All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 260

  • maplewood2 steps angled small
    HSJ Local

    Trust bosses criticise NHS England over hospital closure


    A mental health trust has criticised NHS England’s decision to press ahead with the full closure of a learning disabilities hospital in Lancashire.

  • purse

    Government told to end current pay restraint policy


    NHS Pay Review Body warns government action is needed on pay policy Ministers told the lack of a people strategy means workforce issues being neglected One per cent pay rise recommended for all NHS staff Ministers have been warned by the NHS Pay Review Body that action will ...

  • pharmacy

    CCGs spending millions on drug that 'kills people'


    The NHS is spending millions in prescriptions of a drug which is regarded as unsafe and was withdrawn from the UK market over 10 years ago, HSJ has been told.

  • pills

    Exclusive: Stevens backs major £400m medicines savings drive


    NHS England backs plan to eliminate prescribing of “low priority” medicines worth up to £400m Commissioners to tackle spending on “low priority” medicines including gluten-free products and paracetamol that can be bought over the counter First phase of plan looks to eliminate £128m spending on 10 items Commissioning leader ...

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Trust and CCGs locked in costly contract dispute


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs unable to resolve contract dispute All parties have had meetings with NHS England and NHS Improvement chief executives South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs has employed a well known QC to fight its case, which could cost trust £9m A foundation trust ...

  • Jim Mackey

    'A&E special measures' proposal rejected


    ‘A&E special measures’ plans set out by system leaders this month will not go ahead, Jim Mackey says The regime was trailed in a letter sent to London trusts from NHS England and NHS Improvement directors It prompted concerns from senior managers that the move would not help address ...

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    Exclusive: NHS England warned over delays to 'vital' funding


    NHS England warned that GP practices are not receiving “essential” resilience funding National commissioner promised to give £16m to GP practices by March 2017 BMA says NHS England could be “underestimating” amount of money spent from £40m resilience fund Chaand Nagpaul warns national director over delays in local deployment ...

  • HSJ Local

    CCG with 'serious weaknesses' put under legal directions


    A clinical commissioning group has been placed under legal directions by NHS England after reporting a £27m overspend.

  • Liverpool seafront
    HSJ Local

    NHS England asked to investigate CCG pay rises


    Theresa May said health secretary Jeremy Hunt has asked NHS England to look at pay increases for non-executives at Liverpool CCG Rosie Cooper MP has raised concerns over “shocking pay increases” Salary rises came after increase in working days NHS England has been asked to investigate pay increases ...

  • Jonathan_Fielden

    Jonathan Fielden bail extended


    The NHS England national director being investigated by police on suspicion of voyeurism has had his bail extended until July.

  • Cardiac surgery

    NHS England warns of heart surgery infection risk


    NHS England says patients will be warned they could be at low risk Twenty-eight known cases of mycobacterium chimaera infection including 15 people who have died Infection risk identified in other countries linked to heater/cooler devices NHS England is writing to thousands of patients who have had open ...

  • Hospital sign

    Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime


    Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...

  • Ambulance triage

    Time limit on ambulance dispatch set to be quadrupled


    Sixty seconds window to decide on whether to dispatch ambulance should be extended by 180 seconds, says NHS England director Extension “likely” to be recommended in ambulance service reform report next month, although DH stressed no decision has been made New commissioning framework for ambulance services will be rolled ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government demands 'concrete progress' on STPs


    The government’s instructions to the NHS this year call for “concrete progress on local sustainability and transformation plans” and say it must deliver “the productivity and efficiency gains necessary to maintain financial balance”.

  • cacner x ray

    Trusts 'will not be fined for failing waiting list and cancer targets'


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have effectively dropped routine financial penalties for trusts that fail to meet elective and cancer waiting times targets, HSJ has been told.

  • Houses of Parliament

    NHS mandate months late after tensions with government


    The annual NHS mandate is being published months later than usual, following disagreement between the government and NHS England over the service’s progress and accountability.

  • Hospital_bed

    NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds


    System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...

  • Leeds hall
    HSJ Local

    City CCGs to appoint single chief and joint board


    Leeds’ three CCGs agree to appoint a single joint accountable officer Leeds West CCG accountable officer will head a new joint commissioning board for the organisations The board will be written into the constitutions of Leeds South and East, Leeds North and Leeds West CCGs as a decision making ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Exclusive: Full £800m NHS 'priorities' fund to offset trust deficits


    Contingency fund held back from CCGs will be used to offset financial deficits among NHS trusts. Simon Stevens said the money would otherwise have been available for mental health, community and primary care services The fund was created after Department of Health breached spending limit in 2015-16 About ...

  • drugs

    NICE goes ahead with controversial drug affordability test


    NICE approves plans to defer treatment implementation if the cost per year is higher than £20m in any of the first three years of implemention Consultation responses warn that this could lead to treatment access “inequity” especially for those with rare diseases New “light touch” fast-track appraisal method also ...