All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 256

  • Information through technology

    New digital excellence regions could be based on STPs


    NHS England planning to pick four or five “placed based” digital exemplars based on STP or ACS areas AHSNs separately asked to assess “place based” digital maturity Some digital exemplar trusts have picked “fast follower” partners and are awaiting NHS England approval NHS England is looking to fund ...

  • Call centre

    NHS England admits 'flaw' in flagship patient choice scheme


    NHS England identifies “flaw” in patient choice scheme, following concerns highlighted by Sarah Wollaston The national scheme was launched in 2015 and allows patients to register with a GP away from their home area Patients may have received incorrect information when they called NHS 111 A “flaw” in ...

  • gps retiring map screengrab

    Mapped: Regions with the most GPs nearing retirement


    NHS Improvement has highlighted the sustainability and transformation partnership footprints with the highest proportion of GPs over 55 and facing the greatest risk of having future GP supply problems.

  • Older couple sorting out bills

    Revealed: The STPs facing the biggest GP retirement risk


    Eleven STPs highlighted for “high” risk of future GP supply problems In seven STP footprints more than 20 per cent of GPs are over 55 Kent and Medway has the highest proportion of older doctors Mapped: The areas with highest proportion of GPs over 55 Eleven sustainability and ...

  • Human kidneys

    The NHS's world first in attempting to reduce acute kidney injury


    What commissioners need to know about the Think Kidneys programme and its lessons on the prevalence and impact of acute kidney injury

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Avoiding private providers


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Barts Health NHS Trust

    Operations and services disrupted as cyber attack fallout persists


    Patients warned of further disruption and cancellations as group of large providers grapple with cyber attack fallout Jeremy Hunt says it is “encouraging” that there had not yet been a “second spike” of attacks Government’s COBRA committee meeting on Monday evening to discuss further action Several major ...

  • Barts Health NHS Trust

    Revealed: The seven hospitals struggling to recover from ransomware attack


    Seven trusts receiving national support following cyber attack are named Security experts warn it is likely there will be more organisations affected at ‘significant scale’ Concerns focused on primary care The seven hospitals which are receiving special support from national organisations in the wake of the massive cyber-attack ...

  • waiting room

    Analysis: Patients waiting over four hours in A&E up tenfold over decade


    The number of patients waiting more than four hours for admission after a decision to admit to accident and emergency has grown nearly tenfold in a decade, new figures show.

  • Young person on scales

    New data shows work needed to hit eating disorder treatment standard


    New data shows two-thirds of children and young people with an urgent eating disorder had treatment within a week NHS England data also shows nearly three-quarters of routine eating disorder referrals began treatment within four weeks The data is the first published on children and young people’s eating disorders ...

  • Emergency, service redesign, A&E

    Emergency admissions and delayed transfers grow despite national efforts


    Analysis shared with HSJ reveals emergency admissions rose 2.8 per cent in 2016-17 to 4.3 million The 370,102 admissions via emergency departments in March was a record high Delayed transfers of care data for March revealed it was the second highest month on record The number of hospital ...

  • pills

    Exclusive: NICE to routinely review drugs' budget impact for NHS England


    NICE asked by NHS England to analyse the “finance impact” of new potential treatments Second programme in which a NICE review of treatment costs could potentially impact access NICE will grade clinical evidence available for each treatment, which may impact rare disease medicines The National Institute for Health ...

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: The long road to recovery


    A new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector

  • Stevens at pac

    Simon Stevens: NHS will 'roll up sleeves' on service reform after election


    NHS England chief executive reasserts commitment to “operational priorities” of Next Steps regardless of election outcome Stevens: 2017-18 will be a “sleeves rolled up year” in which integrated care is “made real” There is “a lot of work to do” on workforce, capital and infrastructure NHS England to announce ...

  • accident and emergency ward

    Revealed: New A&E scorecard to launch 'as early as June'


    System leaders want new measure to factor in issues such as acuity and patient experience as well as waiting times HSJ understands many of the details are still to be finalised Four hour waiting target will remain the priority A new accident and emergency scorecard to rate hospitals’ ...

  • Steve Field

    Analysis: Eight out of 10 inadequate GP practices improve after re-inspection


    80 per cent of GP practices rated inadequate have had their CQC rating upgraded following a second inspection 80 inadequate practices upgraded to good 18 practices had their rating downgraded after re-inspection Eight out of 10 GP practices rated inadequate by the Care Quality Commission have improved following ...

  • mother and baby

    Revealed: Trusts selected to run new mother and baby service


    NHS England has told four trusts they are the preferred providers of four new mother and baby units The successful bidders were notified last month, but final contracts are still being negotiated The MBUs are part of a £40m investment in inpatient perinatal care The preferred providers of ...

  • Philip hammond

    Exclusive: Social care £2bn won't get NHS through winter, ministers warned


    Budget pledge to ease pressure on NHS by injecting cash into social care will fail, health chiefs warn Extra cash will largely plug existing social care budget gaps rather than supporting NHS discharges Tory source rejected that funding would not help NHS, stating cash was contingent on councils showing ...

  • Richmond House

    Raids on capital budget to continue until 2020, DH confirms


    Health minister confirms capital to revenue transfers will stop in 2019-20, with the size being reduced each year HSJ previously reported that £1bn would be transferred this year, followed by £500m in 2018-19 and £250m in 2019-20 NAO previously raised concerns about repeated raids on the capital budget ...

  • graph_arrow_down
    HSJ Local

    Largest CCG given updated legal directions as finances sink


    Fresh legal directions given to troubled NEW Devon CCG Deadline for submission of 2017-18 operating plan is Friday CCG’s cumulative deficit now stands at £120.5m The largest clinical commissioning group in the country has been given fresh legal directions over its financial management, amid a worsening of ...