All NHS Constitution articles – Page 6
PCTs 'would gain power by a constitution'
An NHS constitution would address the 'woefully inadequate' relationship between commissioners and patients, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has claimed.
NHS constitution dangerous, warns King's Fund
The proposed NHS constitution could provide real benefits, but there could be dangers if it is not thought through with care, warns a report published today by the King's Fund.
NHS constitution should spell out 'where the buck stops'
The King’s Fund has called for the creation of an NHS constitution to curb political interference and devolve real power to local managers.
HSJ Knowledge
Can a constitution seal the health service's freedom?
Lord Darzi's interim report last month brought the government a step closer to drawing up an NHS constitution. The challenge, writes Liz Kendall, is to bind the service without restraining it
Health secretary suggests elected PCT boards and a new constitution
Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has suggested further reforms for NHS accountability, including directly elected primary care trust boards and a new constitution.
Constitution aims to bring an end to health economy warfare
HSJ EXCLUSIVE NHS moves to bolster flagship policies with new rules of engagement
Think-tank's book calls for binding constitution
An independent think-tank set up to consider accountability in the NHS has expressed 'alarm' over the government's 'centralised' plans for modernisation and improvement.