All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 257

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: The first big move of 2017-18


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • Matthew Swindells

    Time wasting over data arguments 'outrageous', says NHS England director


    A senior NHS technology leader says artificial intelligence and other transformational technologies are a “pipe dream” in the NHS until the quality of its data improves.

  • Woman in office

    Revealed: NHS quango to cut more than 300 posts


    Health Education England to cut 315 posts Education and training body estimates savings in pay costs of at least £10m 112 full-time equivalent roles could be cut from Midland’s and East region More than 300 posts are set to be cut by Health Education England as part of ...

  • Bootham park psychiatric hospital york

    Regulators developing protocol for 'safe service closures'


    NHS England “should have stepped in” before mental health hospital closed with six days’ notice New national protocol agreed for sudden closures of services Quality surveillance groups to be made aware of “single items” of concern A national protocol for sudden service closure is being produced after NHS ...

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist

    Analysis: The best and worst areas for extended GP opening


    Greater Manchester has highest percentage of patients with access to “full” extended GP opening hours South West furthest from NHS England target Greater Manchester has the highest proportion of patients with “full” extended access to GP opening hours, while CCGs in the South West of England are the ...

  • money notes

    Revealed: The STPs in line for biggest funding growth


    Benchmarking data used by NHS regulators has shown which health regions are set to receive the largest budget increases over the next four years.

  • Cardiac surgery

    Exclusive: Delay to major national hospital reconfiguration


    NHS England extends consultation period for congenital heart disease review Public events planned for venues around the country next month have been cancelled Final decision could be pushed back until early next year A controversial decision on the future of congenital heart surgery across England has been further ...

  • Older person's hands

    MPs criticise Stevens over better care fund 'accountability'


    MPs find the Better Care Fund had not saved money, reduced emergency admissions to hospitals, or reduced delayed transfers of care

  • GP receptionist

    ‘Serious concern’ over new GP contracts going to private firms


    BMA has “serious concerns” about local GP groups losing out on GP access contracts CCGs must procure extended GP access services NHS England said it encourages practices to form organisations “capable” of bidding for service contracts The British Medical Association has expressed “significant concern” about “local GP-led groups” ...

  • Informal group meeting

    Flagship service hits recovery target for first time


    Flagship talking therapy service hits target for first time since its launch in 2008 Improving access to psychological therapies achieved a 50.1 per cent recovery rate in January 2017, just above the 50 per cent target IAPT is a key element of the Five Year Forward View for Mental ...

  • Generic pie chart

    Revealed: Vanguards must give funding to STPs


    NHS England sets conditions on final year of vanguard funding Vanguard sites required to give 10 per cent of their funding to STPs Areas told to embed new care model frameworks by December NHS England has set out four conditions on vanguard funding including the requirement to dedicate ...

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    NHSI: Trust was not using national ligature tool when woman died


    Woman hanged herself from a bath tap in mental health inpatient unit run by Humber FT Inquest returned a verdict of accidental death but coroner flagged up concerns with trust’s ligature policy to NHS Improvement NHSI says the trust was not using a prescribed national tool and had not ...

  • Managers
    HSJ Local

    NHS in London failing on race equality standards


    Race equality standards report finds London is worst performing region despite high number of BME staff BME employees in London twice as likely to face disciplinary action White staff more likely to be appointed from a shortlist than BME staff in the capital The London NHS region has ...

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Regulators crack down on NHS areas 'living off bailouts'


    National leaders have set out new measures to control spending in health economies deemed to be “living off bailouts”, which may result in some contracts having to be revisited for the current financial year.

  • Wheelchair

    Updated: 10 areas named for continuing healthcare improvement regime


    NHS England letter reveals continuing healthcare improvement plan to “address… reducing growth in CHC expenditure” Charities have expressed concern that any aim to cut spending would have “hugely detrimental impact” on people eligible for CHC NHS England confirms 10 regional sites to take part in improvement programme Analysis by ...

  • depression_mental_health_elderly_man

    CCGs face mounting 'aftercare' costs for mental health patients


    The average cost per CCG of providing “aftercare” for mental health patients following their discharge has risen by 50 per cent since 2013-14 HSJ investigation finds 78 CCGs did not record how many patients they had on aftercare packages despite legal duty to monitor it The data found 41 ...

  • uk_map_britain

    Mapped: The health economies with the biggest overspends and underspends


    National leaders are still debating how to judge a region’s financial performance.

  • maps

    Revealed: The STP areas most likely to be targeted for service closures


    NHS England says some areas have been “living off bailouts arbitrarily taken from other parts of the country” Some STP areas will be told to make “difficult choices” to scale back unaffordable services HSJ has collated official figures to show which areas are likely to come under closest scrutiny ...

  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

    Five trusts responsible for over half of year-plus waiters


    Highest number of year-plus waiters in England since August 2012 Small number of trusts responsible for majority of long waiting patients Overall performance sees 90 per cent of patients waiting no more than 18 weeks for treatment in February Data released today shows five trusts were responsible for ...

  • Truvada prep hiv

    HIV prevention drug subject to 'extremely worrying' delays in England


    NHS England’s “implementation” trial of HIV preventative treatment delayed by at least three months with no start date fixed Trial may generate a “postcode lottery” and prevent eligible people from accessing the drug, charity warns National commissioning of PrEP delayed until 2020 and charities say the commissioning process is ...