All News articles – Page 477

  • Robert Wachter

    Wachter: Cut CEOs some slack when trusts go digital


    Top digital advisor says there must be “some slack cut” for chief executives implementing electronic patient record systems Robert Wachter highlights example of Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust ’Failing to digitise needs to become a bad thing for a chief executive’. A senior government technology advisor has said regulators must ...

  • Innovation and technology

    Exclusive: NHS England to appoint CCIO


    NHS England recruiting another substantial senior appointment Move follows call from senior government adviser to beef up CCIO role across NHS CCIO is one of three new roles which are part of significant restructure of NHS England’s tech team NHS England is looking to recruit a chief clinical ...

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: And the resignations keep coming


    The must read stories and most important developments on Tuesday

  • johann malawana

    Junior doctors: Government expected to impose contract


    The government is minded to impose the contract it agreed with junior doctors leaders, but which has been rejected by members It will formally announce its next steps in the coming days The government is expected to press on with imposition of the junior doctors contract which it ...

  • Alastair Burt

    Alistair Burt announces resignation


    Community and social care minister Alistair Burt has announced he will step down in September following the appointment of a new prime minister.

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Junior doctors vote to reject contract deal


    Junior doctors have voted to reject a contract deal which the BMA had negotiated with the Department of Health.

  • Jackie Smith

    Exclusive: Brexit may hit NHS's nurse 'pipeline', says regulator chief


    Nursing regulator says Brexit likely to impact “pipeline” of nurses to NHS EU nurses likely to face stricter tests to work Would increase NMC costs The “pipeline” of nurses coming to the NHS may be constrained because of likely changes to the approval process for those coming from ...

  • Bruno Holtof

    New Oxford Hospitals chief reveals delayed transfers turnaround


    The chief executive of one of England’s top teaching hospitals has set out how it halved its stubbornly high rate of delayed transfers, after introducing a set of reforms including directly employing social care workers. Bruno Holthof, who joined Oxford University Hospitals in October, also set out his vision for ...

  • European flag

    Daily Insight: Brexit shockwaves hit the NHS


    The must read stories and most important developments on Monday

  • Large Simon

    Long-serving FT chief announces retirement


    PROVIDERS: The chief executive of a community and mental health foundation trust in Yorkshire is to retire after nearly 10 years in the post.

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Government must deliver on Brexit funding promises


    Simon Stevens says public will want “new political leaders” to deliver on promise to increase NHS funding NHS England chief executive says health service will ”continue to need and benefit” from the service of migrants Mr Stevens will set out NHS “asks” for the government’s Brexit negotiations Simon ...

  • Doctor prescribing

    Exclusive: 14 practices on course to form ‘single partnership’


    Fourteen practices in Suffolk are close to agreeing to form a “single partnership” covering 155,000 patients, HSJ understands.

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: Watchdog resigns over deputy’s sexual harassment cover-up


    Dame Julie Mellor resigns after accepting she made mistakes in handling of correspondence over deputy Resignation follows the revealtion that she was made aware of a sexual harassment cover-up by Mick Martin in July last year Dame Julie resigned today after investigation into her conduct by Sir Alex Allan. ...

  • community services young students in class boys girls science school

    Revealed: Children's services hardest hit by public health cuts


    Services aimed at children and young people are bearing the brunt of cuts to public health spending by local authorities, an HSJ investigation has revealed.

  • Exchange rates

    Brexit: Fall in the pound could create extra £900m bill for NHS


    Brexit could create extra £900m bill for the NHS as suppliers hike prices to protect themselves against slump in the pound Most NHS organisations buy products in the pound but at least half of goods originate outside the UK Procurement expert says NHS must take action to deliver the ...

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: Ditching the target, missing the point


    The must read stories and most important developments on Friday

  • George osborne

    Osborne to abandon surplus target


    Chancellor George Osborne has abandoned his target to bring government finances back into surplus by 2020.

  • Petrie dishes

    Host trust quits financially 'fragile' NHS pathology venture


    Cambridge University Hospitals pulls out of flagship pathology project it was hosting Trust faces £5m bill to extricate itself from The Pathology Partnership Cambridge says partnership lost £15m last year, costing trust £3.7m Partnership insists it will “evolve” A flagship NHS joint venture has been left reeling after ...

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • Andrew Cash

    Seven trusts combine leadership to accelerate vanguard changes


    Seven trusts in Yorkshire to cede control over decision making to newly created federation board Leaders want new structure to help speed up transformation of acute services New board and south Yorkshire STP both headed by Sir Andrew Cash Seven trusts will cede authority over decision making on ...