All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 292

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens 'more powerful than any cabinet minister'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens is the fourth most powerful person in the country, HSJ editor Alastair McLellan told the BBC’s Week in Westminster last week.

  • Waiting room

    Fears GP funding will be diverted after guidance delay


    Delay in release of detailed guidance for CCGs to apply for primary premises fund BMA leader calls for clarification money will not be spent elsewhere or ’double-badged’ NHS England could delay February deadline for funding applications The deadline for bids for £750m of GP premises funding could be ...

  • Crispin Dowler

    Moves to rescue the DH's bottom line look increasingly desperate


    As the NHS approaches the end of one of the toughest years in its history, the Deparment of Health is going to desperate measures not to bust its budget, writes Crispin Dowler

  • Axe

    HSCIC faces 30 per cent grant cut


    30 per cent cut to HSCIC grant based on spending review assumptions, finance chief says Cut yet to be confirmed by Department of Health Spending review showed non-ringfenced NHS bodies faced big cuts The Health and Social Care Information Centre has estimated it faces a 30 per cent ...

  • Bristol
    HSJ Local

    CCG to change constitution to prevent ‘legal challenge’


    Bristol CCG constitution currently says it will bar companies from procurements if they are based offshore or engage in “improper tax avoidance” Solicitors tell CCG that if a company’s arrangements are lawful, excluding them on this basis would be “contrary to procurement law” Commissioners to seek public feedback on ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens to launch NHS innovation push at Davos


    Seven projects awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status NHS England chief executive hails “major new drive to modernise how NHS delivers care” Programme aims to combine different innovative healthcare interventions to increase their impact Seven projects have been awarded “NHS innovation test bed” status under a flagship programme ...

  • Busy hospital

    NICE leak reaction: Trusts should use guidance says college president


    Royal College of Emergency Medicine president says scale of A&E understaffing could be 50 per cent Dr Cliff Mann says trusts should use leaked NICE guideline to conduct gap analysis on nurse staffing levels CQC expects providers to use “any tool they deem appropriate” to ensure safe care ...

  • Birmingham
    HSJ Local

    GP ‘super partnership’ plots further expansion


    “Half a dozen” GP practices could join Our Health Partnership by April, says director OHP already includes 150 partners across 35 practices Plan to form MCP likely to involve other scaled up GP groups in the region STRUCTURE: The leader of the NHS’s largest GP “super partnership” has ...

  • social care one use

    Quarter of CCGs’ BCF contributions to shrink


    Nearly a quarter of clinical commissioning groups will be allowed to contribute less to the better care fund next year than the minimum requirement in 2015-16, NHS England has confirmed.

  • Robert Francis

    Safe staffing leak: How we got here


    HSJ has today published the final safe nurse staffing guidance for accident and emergency departments produced by NICE. We have covered this important story since the beginning. Here we recap the main events to get you up to speed.

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: NICE experts called for minimum staff ratios in leaked guidance


    Guidelines for A&E safe staffing, leaked to HSJ, recommended minimum nurse/patient ratios Documents suggest lower nursing numbers linked to poor patient outcomes Ratio recommendations were made despite government resistance Read the guidance Suppressed NICE safe staffing guidance for hospital emergency departments called for the NHS to implement minimum ...

  • Shaun_Lintern

    Expert view: Leaked safe staffing guideline demands action from the NHS


    HSJ’s patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern argues that NICE’s leaked accident and emergency recommendations mean providers must take action.

  • Breast cancer radiology
    HSJ Local

    Acute care vanguard awarded nearly £1m transformation funding


    East Midlands vanguard project awarded £960,000 from NHS England Consortium of seven trusts shares radiology patient images Money needs to be spent by end of 2015-16 FINANCE: A consortium of seven East Midlands acute trusts has been awarded £960,000 to support its work as a vanguard site developing ...

  • Agency nurse3

    NICE releases safe staffing evidence reviews to HSJ


    NICE non-executive directors conclude publishing evidence reviews is in the public interest Sir Andrew Dillon had argued publishing the reviews could disrupt the management of the NHS Guidelines for A&E nurse staffing have not been published The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has today released to ...

  • Snowy UK street

    ‘Good Christmas’ for NHS hospitals but some trusts still struggle


    141 reports of “serious operational problems” over Christmas, compared to 336 in previous year A&E diverts also down compared to 2014-15 period Yeovil District Hospital, County Durham and Darlington, and Dartford and Gravesham Trust among strugglers Reports of “serious operational problems” at acute hospitals more than halved over ...

  • GP and child patient

    BMA leader sounds alarm over PM's new GP contract


    BMA GP leader raises concern about the potential for the planned new voluntary GP contract being time limited HSJ understands officials are still working to allay fears, including guaranteeing a right of return to previous contracts Other issues under discussion include indemnity costs, income from the contracts and range ...

  • Rob Findlay

    England still (probably) breaching 18 weeks


    The 18 week target was narrowly breached again in November

  • Ipad

    NHS England advertises for Kelsey replacement


    NHS England begins search for first chief information and technology officer Job advert says role will be a “visible and influential leadership position” Candidate will oversee “strategic procurement and successful implementation” of IT priorities NHS England has launched the recruitment process for its first chief information and technology ...

  • Shaun Lintern

    Doctors’ strike: Breakdown in trust could take years to repair


    HSJ workforce correspondent Shaun Lintern takes stock after the first day of the junior doctors’ strike