All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 258

  • Chester one use
    HSJ Local

    Four CCGs to create 'unified commissioner' and consider merger


    Four clinical commissioning groups in the North West plan to establish a “unified health commissioner” that could lead to a formal merger of the organisations.

  • essex county hall

    NHS England orders CCGs to join forces in 'success regime' area


    NHS England has formally intervened in one of the three success regime areas, ordering its clinical commissioning groups to pool functions and create a single plan.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Games will be played


    HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.

  • The Christie

    Trust and royal college raise concerns over drug savings drive


    Drug used for pain management in palliative and cancer care included in NHS England list of drugs up for review The Christie medical director says NHS would be doing a “disservice” to patients if it withdrew use of fentanyl Royal college specialist raises concerns the review will lead to ...

  • Paul jenkins 3x2

    Why not a psychiatrist as NHS England medical director?


    A case for appointing a psychiatrist as the next NHS England medical director

  • People power network

    NHS England told primary care hubs plan is 'overambitious'


    The president of the National Association of Primary Care has warned NHS England it cannot have “one standard system” of primary care for the whole country.

  • News

    More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike


    Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...

  • Breast cancer radiology

    Flagship £690m cancer procurement abandoned over financial fears


    Staffordshire CCGs unable to award £687m cancer prime provider contract Privately led consortium unable to convince CCGs the contract was financially viable Decision follows the collapse of the UnitingCare Partnership contract in 2015 A controversial tender for cancer services in Staffordshire worth £687m has been abandoned after a ...

  • finance_2

    NHS England warns CCGs against propping up trust bottom lines


    NHS England has warned local commissioners that offer providers extra income to deliver their financial targets – and therefore trigger an incentive payment – could be “personally” scrutinized by national officials.

  • map of london

    Hurley Group practice put in special measures


    High profile GP partnership has practice rated inadequate by the CQC but the group is appealing the decision Hurley Group is led by NHS England primary care director Arvind Madan, who is also listed as partner for the group All Saints Practice in East London criticised for patient access ...

  • crowd

    Half of large scale GP groups exceed NHS England's 'magic' size


    More than half GP federations and networks cover more than the 70,000 upper limit suggested by NHS England as its preferred model Twenty-seven CCGs have no large scale GP organisations working in their areas More than half GP federations and networks cover more than the 70,000 upper limit ...

  • primary care

    Analysis: England's changing GP landscape


    Over 70 per cent of the country are covered by some form of scale GP group Just one in ten 10 CCGs in England do not have any “at scale” GP organisations in their area HSJ analysis reveals majority of large scale GP groups do not cover NHS England’s ...

  • Samantha Jones

    NHS England national director to step down next month


    New care models director Samantha Jones is to step down next month to spend more time with her children, HSJ has learned.

  • Lizard Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    Inadequate CCG's deficit reaches £60m


    NHS England has expressed “significant concerns” over the financial future of an inadequate clinical commissioning group, which is set to end 2016-17 with a deficit of over £60m.

  • Jim_Mackey

    Exclusive: Mackey admits trust deficit cannot be cleared in 2017-18


    NHS Improvement chief executive says provider sector will fail to break even in 2017-18 Sector could break even next financial year but factors are beyond trusts’ control, says Jim Mackey Discussions taking place about reporting on the joint financial performance of the NHS provider and commissioning sectors The ...

  • Workforce jpg

    Lack of workforce plan 'biggest internal threat' to NHS sustainability


    The lack of a “comprehensive long term workforce strategy” represents the biggest internal threat to the sustainability of the NHS, a new report says.

  • primary care

    New primary care model linked to lower A&E attendance


    Areas testing the “primary care home” model for general practice have shown “significant reductions” in A&E attendances and lower GP waiting times, new data reveals.

  • pills

    Specialised commissioning process 'lacks transparency', NHS England told


    Specialised commissioning is “very hard to probe”, resulting in “unusual decisions”, stakeholders warn NHS England made funding U-turn on two treatments it had previously deemed “unaffordable” but provided little detail about why FOI request for minutes of specialised commissioning funding body denied ABPI says “major reassessment” of whole process ...

  • child in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Children's lives put at risk at Stafford hospital, royal college warns


    Royal college review backs closure of children’s emergency centre Earlier review highlighted “potentially life threatening” management of cases Concerns follow a review in 2006 highlighting similar fears for safety Children’s lives were put at risk because of unsafe emergency services at Stafford Hospital, a review by the Royal ...

  • uk_map_britain

    STPs to be told how to make integrated care savings


    Each STP to be sent a tailored report on improving integration between physical and mental health services The reports will also outline what savings can be made through closer integration NHS England commissioned the reports and data packs compiled by Midlands and Lancashire CSU All 44 sustainability and ...