All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 280

  • Ipad

    NHS England recruiting for new senior digital role


    National commissioner recruiting for a new “director of digital experience” Move is latest step of a substantial restructure of NHS England’s senior technology team following departure of Tim Kelsey The director will report to a new chief information and technology officer NHS England are recruiting for a new ...

  • Nutrition
    HSJ Knowledge

    Patient nutrition: Hungry for change


    No one doubts the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and tackling long term conditions but its low priority in the NHS means access is patchy at best. Claire Read asks why this is and what can be done to raise its profile

  • Claire Murdoch

    NHS England directors warn STPs neglecting mental health could be rejected


    Two of NHS England’s national directors have insisted sustainability and transformation plans should be rejected if they cannot show how they would improve mental health services.

  • Birmingham
    Expert Briefing

    HSJ Catch Up: CCG merger on the cards, and a staffing guidance row


    Your essential update on the week in health

  • Houses of Parliament

    Government planning major intervention in NHS finances


    Stevens says there will be an announcement in July on a “re set” of NHS funding Final, compulsory, control totals will also be published next month NHS England chief executive warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” The ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Give any extra funding to social care over NHS


    There is “strong argument” to prioritise funding for social care rather than NHS, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” There will be an announcement in July on “re-set” of NHS funding ...

  • Mobile app

    NHS England promises new technology tariff


    NHS England plans to introduce a new “information and technology” tariff to encourage the take up of new devices and technology by providers.

  • Liz Mear

    AHSNs have future beyond 2018, says network chair


    Academic health science networks have NHS England’s support to continue after their five year licences expire in March 2018, a senior figure has told HSJ.

  • Barking
    HSJ Local

    NHS England steps in at London CCG over elective performance


    HSJ understands directions to be placed on Havering CCG by NHS England NHS England wants to see improvement in the elective waiting times across the three outer London boroughs Move follows CCGs backing down in face of challenge from private provider PERFORMANCE: A London clinical commissioning group is ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    High court judge intervenes in NHS England drug decision


    A High Court judge has criticised NHS England for refusing to fund a drug for a teenager with an exceptional illness and suggested it should also make the drug more widely available.

  • Technology optimal

    Search for new NHS England tech chief extended


    NHS England fails to secure appointment to new role after first round of interviews Four candidates interviewed for chief information and technology officer but no appointment made The CTIO will report to Matthew Swindells and not be on the board NHS England has extended its search for a ...

  • Kathy mc lean

    Seven-day services for emergency care can increase efficiency


    How seven-day emergency care services can reap benefits in the long run.

  • Ultrasound

    Exclusive: Babies 'dying unnecessarily' due to flawed funding system


    Flawed system for funding fetal medicine leading to “morbidity and mortality” among women and babies, doctors warn London units have identified multiple cases of “avoidable harm” because of change in referral patterns Specialist units losing money as less than 10 per cent of bills for referrals being paid ...

  • Busy hospital

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement accused of 'dismantling' NICE safe staffing work


    NHS Improvement to revisit NICE safe staffing work on acute and maternity wards Chief nursing officer had said NICE guidance would not be re-examined by NHS Critics say move will confuse providers and risks undermining evidence based work NHSI has eight “safe and sustainable staffing” committees NHS Improvement ...

  • Da Vinci robot
    HSJ Local

    Temporary solution in Lancashire hospitals' robot wars


    NHS England agrees to commission robotic surgery from East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Commissioners say equipment purchased by the trust could be moved elsewhere as part of an ongoing review Trust says urology robot has improved services for patients across the county ACUTE CARE: NHS England has agreed to ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Dorrell warns health and care service will need more cash


    Former health secretary says current funding formula for the health and social care does not work NHS Confederation chair says discussion over “quantum and structure” of funding will be needed “over coming months” Stephen Dorrell also reveals confederation is talking to Local Government Association about “deeper relationship” The ...

  • Stephen Dorrell

    Exclusive: 'Blackmail' over control totals could undermine STPs, leaders warn


    Stephen Dalton and Stephen Dorrell say national leaders risk derailing STPs by trying to “blackmail” local NHS bodies Control totals criticised as “old money” strategy NHS Confederation leaders say STPs are a “cornerstone” of NHS planning and delivery process National leaders risk derailing the sustainability and transformation planning ...

  • inside head illustration

    Taking mental health a step beyond primary care


    A new mental health service delivers integrated care to complex patients who have not historically been well served

  • Rob Findlay

    It is unlikely the 18 week target will ever be achieved again


    The English waiting list grew more rapidly than expected in April, and it looks like we have passed a crucial milestone.

  • Robert Wachter

    Major NHS digital review delayed


    Publication of Robert Wachter’s review pushed back due to scheduling issues Digital health expert to emphasis need to shake up chief clinical information officer role in speech next week Publication of a flagship review of the NHS’s digital capabilities due this month has been delayed, HSJ has learned.