All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 290

  • Planet earth 3 x 2

    People power is the key to saving the planet


    Top-down leadership plus harnessed emotional intelligence can create great change on sustainability

  • Drugs

    Pharma firms to cover overspends on new cancer drugs fund


    Cancer drugs fund will be a “managed access” fund from July Under new scheme money due for drugs will be set aside and retained by NHS England if CDF budget is overspent Pharmaceutical firms and cancer charity criticise changes NHS England has confirmed that its new Cancer Drugs ...

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England finds £156m to help boost DH bottom line


    NHS England sets aside £156m of reserves and underspends to help boost DH bottom line This has driven an increase in its forecast underspend to £295m Prime minister’s access fund and primary care transformation fund are among programmes expected to underspend Move part of concerted national effort to prevent ...

  • Woman GP with child

    'Tens of millions' needed to develop GP leaders


    “Tens of millions” of pounds needs to be invested in leadership development for GPs at the helm of large scale provider groups, a senior NHS England official has said.

  • Jennifer_Dixon

    Exclusive: NHS needs national centre for quality improvement, says report


    Report co-authored by Don Berwick calls for national centre of quality improvement expertise Criticises reliance on inspection for improvement as “too costly, too weak and inimical to dynamic change” Chris Ham warns that freedom of NHS organisations is being “reduced” as national bodies tighten “grip” A “national centre ...

  • Mother and baby

    Women should control maternity care budgets, review says


    National Maternity Review calls for personalised maternity budgets by 2020 Recommendations aim to improve choice and increase community births Review says a significant increase in midwifery workforce is not required Women should be given their own budgets to spend on their maternity care, a national review has said, ...

  • maternity newborn baby child

    The National Maternity Review’s 14 key recommendations


    The National Maternity Review commissioned by NHS England was published on Tuesday. Here are its key recommendations:

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour

    Exclusive: Baby death investigation uncovers systemic failings at trust


    New investigation exposes how vital documents never existed and policies were out of date Midwives routinely ignored policies and guidelines as part of the “culture” in midwifery led unit Trust to review historical incidents and deaths to ensure no wider problems A midwife who retrospectively altered the clinical ...

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    CCGs confident in joint planning process despite major barriers


    Two thirds of CCG leaders responding to survey confident in agreeing joint sustainability and transformation plans However, they identify many national and locals barriers to agreeing STPs Nearly two thirds of clinical commissioning leaders are confident their health system can agree a strong sustainability and transformation plan, according ...

  • Manchester
    HSJ Local

    Manchester GPs could start ‘shadow’ voluntary contracts from April


    GPs could begin adopting shadow MCP type contracts in April Discussions around shadow contracts at advanced stage, HSJ understands GP federation chair says their work is influencing national contract discussions STUCTURE: Primary care providers across Greater Manchester could start operating population based contracts in shadow form from as ...

  • Waiting room

    NHS England stands by decision to approve CCG for co-commissioning


    NHS England London defends process that saw Barnet CCG given more primary care commissioning powers CCG was authorised to do this, along with others in north London, a month after Verita report into conflicts of interest was completed NHS England says it “monitor issues like this closely” to ensure ...

  • Contract

    One per cent pay uplift in new GP contract


    GPs get 1 per cent pay rise as part of 2016-17 national contract Additional £220m of funding included in the agreement Practices will have to record data on availability of evening and weekend ‘routine’ appointments A deal announced today on the 2016-17 national GP contract includes a 1 ...

  • Scales

    CCGs 'unprepared' for specialised surgery handover


    Clinicians raise concerns with Jeremy Hunt after survey finds two thirds of CCGs have taken no action to prepare for transfer of obesity surgery commissioning Only 12 per cent of CCGs aware of post-surgery “follow up protocols”. Lack of follow up can be fatal Transfer delayed for a second ...

  • London streets

    Conflict of interest confusion 'common' among CCGs


    Confusion in clinical commissioning groups about how involved GPs should be in designing services is “a common issue” nationwide, senior NHS England figures told investigators.

  • Deficit calculator

    ‘Grave concerns’ over CCG’s finances following £800m contract failure


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG’s forecast for 2015-16 plummets from £4m surplus to £11m deficit Change follows collapse of £800m older people’s services contract CCG’s chief strategy officer has been seconded to Essex success regime role NHS England has raised “grave concerns” and demanded action on the financial position ...

  • Clare Panniker

    Three trusts could set up 'single leadership' team


    System leaders looking into the potential for three Essex trusts to establish “single leadership” team to run “group model” Back office and clinical support functions could be shared to cut costs The trusts are part of the Essex success regime Plans for three Essex trusts with combined revenues ...

  • Red pencil marking ticks in boxes

    Transformation plans central to 'Ofsted style' CCG scores


    Assessment and improvement framework seeks to implement Jeremy Hunt’s CCG ratings plan 54 assessment indicators proposed by NHS England Framework “supplies metrics for adoption” in sustainability and transformation plans, which will “provide vision and local actions” for framework HSJ survey found majority of CCG leaders do not believe framework ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Exclusive: Advisers on Hunt's CCG ratings may seek delay


    Experts advising on new CCG ratings may seek a delay Jeremy Hunt has been seeking a new CCG indicator and scorecard system since 2014 Clinical area experts also concerned about using regulator style labels for ratings Experts appointed to oversee new “Ofsted style” ratings for clinical commissioning groups ...

  • Shining person

    Health systems must pick single leader for transformation plans


    Health systems have been told to nominate a single leader to oversee their sustainibility and transformation planning this year.

  • Coins

    Exclusive: Private sector gets boost from mental health commissioning freeze


    NHS England’s moratorium on commissioning new specialised services capacity helped drive demand and increase revenue, says new research LaingBuisson report says moving away from block contracts could open up the mental health sector to more outsourcing It expects NHS disinvestment to continue in line with reduced spending and cost ...