News – Page 633

  • Robert Wachter

    Profile: Bob Wachter, the digital doctor and NHS devotee


    Jeremy Hunt asked Professor Wachter to review the NHS after reading his book, The Digital Doctor Wachter says doing review is “an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity” He also focuses on patient safety, quality and health policy issues Bob Wachter is professor and interim chair of the ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt says £1.8bn will be spent on 'paper free NHS'


    Hunt announces £1.8bn of funding earmarked to “create a paper free NHS” Appears to be an increase on £1bn over five years allocated in last year’s spending review The announcement involves no new money for health overall Details of the source of the funding and plans for spending it ...

  • Lord Carter

    Executive Summary: How to save five billion quid


    HSJ’s must read stories on Friday

  • Lord Carter

    Carter savings ‘won’t be enough’, experts warn


    The Carter report has illustrated how difficult it will be to extract further savings from the hospital sector, think tanks have warned.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government to act on every Carter recommendation


    Government endorses “all” of Lord Carter’s recommendations NHS Improvement says it “fully supports” the efficiency review Finance chiefs welcome the report but urge caution over implementation Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has backed Lord Carter’s review into NHS efficiency, and said the government “will act upon all his recommendations”.

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Vast improvements recognised at Calderstones


    PERFORMANCE: A learning disability hospital which will be forced to close in the next three years is expected to receive a “good” rating from the Care Quality Commission next week.

  • Workforce

    NAO: NHS workforce plans driven by saving cash


    National Audit Office says existing system of workforce planning is not value for money NHS training 19 per cent fewer nurses in 2014-15 than it was in 2004-05 NAO says trust workforce predictions influenced by financial efficiency savings NHS trusts’ workforce predictions are driven by the imperative to ...

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    Worcestershire hospital reforms approved by trust and CCGs


    STRUCTURE: A long running West Midlands reconfiguration has moved a step closer to being implemented after proposals were backed by the affected trust and its main commissioners.

  • USA flag

    Carter calls for US style ‘meaningful use’ clause to drive tech adoption


    Efficiency review supports US style standards to drive uptake of new technology Report recommends lead role for NHS Improvement Boards should be held directly accountable for digital standards, says report NHS system leaders should put a US style “meaningful use” clause into provider contracts to require hospitals ...

  • Workforce

    New staffing metric 'may lead to unsafe nursing levels'


    ‘Care hours’ metric to be ‘principal’ measure for nursing deployment Experts say using metric could lead to unsafe staffing Concerns include the mixing of nurse and healthcare assistant numbers Lord Carter says trusts should also use separate data on nurses and HCAs A new headline staffing metric proposed ...

  • Lord Carter

    Interview: Hospitals must 'take fate into their own hands', says Carter


    Hospitals must rapidly find ways to reduce delayed transfers of care by taking more responsibility for post-discharge services, Lord Carter has told HSJ.

  • Pathology

    Tell trusts whether to outsource this year, says Carter


    Lord Carter recommends trusts determine whether their in-house departments are viable this year Urges NHS Improvement to develop benchmarks for admin costs, pharmacy and pathology Methodology used for review has been criticised Trusts should find out this year whether they will be forced to outsource their administration, pathology ...

  • Lord Carter4

    Carter review: the 15 recommendations


    The 15 core recommendations of the Carter Review on hospital productivity at a glance. 

  • Pills on a spoon

    Executive Summary: St George's needs some marvellous medicine


    Today’s must read health stories and debate

  • Richmond House

    Department of Health to slash up to 650 jobs


    Department of Health to cut up to 650 jobs DH will relocate staff from three London offices, including Richmond House, to new premises at 39 Victoria Street Job cuts and estate consolidation designed to help DH reduce its costs by 30 per cent The Department of Health is ...

  • Social media

    Monitor: ‘No breakdown’ in FT approval process


    Report criticises Monitor, FT and audit firm Monitor claims “no evidence of a breakdown in its provider appraisal process” Monitor accepts recommendations to approve key assurance processes for new FTs A report into how a large hospital provider was authorised as a foundation trust shortly before declaring a ...

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    FT’s deficit slide remains a mystery after damning leadership report


    Extracts of report make serious criticisms of trust’s financial management Report said “it was difficult to understand” why governance issues were not picked up earlier Trust refuses to release full 350 page review into how it ended up with £17m deficit FINANCE: St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton 'disappointed' BMA has 'refused to negotiate' on Saturday working


    Sir David Dalton has written directly to junior doctors ahead of next week’s 24 hour strike, revealing more details from the government’s negotiations with the British Medical Association.

  • Older woman with nurse
    HSJ Local

    Loser of £126m tender challenges commissioners


    COMMERCIAL: One of the losers in a £126m community services tender has written to commissioners to query their methodology.

  • A river in Worcester
    HSJ Local

    Worcestershire CCGs ink three year commissioning support deal


    Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit wins contract to provide services to Worcestershire’s CCGs Three year contract worth £5.6m Tender awarded through NHS England’s lead provider framework COMMERCIAL: Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit has been named as the preferred provider of support services to Worcestershire’s three clinical ...