News – Page 553

  • Stockport
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard area plans to create new 'care trust'


    Stockport Foundation Trust and Stockport borough council to create a new accountable care trust New organisation would hold the contract for the area’s MCP plus other health and social care services Primary care contracts would not be included in the scope of “care trust” model Council and trust set ...

  • share data
    HSJ Local

    High profile NHS 'cyber attack' may have 'come from USB stick'


    “Cyber attack” virus may have come from a USB stick rather than an intentional outside attack “Zero day” viruses are difficult to protect against and “pose the same problem through industry” A high profile “cyber attack” on a foundation trust appears to have been the consequence of poor ...

  • York Hospital

    Regional leaders plan hospital contract shake-up


    Regional health leaders are drawing up plans to abandon payment by results based on national tariffs and move to a cost and risk based contract for acute providers, along with an STP-level control total.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Cut medical locum rates or close services, Stevens tells trusts


    Trust leaders have been told to close services that cannot be run without paying locum doctors a rate worth more than £150,000 a year.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Daily Insight: Hunt ponders NHS's 'historic mistake'


    HSJ’s round-up of Wednesday’s must read stories and debate

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    NHS leaders 'misjudged' call for more funding, says Hunt


    NHS Providers chief said yesterday trusts “simply cannot deliver all that they are being asked to deliver on the funding available” Jeremy Hunt says calls for more money were a “misjudgement”, coming “less than a year” after a “good settlement” Health secretary suggests the calls could erode confidence in ...

  • Nurses

    Hunt: Regulation 'necessary' for new nursing role


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council has been asked by the government to regulate the new nursing associate role.

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health offers £220k salary for new commercial chief


    Department seeks pharma heavyweight to lead on commercial strategy Post holder will lead renegotiation of the pharmaceutical pricing regulatory scheme Salary would make post holder one of the department’s highest earners The Department of Health is recruiting for a new chief commercial officer, with a £220,000 basic salary ...

  • waiting_room_time.jpg

    Exclusive: Hospital trust eyes takeover of more GP practices


    A vanguard acute trust is holding talks with seven GP practices with a view to fully integrating them into its primary care provider arm by the end of 2016-17, HSJ has learned.

  • ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Ambulance trust speeds pregnancy calls following baby's death


    Ambulance trust upgrades its response for some pregnant women Assistant coroner says the failure of paramedics to care for the unborn baby is a “a clear training issue” Trust says long handover delays need to be addressed An ambulance trust has upgraded how it responds to some emergency ...

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    NHS 'opt out' pension scheme deemed legal


    Pensions Regulator rules East and North Hertfordshire Trust’s new opt-out pension scheme as legal Despite criticising a similar scheme earlier this year, NHS Pension Board says trust is “entitled to engage its staff” on “alternative employment” offers Trust says the scheme appears “successful” and is considering extending offer ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: STPs will 'reboot' and help cut 'enormous' overheads


    “Five or six” STPs looking at significant organisational restructure Arm’s length bodies looking to devolve resource to well developed STPs “Reboot” of STPs is required to improve engagement The chief executive of NHS Improvement has said some regional health systems could “change their governance mechanisms” to create a ...

  • HM_Treasury

    'Treasury door open on capital', says Jim Mackey


    Jim Mackey believes there could be a “door open” for capital funding from the government, but said leaders need to build a “stronger case” NHS Improvement chief says the capital requirements set out in STPs are ”unaffordable and undeliverable” Scope to devolve some responsibilities from national bodies to STPs ...

  • Running

    Daily Insight: Vanguard races ahead


    The essential stories and opinion in health today

  • healthcare workers

    Hundreds of 'core' posts could be cut under STP proposal


    Nottinghamshire STP indicative workforce changes include 12 per cent cut in band five and similar roles Workforce appendix suggests 24 per cent increase in community and primary care workforce Plan aims to cut 200 hospital beds over the next two years Hundreds of band five nursing, social worker ...

  • Contract 3x2

    Vanguard CCG tenders landmark new care model contract


    Dudley CCG begins procurement process for multispecialty community provider contract MCP contract may include budgets for adult social care Chief officer for Dudley CCG says it is the responsibility of providers to highlight risks and concerns about the MCP Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group has become the first CCG ...

  • Watch

    Revealed: Details of new waiting targets for trusts


    All emergency and urgent mental health patients in A&E and hospital wards should be seen within one hour by liaison psychiatry staff Emergency patients should be treated within four hours and urgent patients within 24 hours Trusts to submit how quickly they respond to emergency mental health crises at ...

  • Supermarket

    NHS staff 'quitting to stack shelves', warns provider chief


    NHS Providers chief says health service wages are “uncompetitive” Chris Hopson warns trusts are “seriously worried” about retaining vital staff if pay restraint continues Survey shows concerns about retention of staff at all levels Trusts deserve great credit for driving down deficits, Mr Hopson says Staff in lower ...