All News articles – Page 461

  • News

    Provider bailouts shake-up after 'nasty surprise' warnings


    Experts have warned about the “different incentives” created by the £1.8bn bailout fund for NHS providers Many trusts have back-loaded their savings plans for 2016-17 From next year, bailout payments will be weighted towards latter months of the year Regulators are to introduce new measures aimed at removing ...

  • Blood test

    Pathology and back office savings 'won't all be achieved this year'


    NHS will not realise full savings from back office and pathology consolidations in 2016-17, Jeremy Marlow says NHS Improvement productivity director says some STP areas will “deliver cash this year” from consolidation “We’re not going to take the keys off trusts,” he promises The health service will not ...

  • Targets

    All trusts given new targets to achieve provider sector surplus


    Targets aim to bring provider sector into surplus next year Trusts in deficit have had their control totals ratcheted down, while surplus trusts must also improve their position. Extra funding focused on sustaining services rather than transformation or service enhancements See trusts’ indicative allocations from the STF Financial ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Daily Insight: Jeremy Hunt's conference classics


    The must read stories and talking points from Tuesday

  • Harpal Kumar

    New CCG ratings: Over 85 per cent failing on cancer performance


    Controversial “Ofsted style” ratings suggest 180 out of the 209 CCGs are failing on cancer performance Just seven CCGs rated “top performing”, while 22 rated as “performing well” Over 85 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to hit required standards on cancer performance and must ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Catch up: Jeremy Hunt's conference speech - coverage and reaction


    Jeremy Hunt addresses doctor training, mental health, junior doctors’ strike in conference speech

  • primary care

    NHS England delays draft new care model contract


    NHS England has confirmed there will be a delay in the publication of the multispecialty community provider draft contract, despite leading vanguard sites progressing with procurement for their MCP providers.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt pledges £100m to make NHS 'self-sufficient' in doctors


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is set to announce a 25 per cent expansion in the number of funded medical student places from 2018 in a bid to make the NHS less reliant on overseas recruitment.

  • Board table

    Daily Insight: Board level pay rises approved


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s must read stories and debate

  • Payslip

    Revealed: Ministers sign off £300k of pay rises for trust chairs


    Ministers agreed nearly £300,000 in pay rises for the chairs of NHS trusts over the past year, HSJ can reveal.

  • The new Northumbria hospital

    Contract to be let for pioneering 'ACO'


    One of the first ‘ACO’ contracts to be let Foundation trust was the only provider to express an interest Due to begin in April next year A northern foundation trust will take control of a single budget for all local services except primary care from next April in ...

  • Older woman

    Regulator launches investigation into cost of patient falls


    NHS Improvement launches investigation into cost of inpatient falls to the NHS Regulator is planning to share good practice to help providers improve care New “falls collaboratives” will be set up to take forward improvements NHS Improvement has launched an investigation into the cost and prevalence of inpatient ...

  • News

    MCP bidders told to avoid seeking 'excessive profit'


    Favoured bid for MCP contract will be one which does not seek “excessive” profit says vanguard CCG Dudley CCG sets out proposed service scope for MCP CCGs will be able to terminate MCP contract if provider is not achieving agreed outcomes Some adult social care and public health services ...

  • Pay

    Daily Insight: Cap on golden handshakes


    The must read stories and talking points from Friday

  • Injection

    GPs not returning to work due to 'huge' insurance costs, charities warn


    Returning GPs use commercial insurers at “huge cost” following rejection from major mutual insurers NHS England asked to “streamline” retraining process as “excessive” delays cause “financial hardship” for returning GPs Induction and refresher scheme “too slow and bureaucratic ” says RCGP “Excessive” delays in retraining and “huge” indemnity ...

  • Hand with pills

    Exclusive: Charity loses legal challenge to NHS England drug decision


    Hepatitis C Trust loses legal challenge to NHS England’s decision to cap access to new drugs for the disease Judge rules decision to roll out treatments via “monthly run rate” is “legitimate” and “rational” Charity argued that capping therapy approved as cost effective went against NICE rules The ...

  • London

    Commissioning support units to merge


    Two commissioning support units are to merge next year, HSJ can reveal.

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Government plans cap on NHS exit payments


    Treasury announces bid to reduce NHS redundancy payments Changes could affect all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers Legislation will cap exit payments and claw back payments from returning staff The Treasury has revealed plans to substantially cut the size of redundancy payments made to public sector ...

  • Savings percentages

    Daily Insight: Trusts feel the squeeze from the Treasury


    HSJ’s round-up of Thursday’s essential health stories and debate

  • Financial spreadsheets

    Deep dive review launched as CCG finances worsen


    CCGs have overspent planned budgets by £160m in the five months to September Seventy-seven were overspent against plan, compared to 45 at the end of July Deep dive review by NHS England will “test the robustness” of the overall forecast National leaders have launched a “deep dive” review ...