All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 282

  • Anita charlesworth 3x2

    The firebreak is not enough and the plan is unravelling at frightening speed


    All parts of the NHS must work together if the cataclysmic financial storm is to be survived

  • Wheelchair

    NHS England to roll out personal health budgets


    NHS England begins national rollout of integrated personal commissioning budgets Seven “pioneer” areas of maternity personal health budgets chosen Wheelchair vouchers to be replaced by personal wheelchair budgets NHS England is to begin rolling out integrated personal commissioning budgets nationwide, with the hope it will become the main ...

  • Calculator

    Stevens warns trusts must make more savings this year


    Some trusts were “mistaken” in believing they could choose their own level of deficit for 2016-17, Stevens says He warns that some trusts have still not agreed control totals and are forecasting “pretty big” deficits Warns that some trusts with large deficits in 2015-16 will need to “make more ...

  • Medicines

    Stevens: NICE process makes it 'harder' to strike deals with pharma


    Simon Stevens says NICE authorisation can make it “harder” to run a procurement for new drugs, because “implied price” set during appraisal NHS England chief executive says PPRS, NICE appraisals and NHS England commissioning need “aligning” Mr Stevens says inclusion of “affordability” in NICE process “a debate I expect ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    Stevens will back ‘honest’ leaders to deliver the forward view


    Simon Stevens is impatient to get on with realising the forward view. He will identify those leaders he can trust to help him deliver, and back them in the face of what may be fierce local opposition

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: Stevens floats 'combined authorities' for the NHS


    NHS England chief backs “pooling of sovereignty” to implement STPs “Combined authority” would bring together commissioners and providers National leaders will “call decisions” on service change and overcome “veto power” The health service could create a form of “combined authorities” bringing together multiple commissioners and providers in order ...

  • Royal Preston hospital

    'Safe harbour' promise for NHS leaders planning controversial changes


    Simon Stevens promises “safe harbour” for NHS leaders making controversial changes as part of STPs He says “support and shelter” needed to prevent “lots of leadership churn” as plans are implemented Cites Lancashire’s A&E downgrade as “a responsible set of actions under difficult circumstances” NHS leaders planning to ...

  • Sarah Woolnough

    Running to stand still - the steady decline in cancer waiting time performance


    Implementing strategies on cancer services for better outcomes and experience for patients

  • Data protection

    Up to 1.5m opt out of, new data suggests


    HSCIC publishes fresh data on people opting out of Data reveals wide variety in opt out rates across country Campaigners say it is further evidence of botched rollout Up to 1.5 million people have registered to opt out of the controversial programme, requesting their records ...

  • Court
    HSJ Local

    Trust to review patient homicides following manslaughter case


    LEGAL: An independent review will examine the cases of patients at Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust who went on to kill after a patient was found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

  • F37 ww8
    HSJ Knowledge

    The continence challenge may finally be met


    Continence services have been neglected but NHS England guidance has raised hopes that action time has arrived

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Problems at Southern Health 'not a one off'


    NHS England’s national clinical director for learning disability says problems identified at Southern Health not confined to one provider Dominic Slowie says failure to properly investigate and learn from the deaths of people with learning disabilities reflect “societal attitude” NHS England has launched the world’s first national review of ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Two steps forward


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Waiting room
    HSJ Local

    NHS England to close 'poor value for money' GP practice


    PRIMARY CARE: NHS England has said it is “difficult to justify the continued existence” of a GP practice in south London as its patient list too small to be financially viable.

  • samantha jones

    New care model vanguards: Getting serious about prevention


    Prevention is crucial for the success of new care model vanguards

  • Trolley
    HSJ Local

    Trust reports dozens of 12 hour trolley waits in single month


    Official data for March shows there were 137 “trolley waits” of at least 12 hours at Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust Trust says a new internal system had skewed the numbers, so the true number of 12 hour breaches was around 70 – still the highest in England There have ...

  • Pills

    'Transformational' drugs to get fast tracked to NHS


    Accelerated access review will recommend small number of “transformational” drugs and devices fast tracked into NHS each year Richard Barker says arrival of new products needed to be “wired into the NHS budgeting process” Simon Stevens says pharmaceutical price regulation scheme, NICE appraisals and NHS England commissioning not “interacting ...

  • Computers

    NHS warned it is not taking hacking threat seriously enough


    There is a lack of understanding about cyber security at board level, Kingsley Manning warns Cyber attacks are “a fundamental threat to the operations of hospitals” System overall is “well ahead of the game” NHS organisations are not taking the threat of cyber attacks seriously enough, the Health ...

  • Kingsley Manning

    Exclusive: Departing boss blames leadership for tech woes


    Outgoing information centre chair reveals frustrations Criticises the impact of Tim Kelsey, former NHS England tech leader New NHS England technology officer will add to “multi-headed hydra” of decision makers Says HSCIC has been transformed from “weak link to a fundamental asset” Muddled leadership, competing agendas and a ...

  • Theatre pressures

    Elective waiting list reaches nine year high


    NHS England admits elective waiting list could be as high 3.7m people Service appears to have breached 92 per cent waiting time target for 2015-16 March saw highest number of patients waiting more than a year since December 2012 The number of patients waiting for an elective procedure ...