All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 255

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • Julie Wood

    CCGs warn of longer waiting times


    NHS Clinical Commissioners warns of potential “slowing down” of access to routine care Real value of current funding envelope set to reduce by £330m by 2019-20 Call for new government to frontload additional money promised before the election NHS commissioners have warned that patient waiting times may need ...

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    Digital plans slipping as maturity assessment delayed


    Delays to digital maturity index update and funding allocations prompt concerns New digital assessment could include “peer review” element Funding uncertainty is stalling local projects, senior sources tell HSJ Delays to the updating of NHS England’s flagship digital maturity benchmark, uncertainty about funding and stalling local projects ...

  • Bruce Keogh
    HSJ Local

    Keogh unveils safety steps after patient dies from drinking alcohol gel


    NHS England’s medical director is considering new safety measures for acute trusts after a patient died from drinking alcohol rub.

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Long-running contract row settled by trust and CCGs


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs were unable to agree a deal on 2016-17 or 2017-18 contracts Expert determination, organised by regulators, ruled in April over the dispute The agreement has not been released but the trust described the result as “satisfactory” The dispute over a multimillion pound ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october

    Ashworth: Labour backs Simon Stevens but new body will review STPs


    Labour shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth has pledged support for NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, but said the role of reviewing sustainability and transformation plans would be handed to a reformed NHS Improvement.

  • Ian Dalton
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Former DH director returning to NHS to lead teaching trust


    A former senior manager at the Department of Health will be the new leader of one of England’s biggest trusts, HSJ can reveal.

  • Paul Baumann

    Exclusive: New national savings drive will 'challenge the values' of NHS leaders


    Closing wards and services, blocking choice of private providers, systematically extending waiting times, and stopping some treatments are all being considered under a national programme targeted at the health economies with the highest overspends.

  • HSJ Local

    Joint NHS England and NHS Improvement director steps down


    Joint director at NHS Improvement and NHS England Tim Rideout stood down at the end of May Mr Rideout was NHS England’s director of commissioning operations and delivery and improvement director for NHS Improvement in Cumbria and the north east He was the first director to hold a joint ...

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist
    HSJ Local

    GPs accuse their CCG of 'bias' in service closure row


    GPs call on commissioners to halt plans to close minor injuries units GPs have written to NHS England to claim their clinical commissioning group was subject to “misinformation and bias” over plans to close minor injuries units.

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    Trust warns CCG over 'incredibly damaging' rationing proposals


    Foundation trust claims CCG plan to ration hearing aids would breach legal duties CCG says ‘difficult approach’ is proposed to help save £9.7m Bariatric surgery would also be restricted if plans go ahead A foundation trust is warning commissioners they risk breaching their legal duties by rationing ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    Exclusive: Top NHS director quits to join private firm


    NHS Digital board member Beverley Bryant to leave for private sector role Bryant’s exit is second top level NHS Digital departure in five months Bryant to join System C & Graphnet Care Alliance NHS Digital senior director Beverley Bryant is set to leave the organisation for a private ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    New NHS Digital boss urged not to ‘divert from current track’


    Bryant advises incoming chief ‘not to re-invent what has already been agreed’ New chief will need to learn to navigate ‘bonkers’ relationships with other system leaders System requires ‘stability of message, policy and strategy’, says Bryant An outgoing senior NHS Digital director has urged the body’s new chief ...

  • Generic  drugs

    Second court defeat for NHS England


    NHS England faces judicial review over decision not to fund drug for 7-year-old boy Lawyers will argue NHSE should have considered the boy’s welfare under the Children Act Victory could create a new duty on NHS England when making commissioning decisions affecting children Lawyers have been granted permission ...

  • tyne_river

    First commissioning support unit moves towards independence


    A shadow board has been set up to pave the way for a commissioning support unit to turn into a community interest company owned by its customers, HSJ can reveal.

  • accident_emergency_critical_care.jpg

    NHS told to prepare urgently for second possible terrorist attack


    Message to trauma centres to prepare for possible further terrorist attack Simon Stevens told NHS England board trusts are being urged to check staffing levels and mutual assistance plans Terrorist threat level was raised to critical – the highest level – following attack in Manchester on Monday night ...

  • Sir Andrew Cash
    HSJ Local

    Trust working with aviation performance experts to wipe out DTOCs


    Performance specialist working with Sheffield health system to draw up action plan to bring down DTOCs Trust chief says sustained improvement requires behaviours to change Council director accepts path to improvement has been “rocky” One of England’s largest teaching hospitals is working with an aviation performance specialist to ...

  • hospital corridor

    CCG targets millions in savings under Right Care programme


    West Kent CCG uses NHS Right Care data to identify five priority areas for savings Plans to reduce A&E attendances and prescribing costs Investment needed to change care models that no longer meeting patients’ needs Commissioners in Kent plan to save more than £7m by reducing unwarranted variation ...

  • Pharmacy and medicines optimisation

    HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017: Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation


    NHS England, specialised commissioning (medicines optimisation clinical reference group): National Dose Standardisation for Chemotherapy

  • Tracy Dowling
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief officer leaving to lead foundation trust


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG chief to head up mental health and community care trust Tracy Dowling replaces Aidan Thomas who is retiring in the summer Ms Dowling is also accountable officer of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group chief officer Tracy Dowling is leaving ...