All NHS Employers articles – Page 20
HSJ Knowledge
What's in your in-tray?
2012 will be a massive year for the NHS, and workforce leaders will play a major role. As HSJ and Nursing Times launch the Healthcare 100 Masterclass, in association with NHS Employers, Daloni Carlisle takes an overview of the big-ticket items on the agenda of every HR manager.
New Medicine Service guidance released
New guidance has been published showing how the New Medicine Service and post discharge Medicines Use Reviews can be used to provide a seamless care pathway for patients who transfer from hospital to the community setting.
Trusts rewarded with 'quality premium' under Future Forum plan
Trusts’ budgets will be top-sliced to fund a “quality premium” for organisations providing high quality training for NHS staff, under a proposal in a government-commissioned report.
Unions consult on pensions deal
Unions are warning their members they will need to be prepared for a sustained period of industrial action if they reject the government’s latest and “final” offer on the NHS pension scheme, HSJ understands.
NHS pensions deal to be offered to private sector
The government has offered to extend the NHS pensions scheme to staff transferred out of the service to make it easier for private firms to bid for NHS contracts.
Exclusive: MPs to be warned over workforce reforms
NHS Employers will tell MPs there is a danger that overly-centralist government reforms would deprive trusts of sufficiently skilled staff, HSJ understands.
Can the NHS Pay Review Body still be regarded as independent?
A “perfect storm” of issues surrounding staff terms and conditions could see all sides vying to influence the NHS Pay Review Body in the next 12 months. In such troubled times, can it realistically hope to retain its independence, asks Mike Jackson.
Service delays arose despite 'good natured' strike
The NHS managed to keep many services running throughout last Wednesday’s national strike but ambulance services were significantly affected in some areas.
NHS wages and national conditions may be under new threat
NHS employees can expect a prolonged wage squeeze and a possible end to national NHS terms and conditions, the government has signalled.
HSJ Knowledge
Why behaviour change marketing can still deliver long-term cost savings
The spending freeze on public sector communications amd marketing spending, in place since 2010, has seen fewer public awareness campaigns receive government funding. But this could be counter-productive, argues Mark Blayney Stuart, when evidence suggests there are clear financial benefits to be had.
CCG staff assignment to accelerate despite redundancy fears
Primary care trusts will be told to assign more staff to clinical commissioning groups to prevent a lack of support hindering CCG development.
Protected training funds could increase, says Nicholson
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has hinted that the £5bn pot of “ringfenced” training money could be expanded.
Lansley reluctant to reveal the risks of his reforms
Health secretary Andrew Lansley has said it would be “completely misleading” to release a document written by officials listing the risks posed by his reforms.
Government increases pensions offer by '8 per cent'
The government has made unions a renewed offer on pensions that it claims equates to an 8 per cent increase on previous proposals.
Employers tells DH to make pensions plans more 'progressive'
NHS Employers has sent the government detailed advice on how to exempt nearly half of staff from requirements to pay more towards their pensions next year.
Managers need to face pensions dilemma with the service in mind
Public sector pension reform is clearly on the agenda: the Department of Health’s consultation on proposed increases to contribution rates closes tomorrow, and unions are balloting members on a “coordinated day” of strike action scheduled for 30 November. It is going to be a tough time.
Union ballots a million workers on pensions action
Over a million public sector workers including NHS managers, nurses and other healthcare staff are being balloted this week on strike action over pensions changes
Strike ballot 'extraordinarily difficult' for managers, admits MiP
Managers in Partnership has written to members explaining the “extraordinarily difficult” decision to ballot for strike action over pensions changes.
Tighter regulation called for as struck off nurses 'return to hospitals'
A growing number of unregulated healthcare assistants in British hospital could bring about a “national disaster”, the leader of a nursing regulator has warned.
Foundation trusts consider moving away from national pay deal
Foundation trusts are showing an unprecedented willingness to publicly consider moving away from nationally negotiated staff terms and conditions.