All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 268

  • Finance officer

    CCGs overspend budget by £240m but NHS England 'on course'


    84 CCGs overspent their allocations but NHS England says majority expect to recover their positions Year-end forecast for CCGs is a £190m overspend, compared to a £10m overspend forecast in July Forecast for overall commissioning budgets has improved due to expected underspends and extra income within central budgets ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital

    Children's services review accelerated


    First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: A game of two halves


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Aki app

    Google and NHS sign 'game changing' deal


    Royal Free hails deal with Google’s DeepMind as “game changer” Trust will continue developing DeepMind’s real time patient data tracking app Trust says app will help save lives and drive productivity Deal follows controversy over the firm’s access to patient data The NHS has deepened its relationship with ...

  • Theresa May

    Statistics authority intervenes over government NHS spending claims


    UK Statistics Authority will ask officials to “ensure clarity” when reporting on increases to NHS spending Complaints centred around the government’s claims that it is increasing spending by £10bn by 2021 Chancellor Philip Hammond defended use of the £10bn figure last week The UK Statistics Authority will ask ...

  • European Parliament

    Exclusive: CCGs may bypass EU tendering rules


    Clinical commissioning groups look set to take a contrasting approach to NHS England over new tendering rules – due to the potential administrative burden and a “ridiculous timescale” that would need to be met.

  • Syringe

    HEE rows back on nursing associates giving patients drugs unsupervised


    Nursing associates will be trained to administer drugs “within the confines of local employer policies”, it has been confirmed as the final version of the curriculum for those in the new role was published yesterday – a change from a leaked version of the document that was heavily criticised.

  • fetal ultrasound pregnancy monitoring

    Exclusive: CCGs warn over 'insufficient' funding for fetal medicine


    London CCGs warn funding for fetal medicine services is “insufficient” Five groups say current arrangements could “impact on equitable provision” Comments follow HSJ investigation that revealed babies were “dying unnecessarily” due to flawed funding system Clinical commissioning groups in London have said funding for fetal medicine services is ...

  • Whistle

    GP whistleblower guardian deadline extended


    Primary care providers will have until September next year to name their “freedom to speak up” guardians, NHS England has said.

  • tyne_river
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners to take over leading CSU


    Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham STP sets out the proposal to convert commissioning support unit into a community interest company After the transition the North of England Commissioning Support Unit will be jointly owned by its CCG customers The CCG owners will be the 11 commissioning groups ...

  • Nurse5

    Region plans shake-up of nursing skill mix to save millions


    Changes in workforce skill mix with more support workers and reduced registered nursing input to deliver £34.2m savings National regulators will sit on Buckingham, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West STP board to ensure finance and quality targets are met Potential future restrictions on treatments as STP aims to save £60.2m ...

  • 3011720 chris ham

    King's Fund chief says STPs are not 'secret plans'


    King’s Fund chief executive Chris Ham has written to the health secretary stating that sustainability and transformation plans “offer an important opportunity to improve health and care services”, and that there was no ”concerted effort to keep the plans secret”.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The gritty detail of STPs that leaders fear


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Older people's services

    MPs: Services 'likely to suffer' after UnitingCare contract collapse


    Services “likely to suffer” in wake of £750m contract breakdown, say MPs “Incompetent, grossly irresponsible” NHS bodies showed business acumen which would “embarrass a child in a sweet shop” NHS England told to address commercial skills gap in NHS after “catalogue of failures” Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning ...

  • Jane Cummings

    National nurse leaders defend plans for new support role


    Senior nurses in England sign letter defending plans for nursing associate role Letter confirms nursing associates will take on tasks currently performed by nurses New research says substituting nurses for non-nurses increases mortality risk The most senior nurses in England have defended plans for the new nursing associate ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Chancellor defends government's £10bn NHS spending claim


    Health committee chair called on ministers to stop using “incorrect” £10bn figure to describe additional NHS spending Chancellor says the claim always referred “specifically” to the NHS, rather than the DH Department of Health budget is increasing by £4.5bn in real terms over five years The chancellor has ...

  • 3009721 david williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Mobile apps and the vanguard


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View.

  • Ruth May

    Exclusive: Chief nurse 'will intervene to back nursing directors on staffing levels'


    NHS Improvement says safe staffing guidance will be evidence based Ruth May says she will intervene to support directors of nursing in decisions Work follows the suspension of safe nurse staffing work by NICE in 2015 NHS Improvement’s chief nurse will intervene to back nursing directors where they ...

  • Alan Johnson
    HSJ Local

    STP sets publication date after MPs appeal for openness


    Health leaders in the north have set a date for publishing their sustainability and transformation plan, following calls for transparency from the region’s MPs.

  • News

    CCGs warned over withholding payments from mental health providers


    New guidance published to help mental health sector move away from block contracts Contracts should be either a capitated or episodic and have a proportion of payment linked to outcomes and targets Warning that CCGs withholding outcome based payments from struggling organisations risk creating an “adversarial relationship” Local ...