All News articles – Page 451

  • Marianne Griffiths

    HSJ Awards 2016 winners revealed


    Marianne Griffiths of Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust has been named Chief Executive of the Year at the 2016 HSJ Awards.

  • Dsc 199

    EU staff honoured at HSJ Awards


    Six people have been honoured with a special HSJ Award for NHS staff from the EU.

  • Hammond

    Daily Insight: Chancellor silent on NHS funding


    HSJ’s round-up of the must read stories following the chancellor’s autumn statement

  • board managers

    Interim managers to pay equal tax under new rules


    Autumn statement document reveals plan to make “off-payroll” workers pay more tax Treasury says public sector employers will be responsible for tax after April 2017 Concerns over costs of off-payroll workers have increased in recent years Explainer: The rules on off-payroll payments “Off-payroll” workers in the NHS, such ...

  • Finance officer

    CCGs overspend budget by £240m but NHS England 'on course'


    84 CCGs overspent their allocations but NHS England says majority expect to recover their positions Year-end forecast for CCGs is a £190m overspend, compared to a £10m overspend forecast in July Forecast for overall commissioning budgets has improved due to expected underspends and extra income within central budgets ...

  • Philip Hammond

    HSJ Live 23.11.16: No extra money for NHS or social care


    Coverage and reaction to chancellor Philip Hammond’s first autumn statement

  • Bristol Children's Hospital

    Children's services review accelerated


    First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...

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    HSJ Awards winners announced tonight


    The winners of the 2016 HSJ Awards will be announced tonight, and to celebrate we are giving every reader the opportunity to download free best practice case studies from some of last year’s winning projects.

  • hospital operation

    New tariff would mean revenue cuts for specialist providers


    Three providers would see their overall revenue reduced by more than 2 per cent next year The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT faces an estimated £4.5m reduction to its revenue Specialist Orthopaedic Alliance “exceptionally concerned” by the proposals A number of specialist NHS trusts are “exceptionally concerned” about the ...

  • apps

    Daily Insight: Trust's landmark deal with AI firm


    The must read stories and talking points from Tuesday

  • Commons_chamber

    Law change needed to reform NHS investigations, says minister


    Minister says primary legislation will be needed to deliver “safe space” reforms Philip Dunne says NHS culture needs to be “turned around” to extend reforms locally New chief investigator had told MPs safe space should be for HSIB only Health minister Philip Dunne has told MPs primary legislation ...

  • Red pencil marking ticks in boxes

    CQC: Fraction of inspection ratings challenged


    Only 69 providers challenged final ratings awarded by the CQC from 10,840 inspections Three hospital trusts received changes in service ratings after review, but none had overall rating altered 51 primary medical services inspections were challenged, but only five have had ratings changed Only a fraction of hospitals ...

  • Keyboard

    Trusts 'downplaying security breaches'


    Data guardians and teams “scoring down incidents” to suggest security is better than it is New toolkit in development will help trusts “meet the highest possible levels of data security” ICO says it needs to address “current concerns around robustness, reliability and inconsistency” NHS Digital will relaunch a ...

  • acute service redesign

    Last chance to enter HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards


    The deadline to enter the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards has been extended to Wednesday 23 November.

  • Aki app

    Google and NHS sign 'game changing' deal


    Royal Free hails deal with Google’s DeepMind as “game changer” Trust will continue developing DeepMind’s real time patient data tracking app Trust says app will help save lives and drive productivity Deal follows controversy over the firm’s access to patient data The NHS has deepened its relationship with ...

  • Numbers

    Daily Insight: Stat attack


    HSJ’s round-up of Monday’s must read stories

  • Theresa May

    Statistics authority intervenes over government NHS spending claims


    UK Statistics Authority will ask officials to “ensure clarity” when reporting on increases to NHS spending Complaints centred around the government’s claims that it is increasing spending by £10bn by 2021 Chancellor Philip Hammond defended use of the £10bn figure last week The UK Statistics Authority will ask ...

  • Office writing on form

    Providers and CCGs consider merging back-office


    STP looking at options to integrate non-clinical support services across providers and commissioners Potential for sustainability and transformation funding to be used to buy out private finance initiative Wolverhampton CCG to set up an MCP alongside existing PACS model Modality MCP to be established from April 2018 The ...

  • European Parliament

    Exclusive: CCGs may bypass EU tendering rules


    Clinical commissioning groups look set to take a contrasting approach to NHS England over new tendering rules – due to the potential administrative burden and a “ridiculous timescale” that would need to be met.

  • Orange segments

    Daily Insight: 1-0 up at half-time


    HSJ’s round-up of Friday’s must read stories and debate