All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 271

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Skilling up the dinner ladies


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: NHS England moves its tanks


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Nick Hulme

    STP to appoint new chair


    Suffolk STP footprint searching for chair days before submission deadline for plans Nick Hulme to remain as STP’s senior responsible officer Chair deemed necessary in light of Mr Hulme’s role as chief executive of two trusts in the patch The Suffolk and north east Essex sustainability and transformation ...

  • GP and patient

    Exclusive: HEE to receive £20m for GP training places


    Health Education England is to receive an additional £20m on top of its existing budget to help support the planned increase in the number of GPs in England

  • Woman looking at smartphone

    First digital health providers inspected by CQC


    CQC publishes first pilot inspections of digital GP providers Full primary care digital provider inspections to begin next April NHS is seeking to push significant number of GP contacts to digital channels Former Circle chief Ali Parsa’s new venture Babylon one of first to get green light The ...

  • Michael_Macdonnell

    Revealed: NHS England checklist for making STP details public


    STPs told to publish summaries of their plans NHS England says summaries must “articulate tangible benefits for patients” in “clear” language National and regional communications leads to assist with process NHS leaders have been told to publish summaries of their sustainability and transformation plans, but not before they ...

  • Pills

    Drugs to face new NHS affordability test


    NICE and NHS England consult on “budget impact test” for new treatments Test designed to mitigate impact of cost effective but highly expensive drugs on NHS England’s budget NICE also proposes cost effectiveness threshold for assessment of drugs for rare conditions The National Institute for Health and Care ...

  • manager 2

    Senior managers leave Capita team running troubled GP contract


    Two senior managers leave Capita’s troubled primary care support service Jill Matthews, former managing director for PCS, has now been “embedded” in Capita with other NHS England personnel NHS England has begun daily performance meetings with Capita over PCS service failures Medical records service problems expected to be resolved ...

  • Bev Humphrey

    Exclusive: Lack of mental health crisis beds a 'national scandal'


    Mental Health Network calls shortage of acute beds for crisis care a “national scandal” Report, shared exclusively with HSJ, claims ringfenced cash for mental health is not reaching frontline services MHN chair Bev Humphrey says crisis care is at “tipping point” and should be prominent in STPs Mental ...

  • Nurse

    Trusts named to test new nursing associate role


    Health Education England has named the trusts to lead work piloting the new nursing associate role, and confirmed double the number of people will be trained for the new position than originally planned.

  • Screen shot 2016 10 10 at 14.06.29
    HSJ Knowledge

    New HSJ channel showcases work of STP pioneers


    Our series of articles and videos about sustainability and transformation plans kicks off with a video of talk at NHS Expo

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Getting twitchy at Q2


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Daniel reynolds new one

    Moving beyond consultation to genuine public engagement is key to STPs


    Old school methods of consultation won’t cut it if the changes brought in by sustainability and transformation plans are to succeed

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Success regime region faces major services shake-up


    One of the success regimes to turnaround troubled health economies has proposed a major overhaul in the way healthcare is delivered across its patch, including significant changes to emergency, community and maternity services.

  • European flag

    Hunt warned over rhetoric on foreign doctors


    NHS Improvement chair Ed Smith intervenes in Brexit debate He warns overseas staff must not be left feeling “demoralised and diminished” Letter follows Jeremy Hunt’s announcement to make NHS “self-sufficient” in doctors Patient safety could be put at risk if overseas staff are left feeling “demoralised and diminished” ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Mad fer mergers


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • primary care

    NHS England delays draft new care model contract


    NHS England has confirmed there will be a delay in the publication of the multispecialty community provider draft contract, despite leading vanguard sites progressing with procurement for their MCP providers.

  • Injection

    GPs not returning to work due to 'huge' insurance costs, charities warn


    Returning GPs use commercial insurers at “huge cost” following rejection from major mutual insurers NHS England asked to “streamline” retraining process as “excessive” delays cause “financial hardship” for returning GPs Induction and refresher scheme “too slow and bureaucratic ” says RCGP “Excessive” delays in retraining and “huge” indemnity ...