All NHS England (Commissioning Board) articles – Page 404

  • The true scale of the task which will be picked up by GPs, local authorities, the national commissioning board and other agencies following the abolition of primary care trusts is being significantly underestimated.

    Warning over scale of task of replacing PCTs


    The true scale of the task which will be picked up by GPs, local authorities, the national commissioning board and other agencies following the abolition of primary care trusts is being significantly underestimated.

  • With GP consortia on course to take over commissioning, a report seen by HSJ shows PCTs have been preparing the ground well by getting to grips with the fundamentals of local priority setting. Dave West explains

    PCTs make a good shot at prioritisation


    With GP consortia on course to take over commissioning, a report seen by HSJ shows PCTs have been preparing the ground well by getting to grips with the fundamentals of local priority setting. Dave West explains

  • Noel Plumridge

    Noel Plumridge on axes and accountability


    A useful little word the French have borrowed from English in recent times is un tilt. Derived from pinball, a primitive pre-Super Mario form of entertainment now virtually extinct, it denotes in French a sudden, unforeseen and complete disruption of previous plans. Game over.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning challenges


    The coalition government is in a bit of a hole.