levels of savings “is increasingly crystallising in individual CCG forecasts” Spending within primary care and public health budgets forecast to be £70m less than planned ...

  • surgery scissors

    NHS England admits staffing risks in heart surgery shake-up


    At least 900 surgeries to be relocated under CHD proposals, despite concerns over staffing at affected hospitals Three out of the 10 sites singled out for the “risks” they pose to patients NHS England review into PICU services accelerated as closure of some CHD services will impact national critical ...

  • trolley

    Revealed: A&E patients at struggling trust admitted to 'virtual ward'


    Trust’s audit reveals discrepancies in A&E patients’ “virtual” and actual admission to emergency decisions unit Whistleblower claims staff at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust admitted patients into “virtual ward” to avoid four hour target breaches Trust says investigations found no “deliberate” gaming of four hour target but revealed “poor processes ...

  • A keyboard with the words "be quick"

    Daily Insight: Push accelerate on the forward view


    HSJ’s summary of the day’s must read stories

  • NHS_Norfolk_Norwich

    Teaching trusts placed on watchlist over bullying and leadership concerns


    Two trusts under GMC “enhanced monitoring” over concerns from trainees about their paediatrics departments Lewisham and Greenwich Healthcare Trust and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust had serious concerns raised by trainees Two teaching hospital trusts have been placed on a General Medical Council watchlist after investigations ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton: Scrap national targets and merge CCGs to speed service change


    One of the NHS’s most influential chief executives has said it is taking too long to deliver the Five Year Forward View and has proposed a series of policy changes, including abolishing national access targets, to speed it up.

  • Surgery

    CCGs claim rationing decision based on Right Care programme


    NHS England official advised CCGs prior to controversial rationing decision Three Worcestershire CCGs used NHS Right Care programme to identify opportunities to reduce spending on hip and knee replacement operations Right Care data should not be used to determine target for “right” number of medical procedures, says royal college ...