All News articles – Page 454

  • Mark lloyd new site

    STPs will struggle without 'democratic' involvement, says council chief


    Councils’ involvement in drawing up sustainability and transformation plans has varied “significantly” across the country, Local Government Association chief executive Mark Lloyd has said.

  • Mobile phone

    Exclusive: Vanguard hospital to trial private GP app provider


    Yeovil trust signs up to trial with app firm providing virtual GP consultations App to be offered free to trust staff, but if trial is successful it could roll out to NHS patients Some GPs are “anxious” but trust pledges to work “hand in hand” with doctors if changes ...

  • Simon_Stevens2

    Stevens: Some STPs 'short of leadership for the task ahead'


    Some STP footprints lack the leadership capable of “engaging in the task ahead”, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief executive admits there is a substantial gap between capital STPs are asking for and funding available New care model focus could shift to models covering populations of 30,000-50,000 Simon ...

  • Informal group meeting

    DWP to roll out jobs advisers for mental health patients


    Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship therapy scheme NHS England adviser said DWP and DH are planning to introduce more employment specialists to IAPT services next year DWP is “finalising” plans Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship talking therapy service as part ...

  • deficit_finance

    Exclusive: Trusts' deficit forecast more than £250m worse than feared


    Trust forecast figures suggest a deficit of £850m, compared to the planned £580m Mid-year trust forecasts are seen by NHS leaders as a key indicator of whether financial recovery plans have been successful Experts warn that performance could deteriorate further in second half of the year The NHS ...

  • Robert Francis QC

    Daily Insight: Francis repeats regulation of managers call


    The must read stories and debate in health policy

  • Nicola blackwood 3x2

    Minister: Capita 'inadequately' prepared for primary care contract


    Minister claims Capita were “inadequately” prepared to take over primary care support services NHS England admits poor performance has impacted on patients Nicola Blackwood argues previous PCS service needed to change Capita promise to employ 500 extra full time equivalent staff at own expense A health minister has ...

  • James titcombe 3x2

    Government advisers criticise plans to extend investigation 'safe space'


    Experts from HSIB expert advisory group warn against “safe space” plans DH consultation suggests extending legal protection for incident investigations to trusts Experts fear the powers will be abused and could damage efforts to improve investigations Government plans to extend a legal “safe space” to all NHS trusts ...

  • manager

    Exclusive: Robert Francis calls for regulation of senior managers


    Sir Robert Francis says senior managers should be regulated as part of a reformed system The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry chair also questions the fit and proper person test Calls for professional regulators to change their focus to do more for patient safety Senior NHS managers should be ...

  • European flag

    EU contribution to NHS highlighted by Awards shortlist


    The shortlist for HSJ’s special award celebrating the contribution to the NHS by staff from elsewhere in the EU has been announced.

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: Leadership quest goes into Fergie time


    HSJ’s round-up of Tuesday’s must read stories

  • Janet Davies

    RCN chief: New role risks devaluing nursing


    RCN chief executive Janet Davies criticises “lack of transparency” over development of nurse associate role She says proposals to allow nurse associates to administer controlled drugs is “ridiculous” Viewing nursing as a task based role would put patient safety at risk, she says Viewing nursing as a task ...

  • Balance sheet

    Daily Insight: Mental health spending off balance


    HSJ’s round-up of Monday’s must read stories and debate

  • Ealing Hospital NHS Trust

    Exclusive: STP to press on with controversial London hospital changes


    Late draft of North West London STP backs pressing on with reduction in acute sites Submission details £623m backlog in maintenance costs Proportion of spend on mental health will remain the same A late draft of North West London’s sustainability and transformation plan, seen by HSJ, says the ...

  • Compton chine isle of wight

    Exclusive: STP told its capital demand 'highly unlikely' to be met


    STP members told capital funds to transform services unlikely to be granted NHS England NHS Improvement regional directors tell leaders in Hampshire to be “significantly more conservative” The leaders of one sustainability and transformation plan have been told by NHS England and NHS Improvement it is “highly unlikely” ...

  • Jigsaw puzzle

    NHS England sets new rules for CCG mergers


    Clinical commissioning group mergers must create footprints that help deliver sustainability and transformation plans, and which are “future proofed” for the emergence of accountable care providers, under new NHS England guidance.

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Quality and financial regulation could be joined, says Mike Richards


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says in future there might not be separate regulation of quality and finance Chief inspector of hospitals says rating trusts for use of resources is the “most challenging” issue for the CQC in the year ahead NHS Improvement director Kathy McLean says struggling trusts will ...

  • mental health parity

    Revealed: The CCGs cutting mental health budgets


    New data shows more than a fifth of commissioners are not raising mental health funding as much as directed by NHS leaders 46 of the 209 CCGs have failed to achieve the “parity of esteem” mental health budget increase Eight CCGs have cut planned mental health spending over the ...

  • money_box_finance

    Daily Insight: An STP money problem


    The must read stories and talking points from HSJ

  • Bank balance

    STP needs £755m of capital funding to succeed, says leaked document


    HSJ has obtained a version of Cheshire and Mersey STP submission to NHS England The document highlights strategic risks involved in the plans around a lack of contingency funding and management capacity £755m of capital funding required to deliver the plans More than £750m of capital funding is ...