All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 275

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services

    Exclusive: Trusts' finances on track but 'nasty surprise' predicted


    More than three-quarters of acute trusts are currently forecasting to meet their financial target Acute sector forecast to be only £75m worse than control totals at end of 2016-17 Warnings that financial incentives will lead to “nasty surprise” later in the year Most hospital trusts are currently forecasting ...

  • News

    Direct vanguard funding will end in 2017-18


    NHS Improvement document says after 2017-18, STPs will take the place of the vanguard programme Central new care models team will carry on beyond next year Vanguard sites will not have transformation funding allocated directly to them from NHS England after next year, it has been confirmed.

  • Rob findlay cutout 3x2

    England remains solidly in breach of 18 weeks as new incentives loom


    Longer-waiting services should have improved in June, as trusts approach the start of their “reset” trajectories in July. But instead those longer waits got worse.

  • Heart

    Questions raised over NHS England's use of heart surgery research


    Author cited by NHS England has “no idea” where 125 operations per year figure came from How many operations a surgeon should do ”depends on the type of surgery”, academic says RCS backs NHS England recommendation NHS England’s congenital heart disease review acknowledged the 125 figure is “arbitrary” ...

  • Cardiac surgery

    NHS England 'failed to follow due process' for heart surgery shake-up


    Leicester and the Royal Brompton trusts dispute reconfiguration process Trusts say recommendations from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel have been ignored Specialised commissioning director Jonathan Fielden defends NHS England’s approach Senior staff at the two congenital heart units threatened with closure by NHS England say the national body has ...

  • Head xrays

    Mental health sector to move away from block contracts


    Mental health commissioners and providers told to move away from block contracts NHS Improvement and NHS England say contracts should be capitated or episodic New contracts should have a proportion of payments linked to outcomes and new waiting time targets Mental health commissioners and providers have been told ...

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Keeping GPs onside


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by integration reporter David Williams.

  • David Bradley
    HSJ Local

    Rehabilitation at heart of new London mental health care model


    South London Partnership outlines key plans for low and medium secure adult mental health pilot Plans include improving step-down, rehabilitation and community services, and integration with housing and welfare providers One of six sites to be chosen to receive devolved commissioning budgets to develop new mental health care models ...

  • Clifford Mann

    Royal college president given NHS England role as clinical leads unveiled


    Outgoing president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine appointed clinical lead for accident and emergency improvement plan NHS England announces chairs of its reconfigured clinical reference groups Decision to cut number of groups from 71 to 42 earlier this year drew criticism from patient groups NHS England ...

  • Nurses

    Nursing shortage could continue beyond 2020


    Forecast demand by trusts for adult nurses is not aligned to the Five Year Forward View Unless demand forecasts reduce the nursing shortage will continue beyond 2020 HEE’s pledge to meet future demand for nurses depends on activity falling in line with forward view Trusts had forecast an additional ...

  • Michael white 3x2

    PrEP: why our NHS should carry the cost


    Tabloid pandering over drug’s cost is contrived

  • Calculator

    Trusts must double efficiency savings to avoid 'crude rationing', report warns


    New financial controls require 4 per cent efficiency savings from NHS providers, says Nuffield Trust report Savings of 2 per cent widely deemed to be realistic target for the sector, as outlined in Carter review Think tank warns of “crude rationing” to achieve savings required by 2020 NHS ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: The cost of Kernow


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Jim McManus

    PrEP row shows we can't let the NHS be picky about prevention


    Jim McManus argues the NHS is ‘moralising’ about HIV when it should be working with local authorities on system-wide prevention

  • Jo churchill

    Innovative managers can get the NHS back on a sustainable footing


    The NHS has the chance to both put its finances on a sustainable footing and continue to offer innovative treatments – and it’s all in the power of managers, argues Conservative MP Jo Churchill

  • Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    NHS England rows back on £396k deal for CCG interim director


    Kernow CCG will be forced to revisit contract for interim turnaround director The group had been approved to spend £396,000 recruiting a new interim turnaround director during the current financial year NHS England has now said the appointment “will not continue at that rate”, as this would not comply ...

  • Surgical tools

    Marginal rate for specialised services shelved again


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have again shelved the introduction of a marginal rate Regulators twice previously aimed to introduce the measure New proposals include increases to top-up payments for specialised services, including for cardiac, respiratory and cancer services Regulators have again shelved plans for a marginal rate ...

  • Eye reaction test

    NHS England 'not holding Capita to account' for support contract failings


    Problems with primary care support service provided by Capita “regularly played down”, optometrists and opticians body claims NHS England not “doing all they should” to hold company to account, letter says Staffing capacity for primary care support services “not what it should be” Problems with primary care support ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses HIV drug judicial review


    NHS England has lost a judicial review about whether it has the power to commission a preventative HIV drug.

  • Batten tracey nhs finances in troubled times june 2016065
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: How much money is enough?


    What are the biggest challenges in making the funding settlement work? This was the question tackled by our expert panel in a recent roundtable debate. Report by Alison Moore