News – Page 624

  • Surgical scissors

    New patient safety body to carry out 'no blame' investigations


    Evidence submitted to Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch could be protected to create a “safe space” for learning Mike Durkin says HSIB will rely on NHS Improvement for “pay and rations” HSIB will develop “exemplar model” of investigations for NHS organisations to follow locally The new body to examine ...

  • Isle of Wight
    HSJ Local

    Isle of Wight Trust drops FT bid


    STRUCTURE: Isle of Wight Trust has dropped its bid for foundation trust status.

  • Patient Safety Congress logo

    Patient Safety Awards entries open


    The 2016 Patient Safety Awards are open for entries.

  • GP
    HSJ Local

    CCG to re-tender GP contracts after attracting no viable bids


    Sunderland CCG required to re-tender merged GP contract after first attempt received no viable bids Contract for GP services to 13,000 patients will have more funding behind it than first procurement attempt, HSJ understands PRIMARY CARE: Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group has been forced to tender a contract for ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice
    HSJ Local

    Trust warns of ‘significant’ quality and safety risks if private provider keeps contract


    COMMERCIAL: The loss of a £126m contract to another provider could cause multiple staffing and patient care issues, a trust has said.

  • Superhero and older woman on a park bench

    Daily Insight: Hospitals in need of a hero


    The must read stories to round off the week

  • Eileen Sills

    National whistleblower guardian resigns after two months


    Dame Eileen Sills steps down as national guardian for NHS whistleblowers after just two months She says it was “not possible” to combine the role with being nursing director of Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT Sir Robert Francis to provide “non-executive support” to the office Dame Eileen Sills, ...

  • Mike Durkin

    NHS patient safety chief says doctors’ contract is 'not dangerous'


    Mike Durkin says new contract addresses “failings” in current agreement He urges “dialogue” and for doctors to “press their representatives to talk to employers” Warns people can “fall into positions… that owe more to institutional or group loyalty than to the evidence” NHS England’s national director for patient ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Councillors to warn Hunt over NHS 'hijack' of STPs


    Local government is being “left out in the cold” by the NHS in the rush to develop sustainability and transformation plans, leading councillors have claimed.

  • Child in A&E

    Thirty worst A&E trusts called to London summit


    NHS Improvement chief raised concerns over “organisations who consistently deliver very low levels of performance” January was “a very difficult month” for A&E departments, Jim Mackey said Trusts “left in no doubt whatsoever that there needs to be a sustained improvement” The 30 worst performers on the accident ...

  • David Loughton
    HSJ Local

    Hospital trust to take over running of three GP practices


    The Royal Wolverhampton Trust will take on the running of three GP practices, covering 23,000 patients ‘Vertical integration’ project will see practices get additional staff The Royal Wolverhampton Trust will take over the running of three GP practices from April as part of a pilot scheme to integrate ...

  • Pay slip

    Regulator lobbied government to increase trust chairs’ pay


    Letters reveal how TDA chair lobbied ministers to increase the salary cap for NHS trust chairs Sir Peter Carr referred to perceived “injustice” felt by some trust chairs, whose salaries were in “stark contrast” to those at FTs Department of Health has no plans to increase standard rates ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Some trust chairs paid up to £45,000


    Standard salary for chair of non-foundation trusts is capped at £23,600, but exceptions can be agreed with the government TDA letters explain how chairs at two London trusts indicated they could not “agree to commit to a further term of office at their current rate” Annual reports show variation ...

  • Parliament

    Daily Insight: Scandal in Westminster


    Thursday’s must read stories and talking points

  • Bank balance

    Exclusive: Regulators to put 20 trusts into turnaround


    Monitor and the TDA push ahead with turnaround project at 20 trusts Work thought to cost more than £10m and will focus on grip and governance Process due to start in April Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority are moving ahead with an ambitious turnaround programme at ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    CQC investigates Birmingham trust over cardiac surgery deaths


    CQC launches investigation into cardiac surgery at UHB Chief inspector of hospitals finds significant concerns over safety, effectiveness and responsiveness The Care Quality Commission has launched an investigation into adult heart surgery at University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust after an audit identified the service as a mortality outlier.

  • Community nurse with patient
    HSJ Local

    Virgin and Optum shortlisted for contracts worth £65m


    West Lancashire CCG launches tender after CQC raised concerns about services run by Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals Trust Trust says not being shortlisted is a “very disappointing decision” Optum, Virgin Care, Lancashire Care FT and Bridgewater Community Healthcare invited for further discussions about contract COMMISSIONING: Two private companies ...

  • Technology jpg

    Ambitious patient record sharing project secures IT partner


    Connected Care project appoints IT integration specialists Project aims to share care records across seven CCG areas with 855,000 population Commissioners say shared record will drive “transformational” change Commissioners have brought in a specialist IT firm to integrate all the patient care record systems across Berkshire, as part ...

  • X-ray

    Specialist care vanguard may design new 'experimental tariffs'


    Vanguard trusts looking at creating new tariffs for orthopaedics Alliance could also “accredit” care at other trusts Sign up to receive the What’s New in Care Models newsletter every week An alliance of specialist trusts could develop new “experimental tariffs” to encourage acute providers to improve or franchise ...

  • Generic pie chart

    Survey: Commissioners lack faith in HWBs to deliver change


    Clinical commissioning groups lack confidence in their local health and wellbeing boards’ ability to deliver change and the likelihood of the NHS making £22bn in efficiency savings.