All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 270

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: Simon Stevens hits back at 'NHS first' criticism


    NHS England chief executive hits back at criticism of the STP process STPs were never designed to answer national questions on social care funding, says Simon Stevens Mr Stevens tells Birmingham council chief that STPs are able decide for themselves what share of funding social care receives NHS ...

  • ultrasound

    New CCG ratings: 75 per cent failing on maternity care


    NHS England finds 74.2 per cent of CCGs not meeting maternity standards Sevenfold variation in the likelihood of neonatal death Almost 20 per cent variation found across England in how women perceived patient choice and maternity experience Almost 75 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    More than half of CCGs 'need to improve mental health services'


    More than half of CCGs judged as needing to improve local mental health services New NHS England framework ranked 127 of the 209 CCGs as “needs improvement” or “greatest need for improvement” Ratings published at same time as new mental health dashboard, which shows how commissioners are performing against ...

  • boardroom night

    New pay cap for interim managers revealed


    NHS trusts will have to obtain formal approval from NHS Improvement to employ interim managers on rates of more than £750 a day, under new rules set out by regulators.

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust guilty of serious service failure over child's death


    New report exposes systemic failings in care of four year old boy at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Sean Turner was denied the best possible chance of survival because of failings by doctors and nurses in 2012 Ombudsman report contradicts findings by earlier NHS England commissioned review A ...

  • Surgery

    Private providers get chance to bid for up to £15bn of NHS contracts


    New EU rules means up to £15bn of specialised services contracts have been advertised for the first time Contracts will be awarded to incumbent providers unless expressions of interest are received Tight timetable and service groupings may work against private sector bidders Private providers have been given the ...

  • GP_doctor
    HSJ Local

    Concerns raised over sustainability of GP social enterprise


    Internal report says GP provider’s relationship with CCG had “deteriorated to the point where mutual confidence is low and new business contracts become unlikely” Trajectory against an NHS England contract at the start of September would “lead to around a £434,000 deficit” Community interest company says situation has changed ...

  • Mark Rogers

    Top council chief criticises Stevens and Mackey for 'NHS first' bias


    Birmingham council chief and STP lead hits out at NHS England’s tendency to “sort the NHS out first” Mark Rogers complains about use of sustainability funds for acute deficits Calls for joined up national approach to STP and says engagement has been “flawed” Says better care fund “has not ...

  • Jane mordue

    Fear of public engagement is holding the NHS back


    With the first of the 44 local sustainability and transformation plans set to be published this week, Jane Mordue, interim chair of Healthwatch England, looks at the importance of involving patients and the public in the big decisions ahead

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Hospital pass for Theresa May


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • 3002153 busy hospital

    Survey finds few local leaders confident STPs will deliver


    Very few local NHS leaders believe STPs are likely to deliver the intended improvements to finance and performance in the next 18 months, an HSJ survey suggests.

  • Hildegard Dumper

    Exploring new ways of co-creating in healthcare


    The Design Together, Live Better project unlocked brilliant ideas to create devices for those with challenging health conditions

  • Cancer treatment

    NHS England to invest £130m in cancer treatment equipment


    The NHS is to invest £130m to upgrade or replace key equipment for treating cancer, and will announce new proposals to reorganise radiotherapy services across England this week.

  • map of london

    Second 'full' STP published as council hits out at process


    The second “full” sustainability and transformation plan has been published, by a London local authority which has criticised the STP process citing concerns over transparency and a lack of focus on adult social care.

  • 3009721 david williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Rethinking the care home


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View

  • David prior

    Government review reveals plan to speed NHS innovations uptake


    Four years can be cut off up to estimated 12 years it takes to get some innovative treatments to patients, says review Transformation will require investment, including in ‘new, strengthened’ AHSNs An ‘accelerated access partnership’ should bring together key national health bodies Recommendations also include call for new NHS ...

  • John Adler
    HSJ Local

    Chief executive accuses trusts of poaching patients


    University Hospitals Leicester chief executive says trusts in the South East are “offering to do clinics for nothing” Criticises consultants for referring “almost a quarter” of patients in catchment area to “providers in the South East” Calls on NHS England to establish referral pathways in line with its recommendations ...

  • primary care

    HEE misses GP training target despite record recruitment


    Health Education England has filled more GP training places than ever before but failed to reach its target for 2016.

  • Classroom

    Hunt vows to act on NHS's 'biggest area of weakness'


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt brands children’s mental health services the NHS’s “biggest area of weakness” Mr Hunt took on mental health portfolio after being reappointed as health secretary He tells HSJ there were “big problems” with CAMHS capacity and one solution is integrating more NHS services into schools ...

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Mental health trust apologises over killings linked to patients


    A mental health trust has apologised to families after a critical review of 10 killings found that it underestimated the risks posed by some of its patients.