All News articles – Page 449

  • arrested, crime, punishement, penalised

    NHS management fraudster convicted for second time


    Conrad de Souza pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud at Croydon Crown Court yesterday He was jailed for 27 months in 2011 after lying about being a doctor at Lewisham PCT for nine years In 2013 and 2014 he applied for a number of jobs he knew he ...

  • Kathryn magson 2

    CCG names STP lead as new chief


    Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group has appointed the STP lead for south west London as its new chief executive.

  • clinical_leader_woman_manager_hospital

    Trusts with dangerous staffing levels face NHS Improvement intervention


    NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey says NHSI will demand evidence on workforce changes Regulator will develop a “safeguard” to prevent nursing associates substituting for qualified nurses Ruth May confirms nursing associates will also be counted separately to nurses in care hours metric Health economies and NHS providers’ ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: I'll cut locum doctors pay 'if I have to'


    NHS Improvement chief executive says regulator will take tougher approach to medical locum spend It may further reduce the pay cap in future if necessary Regulator will use locum cost data to identify unsustainable services NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told HSJ the regulator will now ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: Trusts will not be 'intimidated or bullied', says Mackey


    Jim Mackey says he wants to give “the keys back to providers” to run their organisations NHS Improvement will hold people to account “professionally” with no bullying or aggression On clinical leadership, Mr Mackey said he “couldn’t care less” what people’s background was if they have the right skills ...

  • diagnose__stethoscope

    Daily Insight: The rules for creating an MCP


    HSJ’s round up of the day’s must read stories and debate

  • DNA_screen

    NHS Digital vindicated in patient data confidentiality row


    NHS Digital is compliant with anonymisation code of practice, ICO says Ruling concerned sharing records from 1.2 million patients who asked for their data not be shared Researchers say ruling shows “robust system of safeguards to protect data” is in place Campaigners say patients’ right to opt out of ...

  • Dame_Julie_Moore

    Julie Moore calls for 'one regulator' of providers


    Dame Julie Moore says NHS Improvement and CQC should combine She says Heart of England FT will need £200m in capital to fix estates Dame Julie calls for a government debate on how NHS is funded One of England’s leading trust chief executives has said there should be ...

  • Sir_Mike_Richards

    Richards: CQC cannot force removal of unfit trust directors


    Sir Mike Richards says it is not the responsibility of the CQC to force the removal of a director or judge their fitness for the role Chief inspector of hospitals says CQC has faced “unfair criticism” for its approach to the fit and proper persons test DH says CQC ...

  • News

    Frimley STP proposes radical upgrade of primary care


    Fourteen GP hubs to be phased in by 2018 Model expected to save more than £65m by 2020-21 STP stops short of recommending PACS model be adopted across the patch The Frimley Health sustainability and transformation plan has set out plans to establish a new model of large-scale ...

  • Office

    Daily Insight: Back office efficiency pioneers revealed


    HSJ’s round up of the must read stories and talking points from Friday

  • Woman_GP_with_child

    CCGs could be 'forced into wrong decisions' by spending deadline


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG says award of funding is “over shadowed” by challenging timeframe According to the CCG, the 2016-17 allocation of the ETTF must be spent before the end of this financial year. Some CCGs are unable to fund increased rental costs of premises developments, says BMA official ...

  • Manchester central new website

    Exclusive: STPs chosen to lead major £350m back office savings drive


    Greater Manchester, Kent, Essex and north west London to be back office merger “pathfinders” Their models will be used as blueprints for other STPs NHS Improvement says back office bill can be cut by £350m over next four years Four sustainability and transformation plan areas will spearhead system ...

  • nhs_mind_head_think

    Daily Insight: NHS's noughties revival


    The must read stories and talking points in health policy

  • handshake

    Patient body appoints new national director


    Healthwatch England, the national health and care “consumer champion”, has appointed Imelda Redmond as its new national director.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: DH refuses to release key funding details of Hunt’s NHS management scheme


    Jeremy Hunt promises to double amount of NHS graduate scheme places from 100 to 200, then rising to “up to 1,000” Leader: Hunt’s demand for more clinical managers is based on a false premise The Department of Health and Health Education England have refused to say how much ...

  • York Hospital

    Regional leaders plan hospital contract shake-up


    Regional health leaders are drawing up plans to abandon payment by results based on national tariffs and move to a cost and risk based contract for acute providers, along with an STP-level control total.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Cut medical locum rates or close services, Stevens tells trusts


    Trust leaders have been told to close services that cannot be run without paying locum doctors a rate worth more than £150,000 a year.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Daily Insight: Hunt ponders NHS's 'historic mistake'


    HSJ’s round-up of Wednesday’s must read stories and debate

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...