News – Page 593

  • Large Simon

    Long-serving FT chief announces retirement


    PROVIDERS: The chief executive of a community and mental health foundation trust in Yorkshire is to retire after nearly 10 years in the post.

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Government must deliver on Brexit funding promises


    Simon Stevens says public will want “new political leaders” to deliver on promise to increase NHS funding NHS England chief executive says health service will ”continue to need and benefit” from the service of migrants Mr Stevens will set out NHS “asks” for the government’s Brexit negotiations Simon ...

  • Doctor prescribing

    Exclusive: 14 practices on course to form ‘single partnership’


    Fourteen practices in Suffolk are close to agreeing to form a “single partnership” covering 155,000 patients, HSJ understands.

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: Watchdog resigns over deputy’s sexual harassment cover-up


    Dame Julie Mellor resigns after accepting she made mistakes in handling of correspondence over deputy Resignation follows the revealtion that she was made aware of a sexual harassment cover-up by Mick Martin in July last year Dame Julie resigned today after investigation into her conduct by Sir Alex Allan. ...

  • Exchange rates

    Brexit: Fall in the pound could create extra £900m bill for NHS


    Brexit could create extra £900m bill for the NHS as suppliers hike prices to protect themselves against slump in the pound Most NHS organisations buy products in the pound but at least half of goods originate outside the UK Procurement expert says NHS must take action to deliver the ...

  • community services young students in class boys girls science school

    Revealed: Children's services hardest hit by public health cuts


    Services aimed at children and young people are bearing the brunt of cuts to public health spending by local authorities, an HSJ investigation has revealed.

  • Hsj daily insight logo

    Daily Insight: Ditching the target, missing the point


    The must read stories and most important developments on Friday

  • Tyne River
    HSJ Local

    New North East mental health inpatient unit approved


    New three ward mental health unit to open at St Nicholas Hospital Older people’s services to be consolidated at the same site Services at Gateshead’s Tramwell Unit and Newcastle’s Hardian Clinic to close Plans expected to save £3m a year STRUCTURE: NHS leaders in the North East have ...

  • George osborne

    Osborne to abandon surplus target


    Chancellor George Osborne has abandoned his target to bring government finances back into surplus by 2020.

  • Petrie dishes

    Host trust quits financially 'fragile' NHS pathology venture


    Cambridge University Hospitals pulls out of flagship pathology project it was hosting Trust faces £5m bill to extricate itself from The Pathology Partnership Cambridge says partnership lost £15m last year, costing trust £3.7m Partnership insists it will “evolve” A flagship NHS joint venture has been left reeling after ...

  • Andrew Cash

    Seven trusts combine leadership to accelerate vanguard changes


    Seven trusts in Yorkshire to cede control over decision making to newly created federation board Leaders want new structure to help speed up transformation of acute services New board and south Yorkshire STP both headed by Sir Andrew Cash Seven trusts will cede authority over decision making on ...

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • Katrina Percy

    Daily Insight: Under fire trust boss stays put


    The must read and most talked about stories in health from Thursday

  • Baby

    Personal maternity budgets worth up to £6,000, MPs told


    Personal maternity budgets will be worth up to £6,000 Seven pilot groups are already trying out the new personal health budget Maternity review’s aim is for new midwifery pracices to provide continuity of care Personal budgets for women who wish to take charge of their own maternity care ...

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Regulators approve landmark trust merger


    Regulators have approved the acquisition of England’s last standalone learning disability hospital trust, HSJ can reveal.

  • Lincolnshire
    HSJ Local

    Lincolnshire sets out plans to tackle £60m deficit and performance


    RECONFIGURATION: NHS leaders in Lincolnshire will go out to public consultation later this year over plans to radically overhaul key services.

  • Katrina Percy
    HSJ Local

    Southern Health to be split up but chief executive stays on


    Southern Health Foundation Trust’s learning disability services in Oxfordshire to transfer to Oxford Health Foundation Trust Interim chair Tim Smart says “other changes will occur” at troubled trust Chief executive Katrina Percy will stay on but her focus will switch from operational matters to strategy STRUCTURE: Southern Health ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    Teaching hospital pleads for any junior doctors to help staff A&E


    Leeds Teaching Hospital appealed for junior doctors regardless of experience or specialty to work in its A&E departments Agency and locum staff declined shifts at the trust despite offers to pay above capped rate Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says country is short of 1,000 A&E consultants ...

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health shake-up revealed


    DH unveils new directorate structure as part of cost cutting drive Social care and technology move into new community care directorate Four new directorates report to permanent secretary Chris Wormald The Department of Health has reorganised its directorate structure, HSJ has learned.

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Bristol heart review finds 'no evidence' of 1990s failures being repeated


    Children’s heart services review finds outcomes at University Hospitals Bristol “broadly comparable” with other centres However, parents sometimes “let down”, nursing staff “regularly under pressure” and managers took “unnecessarily defensive position” NHS England to publish plans for reconfigured congenital heart disease services next week PATIENT SAFETY: The independent ...