All News articles – Page 455

  • Stethoscope
  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • arrow sign

    Daily Insight: Trust's up and down day


    HSJ’s round-up of Thursday’s must read stories and talking points

  • Keyboard

    Hacked trust faces criticism over handling of worst cyber attack on NHS


    Northern Lincolnshire criticised for not using NHS Digital’s cyber security expert team Central team yet to arrive on site as trust opts for private firm to support them manage virus News follows significant concerns being raised that virus could spread The hospital trust at the centre of the ...

  • Macclesfield district general hospital

    Leaked STP document reveals A&E downgrade plans


    HSJ has seen a version of the region’s STP submission to NHS England Range of projects aim to close a financial gap of around £900m by 2021. Submission refers to the downgrade of the emergency department at Macclesfield and a “major service review” at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust ...

  • Social care minister David Mowat

    Minister insists STPs will 'not go ahead' without council approval


    Social care minister David Mowat has said sustainability and transformation plans would not be signed off by government if they fail to address council’s social care needs.

  • Bedford hospital

    Midlands STP plans 'unified leadership' for three hospitals


    Bedford, Milton Keynes and Luton and Dunstable hospitals will have “unified leadership, management and operations” under a “joint governing vehicle” A&E configuration decision in next two months Accountable care system planned The STP for Luton, Bedford and Milton Keynes reveals plans for “unified leadership, management and operations across ...

  • Town hall sign

    Seven councils reject STP submissions


    Hammersmith and Fulham, and Ealing councils reject north west London STP Both local authorities say they oppose the downgrade of Charing Cross Hospital assumed in the plan Leaders of the five west Yorkshire councils say they have not been given proper scrutiny of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate plan ...

  • American footballers

    Daily Insight: Extent of trust team work revealed


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s must read stories and talking points

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Chair kept bankruptcy secret from trust


    Trust chair failed to tell colleagues and NHS Improvement he had been made bankrupt Museji Takolia left Wye Valley nearly three months after bankruptcy declared Departure not announced by trust or NHS Improvement Mr Takolia on “special leave” from role as chair of the Pensions Advisory Service An ...

  • Man using computer

    Exclusive: Computer attack could hit more hospitals, officials warn


    Trusts around the country are warned over spread, after most disruptive cyber attack on an NHS trust NHS Digital warns trusts of “potential threat to your organisation” Senior source warns trusts are at risk of “going down with same virus” National officials have issued a warning to ...

  • Lord Carter2

    Major deal brings 'Amazon style' procurement to nearly 100 trusts


    New procurement platform could be a major step towards creating a single procurement catalogue across the NHS Exclusive partnership deal struck between NHS Shared Business Services, which serves 87 NHS trusts, and retail technology firm Virtualstock System already implemented by Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT, which was highlighted in ...

  • Man with clipbaord making notes

    Exclusive: CQC warned NHS Improvement over new trust rating system


    CQC’s consultation response to NHS Improvement single oversight framework said the regulators’ rating systems do not “align” NHSI’s financial metrics would not be “suitable” for CQC to use despite plans to work together to on financial measurements CQC also criticised the “narrow view” taken on how well led a ...

  • UK map

    Mapped: The NHS trusts merging, forming chains or building alliances


    Our map shows the spread of current and proposed major collaborations between whole acute trusts across England, including mergers, acquisitions, shared leadership and chains. 

  • Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

    One in three acute trusts set to merge, join chains or form alliances


    Around a third of acute and specialist trusts are involved in potential mergers/acquisitions, hospital chains, or other major collaborations, HSJ analysis has found.

  • Stevens Simon

    NHS England sets out new tariff plans


    Devices and apps in six categories included in new effort to accelerate access to innovative treatments Products will be included in a new “innovation and technology tariff” from April NHS England says process will cut red tape and bring innovative products into the health system faster Move welcomed by ...

  • computer

    Daily Insight: NHS digital drive buffering


    The must read stories and debate from Tuesday

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist

    Revealed: Only 4 per cent of GP appointments booked online


    Digital uptake low despite NHS England efforts to drive online bookings NHS England said last year 97 per cent of GP practices have online booking systems Senior source tells HSJ “we need to stop kidding ourselves” about digital uptake NHS England says progress being made is “encouraging” HSJ ...

  • Nurse and patient

    Daily Insight: Nursing on the cheap


    HSJ’s round-up of Monday’s must read stories and talking points

  • Injection

    Leak reveals nurse associates will be allowed to give patients drugs unsupervised


    Leaked document reveals plan for nursing associates to calculate and administer controlled drugs Internal HEE curriculum framework leaked ahead of Department of Health decision on regulation Expansion of role to include administering drugs is a “recipe for confusion”, says professor of nursing policy EXCLUSIVE: Nursing associates will be ...