News – Page 575

  • Sir David Fish

    Head of academic health partnership to retire


    The managing director of UCLPartners is retiring next week.

  • News

    Revealed: Trusts counting on back-loaded savings


    NHS trusts will have to significantly improve “run-rates” to meet 2016-17 financial targets Plans assume significant efficiency savings can be delivered in the latter half of the year In many cases, those savings have not yet been identified, or there is a high level of risk that they will ...

  • Walk in centre

    Checklist for signing off new care model revealed


    MCP joint assurance process likely to include three “gateways” To be finalised by mid October Will cover conflict of interest and why MCP has been chosen Regulators are expected to require proposals for MCPs to pass three tests under a “joint assurance process” before becoming operational, according to ...

  • Rising star

    Daily Insight: One of the best


    HSJ’s round-up of Friday’s must read stories

  • Mary edwards
    HSJ Local

    Long-serving hospital chief to stand down


    Mary Edwards, the chief executive of Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust for more than a decade, has announced she will stand down at the end of the year.

  • Cambridge

    Trust chiefs deny 'low-balling' bid before major contract collapse


    UnitingCare providers deny making a knowingly unrealistic bid for £750m contract Trusts, NHS England and CCG accuse previous provider of not being transparent over the service costs Previous provider Cambridgeshire Community Services Trust robustly rejects charge NHS trusts involved in the UnitingCare debacle have denied making a deliberately ...

  • Great Western Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Second South West social enterprise to close next month


    Swindon based social enterprise SEQOL to close next month after losing main contract to Great Western Hospitals FT Adult community services due to be transferred in February 2017 but process brought forward because of SEQOL’s “challenging financial position” It is the second social enterprise in the South West to ...

  • Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Specialist hospital rated 'one of the best trusts in England'


    Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital is the first specialist acute hospital to be rated outstanding One of only eight English trusts to receive highest quality rating Specialist acute hospital trusts currently outperforming non-specialists, with 78 per cent rated good or outstanding Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Foundation Trust ...

  • Man at top of mountain

    Daily Insight: Climbing the STP mountain


    HSJ’s round-up of Thursday’s must read stories

  • Steve Cox
    HSJ Local

    Chief of 'inadequate' CCG resigns


    The accountable officer of a troubled clinical commissioning group in the North West has resigned

  • Sir Howard Bernstein
    HSJ Local

    Sir Howard Bernstein to retire


    Long-serving Manchester chief executive to leave next spring

  • Weston General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    South West trust takes action following mortality concerns


    Weston Area Health has second highest summary hospital level mortality indicator in England “Further increase” expected in data to be published this month Trust has launched two reviews to investigate the mortality concerns Weston Area Health Trust has launched two external reviews into its mortality rates, after it ...

  • Children at school

    Child protection system still lacks data on 87,000 children


    Local authorities face technical difficulties uploading information None of the four children’s specialist trusts have successfully implemented child protection information sharing system False negatives “raise a risk” for children with protection plans Nearly three quarters of children with child protection plans do not have their details stored on ...

  • Map

    Most areas should publish STPs by end of the year, says NHS England


    National guidance says “most” areas should publish their STP by the end of the year However, “every area will be working to a different timeframe” “Most areas” should publish a version of their sustainability and transformation plan by the end of the year, according to national guidance due ...

  • Steps

    Daily Insight: Another NHS naughty step


    The must read stories and talking points in health policy

  • Simon Stevens

    New rules to follow £750m contract debacle and Brexit


    There will be a new “checklist” for CCGs and assurance process for providers involved in big contracts Simon Stevens suggests Brexit could offer opportunity to change procurement rules Strategic Projects Team was disbanded because NHS England was “not satisfied with the quality of their work” System leaders are ...

  • Nurses pushing trolley

    'Special measures' considered for trusts failing on A&E


    NHS Improvement considering new “special measures” category for operational performance including A&E Comes as English hospital sector records worst quarter one A&E performance since 2003 HSJ analysis shows worst performing 40 trusts responsible for 63 per cent of year on year decline NHS Improvement is considering a new ...

  • Lister Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust makes controversial pension offer to reduce vacancies


    East and North Herts Trust to offer a higher salary to new nurses if they opt out of NHS pension NHS Pension Board previously raised concerns that similar scheme at Oxleas FT “induced” staff to choose pension opt-out NHS Improvement aware of ENHT’s decision for “some time” A ...

  • Microscope
    HSJ Local

    Trust to receive millions as mental health research centre


    Oxford Health FT and Oxford University named second mental health biomedical research centre Announcement part of £816m investment in medical research by DH Cash will be split between 20 research centres with Oxford set to receive £12.8m A foundation trust has been named the country’s second mental health ...

  • Arrows

    Daily Insight: Boosting PACS


    HSJ’s round-up of Tuesday’s must read stories