All News articles – Page 494

  • Birmingham

    Monitor authorises FTs in last wave before 'revised approach'


    Monitor has authorised two community trusts as part of what could be the last wave of new foundation trusts.

  • News

    Junior doctors’ contract revealed with new pay protection


    Government publishes new junior doctors’ contract to be imposed from August Pay protection extended for some doctors Jeremy Hunt makes five changes to contract The final junior doctors’ contract to be imposed from August has been published by NHS Employers and includes extending pay protection for some doctors.

  • pills

    Medicines management 'rationalised' to cut pharma influence


    NHS England plan to create four regional medicines management committees to ‘rationalise’ evaluation and industry’s influence on buying decisions Agency promises more robust measures to force CCGs to disclose gifts and hospitality given to all their staff NHS England is to create four regional committees to “rationalise” medicines ...

  • Xray

    Medical examiners could lead to thousands more inquests


    Medical examiners service could increase number of inquests by 20,000 a year Royal College of Pathologists president warns of a lack of capacity in the system 385 medical examiners will be recruited to work part-time alongside support staff Department of Health says work ongoing to fund increased coroner workload ...

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    CCGs ordered to appoint 'conflicts of interest guardian'


    CCGs required to appoint ‘conflicts of interest’ guardian under sweeping changes to guidance proposed by NHS England Proposals for the use of tougher legal sanctions on both providers and commissioners failing to manage conflicts of interest Clinical commissioning groups will be required to nominate a “conflicts of interest ...

  • waiting_room_time.jpg

    'Nearly all' CCGs to take on primary care commissioning by 2018


    NHS England director says he expects nearly all CCGs to take on delegated primary care commissioning by 2017-18 Board meeting expected to approve delegated commissioning responsibilities to an additional 51 CCGs on Thursday NHS England has said that it expects “nearly all” clinical commissioning groups to have taken ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Daily Insight: How long left for Hunt?


    Wednesday’s must read and must watch stories

  • David Behan

    Updated: CQC to hike trust fees by 75 per cent


    CQC fees for smaller trusts to increase by £58,656 next year Fees for GP practices to triple but government will cover extra cost CQC chooses most bullish of the options it consulted on, moving to “full cost recovery” from providers over two years The Care Quality Commission will ...

  • top chief executives leader

    Revealed: The leaders chosen for 41 of England's STPs


    NHS England confirms the leaders for 41 of 44 “sustainability and transformation plan” footprints List includes 18 provider chief executives, 18 CCG leaders and three from local authorities Three areas yet to confirm their STP lead NHS England has confirmed the individuals who will lead five year transformation ...

  • Iss 12903 00287

    How a specialist care vanguard may design ‘experimental tariffs’


    As the NHS begins to visualise the capabilities of new care models, two briefings written by HSJ’s experts look at how vanguards are implementing service redesigns.

  • Chris Ham

    Government urged to create ‘level playing field’ for mutuals


    Government must “level the playing field” for mutuals that wish to provide acute services, says DH sponsored review Seven hospital trusts that piloted increased staff ownership found barriers to mutualisation including VAT and corporation tax liabilities Estimated productivity savings dwarfed by £20m VAT payments The government should “level ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    Transparency league table problems not a 'question of competence'


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has dismissed as “harsh” a suggestion that problems with the recently published “learning from mistakes” league table raised a “question of competence” over the government’s handling of improvement initiatives.

  • Jeremy_Hunt4

    Hunt: my biggest mistake


    Jeremy Hunt has said that his biggest mistake to date as health secretary was to rely too heavily on inspection to improve poor care before he realised that culture change would have a greater impact.

  • Retirement sign

    Hunt: Pension increase is 'more bearable' for NHS


    Jeremy Hunt says pension cost increase should be “more bearable” than thought for employers Cites lower than expected inflation Health secretary believes £22bn savings target “possible” The increased pension contributions expected from NHS employers will be a “more bearable burden” than previously thought, Jeremy Hunt has said.

  • Manchester

    Daily Insight: NHS England ready to pounce on devo Manc


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s must read stories

  • Mouse_computer_work

    Cyber security plans outlined amid 'mounting concern' of attacks


    Information centre to discuss raft of cyber security proposals Proposals include call for central contingency fund to deal with a system-wide security incident There is “mounting concern” among experts about cyber attacks on patient data, report says The Health and Social Care Information Centre will this week consider ...

  • Computer stethoscope 3 x 2

    £8m project to share and link data across seven CCGs


    The ability to share and communicate data digitally is at the heart of NHS England’s recently released 10 core targets. Two case studies, one from HSJ’s expert in technology, looks at how these ambitions can be realised.

  • GP_doctor3

    Vanguard FT’s company to take over GP practices


    Vanguard in south Somerset takes major step towards setting up a PACS Three GP practices to be taken over by FT subsidiary company Arrangements can be reversed if vanguard fails Other practices offered partnership arrangement in local accountable care organisation Three GP practices in Somerset are to be ...

  • Richmond House

    Daily Insight: 'The Department of Health needs to get its act together'


    Thursday’s must read stories on

  • Group of clinical professionals talking

    'Desire to save money' caused NHS nursing shortage says damning report


    Migration Advisory Committee agrees to “reluctantly” keep nursing on the shortage occupation list Chair says Department of Health needs to “get its act together” on workforce planning Health Education England would have commissioned 3,000 extra nursing places in 2016-17 if not for financial cuts A nationwide shortage of ...