All News articles – Page 484

  • Interim Report

    NHS to face new patient safety investigations from autumn


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will have a budget of £3.6m in first year Expert advisory group calls for process to resolve historical complaints Mike Durkin hails launch of HSIB as “a huge leap forward” The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will be operating from this autumn with a ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt rejected expert advice on independence of safety branch


    Expert advisers urged health secretary to make new investigation branch independent They also called for all relevant information to be shared with patients and families Government actions risk undermining “effectiveness and public confidence”, says charity boss The health secretary rejected the advice of safety experts who urged him ...

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: The CQC's smaller, faster future


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s must read stories and debate

  • Andrew Lansley

    Lansley: NHS not sustainable on current funding


    Former health secretary Lord Lansley has warned the NHS will not be able to transform care using its current resources and told Parliament the proportion of GDP spent on the NHS cannot keep falling.

  • boardroom

    CQC to review whether fit and proper person rule 'needs to change'


    CQC to look at “learning points” from implementation of fit and proper person rule Review will examine whether CQC’s approach or the regulation itself “needs to change” Peter Wyman says CQC would be happy to run register of fit and proper managers if asked to The Care Quality ...

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Regulator’s budget cut may require job losses


    CQC chief executive says it may have to make redundancies to cope with budget cut Funding will go from £249m in 2015-16 to £217m in 2019-20 David Behan promises “good management” to keep job losses to “an absolute minimum” The Care Quality Commission may have to make redundancies ...

  • Hospital ward

    Analysis: 20 trusts behind half of A&E performance decline


    Twenty trusts responsible for most of the rise in A&E four hour target breaches Eight of the trusts also drove last year’s decline Smaller trusts disproportionately driving the decline Eight trusts hit the 95 per cent target for 2015-16 overall Twenty hospitals trusts are responsible for more than ...

  • David Behan

    CQC to move to 'smaller and more frequent' hospital inspections


    CQC to inspect every trust annually, examining how well led they are and one core service “as a minimum” High performing trusts will not undergo comprehensive inspections in future Providers will have to “give their view of the quality of care they are providing” as part of annual reporting ...

  • Illustration about staff motivation

    Daily Insight: The NHS's forgotten 500,000


    The must read stories on today

  • managers with computer

    HSJ inquiry: Carter review needs non-clinical staff on board to succeed


    Carter review efficiency drive will fail unless non-clinical staff are engaged, HSJ inquiry finds This section of the workforce also has key role to play in STPs, report says Read the full report Send your feedback, comments and examples of best practice to Lord Carter’s efficiency agenda ...

  • News

    Watch: Why we are holding an inquiry on the non-clinical workforce


    The non-clinical NHS workforce is often ignored or even reviled, yet it is essential its role in the future success of the service is recognised. This video introduces the HSJ/Serco Inquiry on Maximising the Contribution of NHS Non-Clinical Staff.

  • medication tablets prescription

    Charity mulls legal challenge to hepatitis C policy


    Hepatitis C Trust considering judicial review of NHS England’s decision to cap new treatments for the disease Charity argues the decision breaches principle that patients should get access to treatments approved as cost effective by NICE NHS England says removing cap would result in “dramatic offsetting cuts” elsewhere in ...

  • Workforce

    Scale of NHS staff transfer to private sector revealed


    The scale of the transfer of NHS staff to independent sector providers in recent years has been revealed in new figures.

  • Prof David Fish

    Regulators warned over 'mixed messages' to success regime


    UCLPartners boss sets out concerns to Jim Mackey after experience with Essex success regime Sir David Fish cites unrealistic targets and insufficient central support for areas driving major reconfiguration Warns regulators that “old style” approaches would hamper collaboration However, he says he is “very impressed” with recent changes made ...

  • Medical Cross

    Daily Insight: Five must-reads on a big day in NHS news


    HSJ’s round-up of the must read stories on Friday

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    NHS Improvement: Trusts lost £65m of activity during strikes


    Provider sector lost £65m of activity during strike days Emergency department performance improved on full walkout days NHS Improvement says it cannot be certain there were no clinical incidents for several weeks Strike action by junior doctors cost the NHS provider sector £65m in lost in activity, NHS ...

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

    Trusts named for consultancy turnaround programme


    NHS Improvement has revealed the 16 trusts in the first wave of its £25m turnaround programme.

  • UK map

    Revealed: The best and worst financial performers in your region


    Data collected by HSJ has revealed the acute trusts with the deepest financial problems, including three providers with a deficit of around 20 per cent of their turnover.

  • News

    Official figures reveal £2.45bn NHS provider deficit


    Figures published by NHS Improvement show the provider sector ended 2015-16 with a deficit of £2.45bn.

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    GPs vote to ballot on industrial action


    GP representatives have voted unanimously to ballot the profession on potential industrial action, and the possibility of signing undated resignations.