News – Page 521

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Mackey: 'We dropped a clanger' on agency staff rules


    NHSI announced new rules in February to prevent trusts from using agency staff who are also employed by the NHS, but said it was “pausing” the policy last week Jim Mackey says “we dropped a clanger but we fixed it” NHS regulators have admitted they “dropped a clanger” ...

  • Jim Mackey

    NHS should not tolerate 'return to bad days' of bullying


    NHS Improvement chief says trusts should not “tolerate a return to the bad days, if that ever existed, even if it was perceived to exist – they shouldn’t tolerate it” Mackey: “I would encourage people, if they’re on the end of something that doesn’t feel right, to challenge it” ...

  • Samantha Jones

    NHS England national director to step down next month


    New care models director Samantha Jones is to step down next month to spend more time with her children, HSJ has learned.

  • Dorset County Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Whole STP buys shared care record in likely first


    Dorset will become one of the first areas to deploy an STP-wide shared care record, after signing a deal with Orion Healthcare.

  • Computer stethoscope 3 x 2
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners get unexpected £20m bill after trust coding flaw


    Trust admits it has “significant problem with coding” going back years CCGs presented with an unexpected invoice for £13m Wandsworth CCG is resisting paying “in the strongest possible terms” A major teaching trust has presented its commissioners with an unexpected £20m bill after discovering it has been inaccurately ...

  • Jim_Mackey

    Exclusive: Mackey admits trust deficit cannot be cleared in 2017-18


    NHS Improvement chief executive says provider sector will fail to break even in 2017-18 Sector could break even next financial year but factors are beyond trusts’ control, says Jim Mackey Discussions taking place about reporting on the joint financial performance of the NHS provider and commissioning sectors The ...

  • Marianne Griffiths
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust receives £30m to upgrade A&E


    New £30m emergency unit intended to transform the way that care is delivered Development approved by NHS Improvement Marianne Griffiths spells out her priorities for troubled Brighton and Sussex trust NHS Improvement has approved £30m of new investment in emergency care facilities at a special measures trust, as ...

  • Lizard Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    Inadequate CCG's deficit reaches £60m


    NHS England has expressed “significant concerns” over the financial future of an inadequate clinical commissioning group, which is set to end 2016-17 with a deficit of over £60m.

  • Town hall sign

    Private investors and councils key to capital investment, says Mackey


    Limited access to capital funding means the NHS will need to design more funding schemes that are “off balance sheet”, potentially enabled by local authorities, Jim Mackey says.

  • Workforce jpg

    Lack of workforce plan 'biggest internal threat' to NHS sustainability


    The lack of a “comprehensive long term workforce strategy” represents the biggest internal threat to the sustainability of the NHS, a new report says.

  • Chessboard and Chess pieces

    Daily Insight: The integration game


    The must read stories and debate in the NHS

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing
    HSJ Local

    Competition row treatment centre rated requires improvement


    North East London Treatment Centre rated “requires improvement” Centre is at heart of hard-fought procurement process between local NHS trust and Care UK An elective treatment centre at the heart of a competition dispute has been rated requires improvement by inspectors.

  • News

    NHS in 'Mexican standoff' with locums due to new tax rules


    New tax regulations for off-payroll staff come into force on Thursday Some locums and temporary staff are refusing to work at NHS trusts Trusts face “Hobson’s choice” over locums’ pay demands, says finance director Medical director says NHS “must hold the line” on pay cap The NHS is ...

  • primary care

    New primary care model linked to lower A&E attendance


    Areas testing the “primary care home” model for general practice have shown “significant reductions” in A&E attendances and lower GP waiting times, new data reveals.

  • pills

    Specialised commissioning process 'lacks transparency', NHS England told


    Specialised commissioning is “very hard to probe”, resulting in “unusual decisions”, stakeholders warn NHS England made funding U-turn on two treatments it had previously deemed “unaffordable” but provided little detail about why FOI request for minutes of specialised commissioning funding body denied ABPI says “major reassessment” of whole process ...

  • uk_map_britain

    STPs to be told how to make integrated care savings


    Each STP to be sent a tailored report on improving integration between physical and mental health services The reports will also outline what savings can be made through closer integration NHS England commissioned the reports and data packs compiled by Midlands and Lancashire CSU All 44 sustainability and ...

  • lecture

    New £2bn training supplier framework created for NHS


    NHS Shared Business Services creating new framework for apprentice training supplies The framework available free of charge to the NHS Potential market value for is estimated at £2bn by 2021 NHS Shared Business Services is creating a new framework for suppliers of apprenticeship training with a potential market ...

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Staffordshire still unsustainable after 'failed' Mid Staffs dissolution


    Staffordshire CCGs receiving £15m a year additional support from NHS England University Hospitals of North Midlands is forecasting a deficit of £100m in 2017-18 Trust special administration process described as a “failed experiment” and “zombie policy” NHS organisations in Staffordshire are facing huge deficits after the Mid Staffordshire ...

  • child in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Children's lives put at risk at Stafford hospital, royal college warns


    Royal college review backs closure of children’s emergency centre Earlier review highlighted “potentially life threatening” management of cases Concerns follow a review in 2006 highlighting similar fears for safety Children’s lives were put at risk because of unsafe emergency services at Stafford Hospital, a review by the Royal ...

  • Eames_Stephen
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief: Hunt referral won't stop hospital tackling staffing problems


    North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust will continue with maternity services overhaul plans despite pending reconfiguration decision from Jeremy Hunt Trust chief Stephen Eames says the decision will not stop the organisation tackling recruitment problems in west Cumbria Cumbria CCG’s decision to keep two consultant led units at the trust ...