All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 269

  • Hospital beds

    Delayed transfers of care continue to worsen


    Delayed transfers of care reach highest level with 196,246 delayed days in September NHS England figures show demand up and performance in most areas down NHS Providers warn demands “only likely to increase as we move into winter” Delayed transfers of care have continued to worsen and have ...

  • Findlay rob light office background

    English waits top 19 weeks – and all surgical specialties are now in breach


    Elective waits passed the 19 week mark, all surgical specialties are now breaching, and only 69 per cent of local specialties are within target. As the waiting list grows this is only going to get worse.

  • breast_cancer_x_ray.jpg

    NHS cancer performance remains below target


    Trusts hit 62 day wait target 82.3 per cent of time against 85 per cent target Charity critcises “unacceptable” performance NHS has now missed the target for nearly three years NHS providers continued to miss the main national cancer target in the second quarter of 2016-17, according to ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses landmark drug appeal


    Court of Appeal upholds judgment that NHS England has power to commission PrEP If NHS England commissions drug it could result in other treatments earmarked for funding not being commissioned Judge criticises Lansley reforms for creating “bureacratic squabbles” between NHS and local government on funding responsibilitie NHS England ...

  • Simon_Stevens2

    Stevens: Some STPs 'short of leadership for the task ahead'


    Some STP footprints lack the leadership capable of “engaging in the task ahead”, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief executive admits there is a substantial gap between capital STPs are asking for and funding available New care model focus could shift to models covering populations of 30,000-50,000 Simon ...

  • Informal group meeting

    DWP to roll out jobs advisers for mental health patients


    Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship therapy scheme NHS England adviser said DWP and DH are planning to introduce more employment specialists to IAPT services next year DWP is “finalising” plans Employment advisers will be integrated into the government’s flagship talking therapy service as part ...

  • deficit_finance

    Exclusive: Trusts' deficit forecast more than £250m worse than feared


    Trust forecast figures suggest a deficit of £850m, compared to the planned £580m Mid-year trust forecasts are seen by NHS leaders as a key indicator of whether financial recovery plans have been successful Experts warn that performance could deteriorate further in second half of the year The NHS ...

  • Nicola blackwood 3x2

    Minister: Capita 'inadequately' prepared for primary care contract


    Minister claims Capita were “inadequately” prepared to take over primary care support services NHS England admits poor performance has impacted on patients Nicola Blackwood argues previous PCS service needed to change Capita promise to employ 500 extra full time equivalent staff at own expense A health minister has ...

  • board_room
    HSJ Local

    Suspended CCG chief resigns after critical investigations


    Joy Youart resigns as managing director of Kernow CCG, having been suspended since February She was suspended while investigations took place into the “structure, running and finances” of the troubled CCG She will receive no additional pay “other than outstanding contractual payments” The suspended managing director of Kernow ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Big reveals and a welcome warning


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Compton chine isle of wight

    Exclusive: STP told its capital demand 'highly unlikely' to be met


    STP members told capital funds to transform services unlikely to be granted NHS England NHS Improvement regional directors tell leaders in Hampshire to be “significantly more conservative” The leaders of one sustainability and transformation plan have been told by NHS England and NHS Improvement it is “highly unlikely” ...

  • Jigsaw puzzle

    NHS England sets new rules for CCG mergers


    Clinical commissioning group mergers must create footprints that help deliver sustainability and transformation plans, and which are “future proofed” for the emergence of accountable care providers, under new NHS England guidance.

  • mental health parity

    Revealed: The CCGs cutting mental health budgets


    New data shows more than a fifth of commissioners are not raising mental health funding as much as directed by NHS leaders 46 of the 209 CCGs have failed to achieve the “parity of esteem” mental health budget increase Eight CCGs have cut planned mental health spending over the ...

  • Bank balance

    STP needs £755m of capital funding to succeed, says leaked document


    HSJ has obtained a version of Cheshire and Mersey STP submission to NHS England The document highlights strategic risks involved in the plans around a lack of contingency funding and management capacity £755m of capital funding required to deliver the plans More than £750m of capital funding is ...

  • Macclesfield district general hospital

    Leaked STP document reveals A&E downgrade plans


    HSJ has seen a version of the region’s STP submission to NHS England Range of projects aim to close a financial gap of around £900m by 2021. Submission refers to the downgrade of the emergency department at Macclesfield and a “major service review” at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust ...

  • Bedford hospital

    Midlands STP plans 'unified leadership' for three hospitals


    Bedford, Milton Keynes and Luton and Dunstable hospitals will have “unified leadership, management and operations” under a “joint governing vehicle” A&E configuration decision in next two months Accountable care system planned The STP for Luton, Bedford and Milton Keynes reveals plans for “unified leadership, management and operations across ...

  • Town hall sign

    Seven councils reject STP submissions


    Hammersmith and Fulham, and Ealing councils reject north west London STP Both local authorities say they oppose the downgrade of Charing Cross Hospital assumed in the plan Leaders of the five west Yorkshire councils say they have not been given proper scrutiny of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate plan ...

  • Stevens Simon

    NHS England sets out new tariff plans


    Devices and apps in six categories included in new effort to accelerate access to innovative treatments Products will be included in a new “innovation and technology tariff” from April NHS England says process will cut red tape and bring innovative products into the health system faster Move welcomed by ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Tough times in Southport


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • News

    Exclusive: New capital funding regime for STPs


    NHS England considers allowing local areas to keep cash from land sales National leaders examining how much investment STPs require Simon Stevens says some STPs are “directional rather than the final word” NHS organisations that sell surplus land may be able to retain the capital receipts generated to ...