News – Page 637

  • Hands up

    Healthwatch England will have ‘freedom to criticise CQC’


    Healthwatch England will remain free to criticise the Care Quality Commission even after it has been “embedded” into the regulator, the CQC’s chief executive has promised.

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens 'more powerful than any cabinet minister'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens is the fourth most powerful person in the country, HSJ editor Alastair McLellan told the BBC’s Week in Westminster last week.

  • Waiting room

    Fears GP funding will be diverted after guidance delay


    Delay in release of detailed guidance for CCGs to apply for primary premises fund BMA leader calls for clarification money will not be spent elsewhere or ’double-badged’ NHS England could delay February deadline for funding applications The deadline for bids for £750m of GP premises funding could be ...

  • NHS estates

    NHS business rates challenge could cost 'hundreds of millions'


    Councils could face a wave of claims for business rate refunds from NHS foundation trusts in cases that revolve around whether trusts should enjoy the mandatory rate relief accorded to charities and certain other bodies.

  • Lord Carter

    Executive Summary: We got Carter, and the rest of HSJ's week of leaks


    The essential stories for healthcare leaders this week, including details of the Carter efficiency review revealed.

  • lab, research, medical research,

    Carter: Diagnostic services should hit new targets, merge, or outsource


    Lord Carter recommends trusts unable to hit new pathology benchmarks be ordered to consolidate or outsource by January 2017 Reckons there are £250m in savings to be found in pathology His earlier report on pathology, commissioned in 2005, put the sum at £250m-£500m Trusts that cannot achieve new ...

  • NHS estates

    Carter report: Hospitals face new limits on underused land


    Carter recommends hospitals be ordered to operate with no more than 35 per cent non-clinical floor space and 2.5 per cent unoccupied or underused space DH should set up “invest to save energy fund” to cut down on power bills All trusts must be at average or above levels ...

  • pharmacy

    Efficiency review will point to pharmacy consolidation


    Lord Carter believes that £850m-£1.4bn can be saved in pharmacy and medicines management by 2020 Report is expected to recommend trusts review operations for buying, producing and supplying medicines, and consider outsourcing All hospitals will need to adopt electronic prescribing and medicines management systems Lord Carter’s review of ...

  • Computers

    NHS has ‘systemically failed’ to use buying power, says Carter


    Better procurement practices could save between £750m and £1bn by 2020 Carte report expected to say there has been “systematic failure” to capitalise on NHS buying power Trusts to be urged to invest in their electronic procurement catalogues, before national system finalised The Carter review is expected to ...

  • Axe

    HSCIC faces 30 per cent grant cut


    30 per cent cut to HSCIC grant based on spending review assumptions, finance chief says Cut yet to be confirmed by Department of Health Spending review showed non-ringfenced NHS bodies faced big cuts The Health and Social Care Information Centre has estimated it faces a 30 per cent ...

  • Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Midlands trust expected to enter special measures this week


    Walsall Healthcare Trust expected to be placed into special measures CQC inspectors raised serious concerns over emergency department and maternity unit CQC to criticise “heavy handed” management style by some senior managers PERFORMANCE: A West Midlands hospital is expected to be put in special measures this week after ...

  • Nurses

    Carter to back new measure of nurse productivity


    Carter to call for new “principal” measure of nursing deployment to be introduced from April “Care hours per patient day” derived from nursing and healthcare assistant hours per inpatient Review expected to call for “national people strategy” to tackle absenteeism, bullying and turnover Will also back clampdown on use ...

  • Lord Carter

    Exclusive: Carter calls for cap on hospital management costs


    Lord Carter proposes cap on hospital corporate and management spending Draft of his unreleased report recommends expenditure does not exceed 7 per cent of income Trusts above this must submit plans for reduction against national benchmarks Lord Carter is set to recommend that all hospital trusts’ management and ...

  • HSJ/LGC Pharmacy supplement cover

    £3bn savings can be made by 2020, hospitals agree


    Carter report will restate that £5bn efficiency savings can be achieved by acute sector by 2020 Hospital trusts so far accept they can make £3bn savings in that timescale Reducing delayed transfers of care and service reconfiguration key to unlocking savings, draft report says Hospital trusts have accepted ...

  • Bristol
    HSJ Local

    CCG to change constitution to prevent ‘legal challenge’


    Bristol CCG constitution currently says it will bar companies from procurements if they are based offshore or engage in “improper tax avoidance” Solicitors tell CCG that if a company’s arrangements are lawful, excluding them on this basis would be “contrary to procurement law” Commissioners to seek public feedback on ...

  • Guz_Sir_David_Dalton_005

    Exclusive: Government offers major concessions in bid to break junior doctors dispute


    Leaked letter from Sir David Dalton reveals significant change in stance from NHS Employers and government New offer includes limits on Saturday working and enhanced Saturday pay for some doctors Negotiations were scheduled to continue today between NHS Employers and BMA The government has offered major concessions to ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens to launch NHS innovation push at Davos


    Seven projects awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status NHS England chief executive hails “major new drive to modernise how NHS delivers care” Programme aims to combine different innovative healthcare interventions to increase their impact Seven projects have been awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status under a flagship programme ...

  • Stressed manager

    Executive Summary: Things are not fine


    The must read stories in health today

  • merger

    Exclusive: Troubled FT starts search for acquisition or merger partner


    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust looking to be acquired or merged-with Derby and Nottingham hospital trusts are in the running, and Sheffield Hospitals FT has dropped out Decision on partner expected next month A troubled foundation trust is looking for a merger or acquisition partner after concluding it ...

  • push button technology switch innovation choice
    HSJ Local

    Trust halts patient record system to tackle financial deficit


    TECHNOLOGY: A hospital trust has put plans to develop an electronic patient record system on hold because of its “unforeseen” financial challenge, HSJ has learnt.