All NHS 65th anniversary articles
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London's hospitals: a medical history
What today’s leaders can learn from 200 years of the capital’s hospital system
Forget structures, reorganise the incentives
The US provides a model for rapid service change
Michael White: the NHS's birthday presents
As a 65 year old, the NHS should also have someone caring for it
The NHS and the public both need a culture change
Public health is the NHS’s biggest challenge now
We missed the best opportunity to reform the NHS
Throwing money at the NHS is not enough, says Lord Darzi
'I'm not in favour of any radical new departures'
Stephen Dorrell assesses the NHS on its 65th anniversary
The NHS must get serious about mental health
Ignore those who won’t change the service because it’s “too difficult”
The NHS is our premier national social asset
The service is bruised but still facing up to many challenges
The NHS at 65: not ready to retire
‘The NHS is one of the noblest social institutions any country has ever created’