All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 226
Expert Briefing
The Download: Personalised paperless transformation money for all?
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and what impact they are having on delivering health services. Contact Ben Heather in confidence here.
Cowper’s Cut: Primary colours
Andy Cowper notes that most of the problems affecting the NHS are as much about the absence of well functioning relationships as they are about the lack of data
Unanswered questions for the future of STPs
With the impending launch of a new 10 year plan for the NHS, Miriam Deakin reflects on five key questions facing national policy makers about system working
Exclusive: Discrepancies in national IT systems raise fear of patient harm
An urgent national review is underway into a mismatch of thousands of patient records that may have caused patients, including children, to miss out on disease screening and immunisation appointments, HSJ can reveal.
Trusts raise concerns over lack of winter preparations
Trust leaders have raised concerns about the lack of planning at a national level ahead of next winter urging system leaders to publish a long awaited review of last winter.
A&E, RTT and cancer waits - July 2018: explore the maps
NHS waiting lists around England, updated for July 2018.
Integrated care – the new contract is a good start, but more is needed
With the 10 year plan imminent, the new Integrated Care Provider contract should be seen as a fillip for those looking to develop new approaches for better population health and care. By Richard Lewis
Major STP appoints new leader
The Birmingham and Solihull health economy has appointed a new leader following the retirement of Dame Julie Moore.
Exclusive: Hancock orders review of IT plans
The new health and social care secretary has ordered national leaders to pause work to move about 15,000 desktop computers on to new IT systems, and to consider a switch to Google software.
Mackey, Deegan and Marsh among chiefs selected to develop 10 year-plan
Top provider chief executives will help lead some of the workstreams that will start developing the NHS’s 10 year plan, HSJ has learned.
‘Kangaroo courts’ shame the NHS
Equivocal measures of the NHS to deal with workforce whistleblowers need to be overhauled and replaced with processes based on simple principles of fairness. By Narinder Kapur
Learning disabilities and autism added to long-term plan clinical priorities
The leaders of four clinical priority groups that will feature heavily in the NHS’s 10 year plan have been announced by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Why the NHS’s 10 year plan must grasp the nettle of plural provision within integrated care systems
The NHS needs to be open towards plurality, preserving benefits of a diverse range of independent providers. By David Hare and Jo Pritchard
NHS England urged to axe ‘perverse’ cancer funding policy
NHS England has been urged to stop a “perverse” policy of withholding money from a £200m cancer transformation fund from areas breaching the 62 day target.
Ministers to ask drug companies to stockpile six weeks of medication
Drug companies are due to be asked to stockpile up to six weeks of medications ahead of a potential no deal Brexit, HSJ understands.
Exclusive: CCGs and trusts instructed to reduce "excess bed days"
NHS trusts and commissioners have been told to introduce new schemes to reduce the number of patients waiting too long in hospital beds, to increase elective capacity ahead of winter and save money.
Revealed: CCGs with the worst excess bed day rates
NHS England and NHS Improvement have compiled a list ranking CCGs across England on their excess bed day rates, HSJ can reveal
Reconfiguration key to 'special measures' CCG's turnaround
Four CCGs placed into special measures by NHS England won’t be able to solve all the area’s problems until a decision is made on a reconfiguration of acute and specialist services, the accountable officer has warned.
NHS England launches consultation on accountable care contract
The creation of new accountable care organisations to deliver health services has moved a step closer after NHS England launched a long awaited consultation on a proposed contract.
Bigger step-change is need of the hour for children's mental health
It will take vision, hard work, political bravery, and realistic investment to make progress amidst children’s mental health crisis, writes Sean Duggan