All News articles – Page 508

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Executive Summary: Dispatches from the war on agency spending


    Today’s must know: Quarter of trusts ask for permission to breach agency spend cap Today’s talking point: Comparative study rates NHS 14th out of 35 in Europe and criticises “autocratic” management style Bad news from the agency spending front line No one could accuse Monitor/NHS Improvement ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trusts ask Monitor for tariff hike


    Monitor has received 16 requests for tariff hikes since April 2014 Morecambe Bay has secured modified prices which should result in extra £25m per year Worcestershire Acute Trust withdrew application for “further engagement” with commissioners At least eight NHS trusts have sought to boost their income by asking ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt: Families have 'too many choices' in urgent care


    Remarks follow a report into the death of a child from sepsis One-year old William Mead died following repeated contacts with GP, out of hours and NHS 111 services Hunt also pledges to review clinical cover in 111 services Jeremy Hunt has said there are “too many choices” ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Baumann looks for new savings to help DH's bottom line


    NHS England bosses look for extra savings in light of the predicted provider deficit CCG sector forecasts year-end deficit of £51.3m NHS England commissioning was overspent in first eight months of the 2015-16 NHS England has revealed it is actively looking for new savings beyond its planned surplus ...

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • Peterborough City Hospital

    Revealed: Five trusts seeking millions for reconfiguration


    Documents released by the Department of Health show five foundation trusts where reconfiguration of services could be necessary.

  • Man with clipbaord making notes

    New NHS review standards inspired by Kirkup inquiry


    Document sets out 22 principles set out for external reviews of clinical services Follows recommendation by the Morecambe Bay inquiry for systemic guidance Includes key principles of openness and transparency, and ensuring regulators New standards for NHS organisations to follow when commissioning invited reviews of clinical services have ...

  • Microscope

    Executive Summary: Just look at the view


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s must read health stories

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: 'Specialised services need additional investment'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens told Jeremy Hunt specialised services were unaffordable in their current form, papers released today reveal.

  • Technology

    Hunt’s digital guru assembles multinational review team


    Professor Robert Wachter to prepare NHS digital review to be published this summer US based expert understood to have recruited team with broad range of expertise from UK, US and Europe Advisers expected to include David Brailer, who was the first US national coordinator for health, and Sir David ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Hands up

    Healthwatch England will have ‘freedom to criticise CQC’


    Healthwatch England will remain free to criticise the Care Quality Commission even after it has been “embedded” into the regulator, the CQC’s chief executive has promised.

  • Growth

    Fees hike will make CQC 'more accountable', says Behan


    CQC’s greater reliance on fees will mean “becoming more accountable”, says chief executive David Behan says CQC is in a similar financial position to many of the organisations it regulates Providers “will expect us to demonstrate value for money” Increasing the share of the Care Quality Commission’s funding ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens 'more powerful than any cabinet minister'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens is the fourth most powerful person in the country, HSJ editor Alastair McLellan told the BBC’s Week in Westminster last week.

  • Waiting room

    Fears GP funding will be diverted after guidance delay


    Delay in release of detailed guidance for CCGs to apply for primary premises fund BMA leader calls for clarification money will not be spent elsewhere or ’double-badged’ NHS England could delay February deadline for funding applications The deadline for bids for £750m of GP premises funding could be ...

  • NHS estates

    NHS business rates challenge could cost 'hundreds of millions'


    Councils could face a wave of claims for business rate refunds from NHS foundation trusts in cases that revolve around whether trusts should enjoy the mandatory rate relief accorded to charities and certain other bodies.

  • Lord Carter

    Executive Summary: We got Carter, and the rest of HSJ's week of leaks


    The essential stories for healthcare leaders this week, including details of the Carter efficiency review revealed.

  • pharmacy

    Efficiency review will point to pharmacy consolidation


    Lord Carter believes that £850m-£1.4bn can be saved in pharmacy and medicines management by 2020 Report is expected to recommend trusts review operations for buying, producing and supplying medicines, and consider outsourcing All hospitals will need to adopt electronic prescribing and medicines management systems Lord Carter’s review of ...

  • lab, research, medical research,

    Carter: Diagnostic services should hit new targets, merge, or outsource


    Lord Carter recommends trusts unable to hit new pathology benchmarks be ordered to consolidate or outsource by January 2017 Reckons there are £250m in savings to be found in pathology His earlier report on pathology, commissioned in 2005, put the sum at £250m-£500m Trusts that cannot achieve new ...

  • NHS estates

    Carter report: Hospitals face new limits on underused land


    Carter recommends hospitals be ordered to operate with no more than 35 per cent non-clinical floor space and 2.5 per cent unoccupied or underused space DH should set up “invest to save energy fund” to cut down on power bills All trusts must be at average or above levels ...