All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 287

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What’s New in Care Models: Competitive tendering at the crossroads


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by our senior correspondent on integration David Williams.

  • Whistle

    New rules planned to prevent 'blacklisting' of NHS whistleblowers


    New regulations will be created after powers granted to the health secretary in 2015 following the Freedom to Speak Up Review Sir Robert Francis QC said his review heard evidence from whistleblowers suggesting some were being blacklisted by NHS organisations Regulations covering all NHS trusts and national bodies will ...

  • board table
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG placed in NHS England 'directions'


    Shropshire CCG placed in NHS England “directions” David Evans, accountable officer of Telford and Wrekin CCG, to lead both groups CCGs will remain separate but Mr Evans authorised to develop “joint management team” for both organisations Shropshire CCG forecast £10.9m deficit and has been in special measures since December ...

  • Chris Harisson

    NHS England names 18 new national clinical directors


    Eighteen national clinical directors and seven “associate” directors under new NHS England structure Chris Harrison is NCD for cancer and Tim Kendall is mental health NCD NHS England said it was reforming previous structure of 23 NCDs to improve clinical advice and “slim down” organisation NHS England has ...

  • Insulin injection

    'Ofsted style' CCG ratings framework unveiled


    New “improvement and assessment framework” for CCGs announced CCGs’ performance in six clinical priority areas to be assessed by independent panels Commissioning leaders welcome closer working with NHS England area teams but raise fears about ratings being “simplistic” NHS England has unveiled details of the new “Ofsted style” ...

  • Surgery

    Regulators unlikely to support 'block contracts' for elective care


    NHS organisations that want to switch their payment system away from tariff based contracts for elective care are unlikely to be supported by regulators, HSJ has learned.

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour

    Trust's poor culture and defensive attitude criticised after baby death


    Independent report heavily criticises culture and defensiveness at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals Trust Kate Stanton-Davies died in March 2009 after failings at Ludlow midwifery led unit The trust to hold an extraordinary board meeting to discuss the report’s findings A hospital trust’s poor safety culture and defensive attitude ...

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: The sins of our fathers


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Pills

    NHS England rollout of ground-breaking drugs 'changes role of NICE'


    NHS England to roll out new treatments to 10,000 patients in 2016-17 through “operational delivery networks” Hepatitis C groups claim capping treatments is “rationing” and changes the role of NICE Concerns raised that NHS England approach will increase health inequality and long term costs NHS England’s plans for ...

  • Contract signing

    NHS England told: urgently review all major contracts


    NHS England review of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough contract failure is published Report calls for further reviews of CCG’s advisers VAT liabilities contributed to a £14m gap Contract should never have gone live in April 2015, review says NHS England should review all current and planned major service contracts ...

  • Hand with pills

    NHS England refuses to fund local authority HIV drugs


    Letter circulated in Yorkshire and the Humber says NHS England will no longer pay for HIV drugs provided by local authority commissioned services Association of Directors of Public Health says move is not in interests of those at risk of HIV Local government has accused NHS England of “shunting” ...

  • Boris Johnson

    Revealed: Johnson planning independence for the NHS


    The NHS would be given independence from direct political control and Simon Stevens would be named its first “governor general” under a government led by Boris Johnson, HSJ has learned.

  • Jon Rouse

    Department of Health official to be devo Manc chief officer


    Jon Rouse will take over from Ian Williamson Mr Rouse will step down as director general for social care, local government and care partnerships at the Department of Health NHS England said his “extensive experience” will help deliver the region’s “ambitious goals” The senior official for social care ...

  • pills

    Medicines management 'rationalised' to cut pharma influence


    NHS England plan to create four regional medicines management committees to ‘rationalise’ evaluation and industry’s influence on buying decisions Agency promises more robust measures to force CCGs to disclose gifts and hospitality given to all their staff NHS England is to create four regional committees to “rationalise” medicines ...

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    CCGs ordered to appoint 'conflicts of interest guardian'


    CCGs required to appoint ‘conflicts of interest’ guardian under sweeping changes to guidance proposed by NHS England Proposals for the use of tougher legal sanctions on both providers and commissioners failing to manage conflicts of interest Clinical commissioning groups will be required to nominate a “conflicts of interest ...

  • waiting_room_time.jpg

    'Nearly all' CCGs to take on primary care commissioning by 2018


    NHS England director says he expects nearly all CCGs to take on delegated primary care commissioning by 2017-18 Board meeting expected to approve delegated commissioning responsibilities to an additional 51 CCGs on Thursday NHS England has said that it expects “nearly all” clinical commissioning groups to have taken ...

  • top chief executives leader

    Revealed: The leaders chosen for 41 of England's STPs


    NHS England confirms the leaders for 41 of 44 “sustainability and transformation plan” footprints List includes 18 provider chief executives, 18 CCG leaders and three from local authorities Three areas yet to confirm their STP lead NHS England has confirmed the individuals who will lead five year transformation ...

  • Chris Ham

    Government urged to create ‘level playing field’ for mutuals


    Government must “level the playing field” for mutuals that wish to provide acute services, says DH sponsored review Seven hospital trusts that piloted increased staff ownership found barriers to mutualisation including VAT and corporation tax liabilities Estimated productivity savings dwarfed by £20m VAT payments The government should “level ...

  • Manchester Tram
    HSJ Local

    A&E failure may trigger national intervention in Manchester devolution


    NHS England could intervene in devolution if performance on the headline A&E target drops Several Greater Manchester trusts among worst in England for A&E performance CCGs will not have to maintain a 1 per cent surplus individually Initial arrangements described as “synthetic” devolution PERFORMANCE: A number of performance ...

  • Cumbria lake windermere

    Success regime plans to 'cement' links between trusts


    North Cumbria proposals include a formal management link between trusts and Newcastle FT to run some clinical services Other ideas include: a new academic centre for rural health and care to attract clinical staff A “clinical task force” to address urgent staffing gaps and develop new care models “Helimedicine” ...